Dota 2
The Basket of the Plague Bringer
Heroes: Necrophos
Slots: Shoulder
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Taggar: Necrolyte
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13 maj, 2014 @ 12:18
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I 1 samling av Mr. Gauč
The Vestment of the Plague Bringer
3 artiklar
At last, we have add the next item for the set! Behold the mighty Basket filled to the top with very dark garbage gathered and collected on the road - containing one-eyed skull, poisonous potions and a scorpion tail (wow!)! The basket is part of the (so far:) three piece set, containing:

The Mask of the Plague Bringer
The Scythe of the Plague Bringer

Be sure to check them out! (in case you haven't yet for the past two years lol - but they didnt fit to up-to-date requirements) Wish us luck and support by votes ;)