

244 ratings
Full Armor - Hands and Feet
Mod, 1.3, 1.4
File Size
49.776 KB
Sep 8, 2021 @ 5:15pm
Dec 12, 2022 @ 12:54pm
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Full Armor - Hands and Feet

In 1 collection by SteveZero
Vanilla Rimworld 2.0 - Core [1.3]
62 items
Tired of pawns easily losing hands, feet, fingers, and toes without you being able to do anything about it? Don't like modded-in gloves and boots?

Well, look no further, bringing to you the latest from XML wizardry technologies incorporated, I present to you... *no drum roll*

the hands-and-feet universal armor patcher 3000!


ahem... In case you're wondering...
How does it work?
The mod tries to determine if any item is armor by checking for the keyword armor in the item definition, label, description, ...etc. Then it checks if that covers the arms, if it does, then it extends coverage to the hands. Likewise, for armor that covers legs, it extends coverage to the feet.

So what will the armor rating be?
Whatever the original armor's armor rating is.

Does it work with <insert mod name>?
This mod should have broad compatibility. What it does, it does it in a very non-intrusive way. It won't even conflict with mods that already add hands/feet coverage. I've so far tested with vanilla and vanilla expanded series armor, it all works flawlessly.

Can I add/remove to/from an existing save?

Does it work on regular apparel like dusters and parka?
No, just armor that is defined as armor in-game.

Load Order?
Anywhere after Core is fine. Testing shows that it doesn't matter, but I would put after armor mods just to be on the safe side.

This mod only contains XML - which you can just get directly from the workshop mod folder. However, to facilitate referencing and accessibility, I've also uploaded it to Github[github.com], where you can also find the source files for some of my other mods. cheers.
SLABBY Apr 19 @ 1:07pm 
Tested in 1.5 - looks like it works fine, even though it's not officially compatible.
Graf Apr 14 @ 11:34pm 
Hello, I've integrated your universal patch into my mod (with attribution to the original source, of course). I hope you don't mind.
thorman123456789 Apr 12 @ 6:32pm 
StR876 Mar 17 @ 12:49pm 
hey are you going to do 1.5 updeate?
Lumber Jackson Feb 2 @ 9:53am 
Anyone have the issue where this mod doesn't add protection of hands and feet to vanilla recon armor?
Alankao Sep 28, 2023 @ 5:30pm 
I found out that theres a compatibility issue with VE apparel shoes and gloves because it technically takes up those slots but other than that this mod is amazing
Setimu Jul 14, 2023 @ 7:51pm 
Thank you for this. I am no modder, but using your mod I was able to tweak it and make clothing also cover hands and feet. SHOES and GLOVES shouldn't be such a novel thing on the rim. Anyway, I appreciate you making this possible.
StarlightSovereign Apr 25, 2023 @ 9:23pm 
@hottt3 There's a kinda shitty missing element to vanilla armors. They don't cover hands and feet. So you can have a pawn covered head to toe (figuratively) in the best armor in the game, and they'll get their hands and feet shot off in a snap because the game doesn't count the armor for them.

This fixes that.

That's all you really need to know. Good mod. :starite:
theultimatepumpkinpie Feb 2, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
@hottt3 the description is fine; if you can't understand it you're probably too new a player to be using mechanics based mods. I recommend playing more vanilla first as rimworld has a lot of little specific things that take time to get used to
hottt3 Jan 26, 2023 @ 6:50am 
Please, read the "description" part of your mod description and imagine that you are a new player. Can you tell then what exactly this mod do? Thanks)