

68 ratings
Hellbound achievements and secrets guide
By Muckelchen
I like trees
On your first run you can't choose Hellmare difficulty. And you also can't see your missions stats, so it doesn't make sense to go for 300% in your first run. After having finished the game on Old School difficulty for the first time you unlock Hellmare difficulty, chapter select (but you can't save in chapter select !!!), stat screen and survival arenas. So I definitly recommend you playing your first playthrough on Old School difficulty while pretty much doing whatever you want. Then when you have unlocked stat screen, you can go for 300% on every level best played on easiest difficulty by selecting "New game" and do most if not all the miscellaneous achievements, then do Hellmare difficulty, again by selecting "New game". Then finish the remaining miscellaneous achievements on chapter select and finally do the survival mode achievements.
Completion and secrets related achievements part 1

Btw. I made a full section of the guide dedicating to secrets as well as another section dedicating to getting 300% in every level which also includes all secrets.

See Level 3, Secret 5 in the secret section.

See Level 5, Bonus Secret. (Right after Secret 10 in the secret section)

See Level 8, Secret 2 in the secret section.

self-explanatory, see 300% GOD achievement

self-explanatory, see 300% GOD achievement

self-explanatory, see 300% GOD achievement

self-explanatory, see 300% GOD achievement

I made a full section of the guide containing video walkthroughs of every level getting 300%

Getting 300% means getting 100% kills, 100% items and 100% secrets.

What counts as items: ammo boxes, weapons, armor, and health items which are in the level as soon as you start the level
What doesn't count as items: any drops from enemies or from those green things (except some of them which are secrets), but to be sure, try to go for every item

Also it is enough to go over the item to be counting it, you don't need to actually collect it, so for example if your health is full, a health item will still count if you try to pick it up.

If you miss any item, enemy or secret at the end of the level, don't worry, you can always go back to every erea of the map, except in the last level, when you take down the elevator to the boss you can't go back. So just look at your stats on the right and if you miss something, don't end the level yet and look for the stuff you are missing. And like I said, the stat screen only shows up when you have already beaten the game once.

The stats you should have in the last level before taking the elevator are:
10/11 kills
20/33 items
2/2 secrets
(The boss will spawn more enemies, but they don't count towards the stats.)


This could be hard, but due to a bug it's really easy. Because it seems the time on a map resets when you load a save. So just save before finishing a level, reload the save and end the level to easily get this. Again, you can't save when replaying a level, you have to play through "New game" to be able to save.



By far the hardest achievement in the game. Like I said above you first have to play through the game once on Old School difficulty to unlock Hellmare difficulty. In Hellmare you loose hp till your hp drops to 25, enemies deal massive damage and have higher hp.
Tips: -Don't do the same mistake as me and try beating the levels on Hellmare via chapter select. Because you can't save this way. Instead go for New game, select Hellmare difficulty and play through it this way. Now you are able to save whenever you want. (F5: quicksave, F9: quickload) And this way you also keep all your equipement when finishing a level. Though quickload is bugged, as it often does not load the latest save. In that case you have to manually load the latest save in the menu.
-save often
-you can manage most battles without loosing any hp, try that when you can, you can always reload to an older save if you get hit
-try to horde as many armor as you can, max 200, but there is no point in hording hp, if you collect hp, your hp will drop down to 25 in no time, so just collect hp when you are below that or when there is a massive fight incoming where you will need more hp. But your hp will usually be at 25, which also means that you can die in no time.
-by following those tips Hellmare is actually not that hard, except the endboss for various reasons:
he will spawn 3 waves of enemies when you deal enough damage to him, he will throw projectiles at you which deal massive aoe damage and what really makes it hard is that saving is not recommended during the boss fight because when you reload a save during the boss fight the current wave of enemies will completly respawn even if you already killed it
-so for the Boss fight you actually need a specifc strategy to be able to beat him imo. I got the idea for it from a guy called Crimson Skull who sent me his walkthrough video on Hellmare.
Sadly I forgot to record my run for the boss fight, so instead I will try to describe the strategy and will also post a link to his video. So all credits for that goes to him!
(For some reason the link doesn't work through steam but you can click on view on Youtube and then it should work. The boss fight starts at about 1:17:37)

So here the general strategy for the boss fight:
-you can start the boss fight with max armor and over 100 hp by using the sphere in the level after having cleared the rest of the enemies
-save before actually starting the fight (before the cut scene)
-don't save at all during the fight
-around the area are a bunch of items which respawn after a certain time after having picked one up. So don't worry using those, especially hp, even though it drains. The most important are: 2 hp items, 2 armor items, rocket ammo, minigun and shotgun ammo
-when you start the fight, the first wave of enemies will spawn. Try to quickly get in cover behind one of the pillars to protect you from the boss projectiles and kill enemies with the minigun and the rocket launcher as quickly as possible. You don't have to be in cover all the time. When there are too many enemies, run around / bunny hop around the edge of the area. In all 3 enemy waves, always stay at the edge, near the items, don't go in the middle, or rather don't stay in the middle.
Completion and secrets related achievements part 2
-when you cleared the first wave, actually go very near to the boss because this way he stops throwing his very dangerous projectiles and goes for melee attacks which you can easily dodge by going backwards. Then make him follow you by moving away but keep the distance to him low so he doesn't start to throw projectiles again. Now with the boss behind/in front of you go around the arena and refill your ressources with the items, so refill hp, armor and ammo. During that you can also start shooting the boss with the shotgun alt mode, but don't deal too much damage unless you already wanna start the next wave. When your armor, hp and ammo are good, start the next wave
-the rest is pretty much the same thing but a bit harder: the second wave of enemies will also contain those dog like creatures which are super dangerous. For wave 2 and 3 I wouldn't recommend to hide behind a pillar because there are so many enemies, just bunny hop around the area using first your rocket launcher to kill as many enemies as possible, then if out of ammo, use mini gun.
Then go near the boss again when the wave is cleared, but in waves 2 and 3 he will do another attack when you are close. Instead of the lame melee attack from before he will do another melee attack which deals aoe damage with a big radius. So when you see him doing that, take enough distance so you don't get hit, then go back to him, he will then either follow you or do another of those aoe attacks. Usually he does like 3 or 4 of those aoe attacks in a row. So make him follow you again and refill your ressources while weakening the boss, then end the wave.
-then wave 3 is almost the same thing as wave 2 except this time there will also be those flying enemies in the wave

self-explanatory, you get this alongside That's it?.
Miscellaneous achievements

self-explanatory. The first rocket launcher can be found in a secret in level 5. If you missed that one, you will get another one in level 6 which is unmissable.

You have to pick up a soul orb which are those purple orbs which refill your hp and armor by 100 each. There are rare and are mostly in secrets, so by following the secrets guide you will automatically get this.


Often in the game you find those pumpkins which are pretty much red barrels. The first ones you find are in level 2, when you get outside the first time. Just go next to one and shoot it while you are low health and you will be killed by it. (They do 50 damage when you have 0 armor.)

You have to get killed from a Knight Guard which are those human melee enemies. They first show up in level 1 as soon as you find the headcrusher after going through the big gate.

You pretty much have to use alt fire mode of the shotgun to be able to get this. This one is pretty easy and you can pretty much do this at any point in the game, but I will show you how to get this in the same area where I did Blood bath achievement.

This one is quite easy and you can pretty much do this in every big fight in the game, but I will show you how to get this in the same area where I did Blood bath achievement.


Use the primary mode of the rocket launcher, as grenades seem useless to me.
I'd say there are about 3 good spots where you can get this. The one I am showing in the video below is the first spot, which is in level 6 near the button which activates an elevator in the distance.
Another spot is in the same level in the big fight at the end of the level. Just run around the area without killing human-like enemies. Then they should hoard up after enough time, then just shoot a rocket in the bulk. And finally the third spot is pretty much the same one but in survival mode, map Fury Road which is the exact same area, just do the same strategy.
This achievement seems to be a bit bugged as you will probably have to fulfill the requirement for it multiple times before getting the achievement. But it's definitly not completly bugged. Just try it more times if it doesn't unlock for you.

You have to kill one of those flying enemies with the melee weapon, the headcrusher. Those flying enemies first show up in level 5, pretty much as soon as you walk outside after having taken the elevator. So best is to kill all other enemies in a fight except the flying one and then try to hit the guy with your melee weapon multiple times (2 times on easy), usually while jumping. You can also try to get to a higher ground and then jump to them. It's kinda hard cause those things can hit hard with their projectiles even on lowest difficulty, they teleport away quite often and they fly quite high so it's hard to hit them with your stick ;) even if you jump. But with a bit of luck and patience, this is not a problem.

You have to shoot an enemy and his dead body has to drop into the lava. This one will very likely get unlocked automatically without even trying. I got this in the very first level without trying.

self-explanatory. You should get this automatically without having to focus on that. 1k is not much considering you have to play through it at least twice and you have to play some survival mode.

Well, just press "e" 12 times in a row when you are not in reach of anything interactable.

self-explanatory. Just sit through the whole credits, which will take like 5 minutes or so. You don't actually have to beat the game to be able to see the credits, you can also access the credits via the main menu.
Survival mode related achievements
Again, you unlock the 5 different survival arenas while playing through the game the first time.
Each map has a number of waves where you fight a finite amout of enemies each, and then you have a final wave which never ends.


self-explanatory, you will automatically get this while going for Killer instinct achievement.

By far the easiest map to get this is Fury Road. This achievement is actually quite easy with the right strategy, but can also be quite hard if you don't follow it. First I wanna say that this map has 7 waves, the 7th wave is endless. In the first 6 waves you can actually just get a time of max 8 minutes total, cause the timer stops at a certain time in each of the first 6 waves, for example in wave 1 the timer will stop at 1:20. This way you are forced to play till wave 7 and onward.

The strategy is as follows: basically you bunny hop around in a big circle, around the middle of the map (where you can refill hp and armor and near that you can also collect ammo) while using mostly the alt mode of the shotgun when you are close, and the mini gun when enemies are more far away and sometimes the rocket launcher. Focus on the dog-like enemies, the imp-like enemies and the flying ones. The human-like enemies you can mostly ignore at first. And then after some time there should be a lot of human-like enemies in a bulk, then unload into them with anything you like, preferably the rocket laucher or using the pumpkins. Then ofc if you get hit refill hp and armor in the middle if it's save to go there and same thing with ammo. If there are too many enemies around there better lure the enemies away before going there. if you are bunny hopping around, there isn't much that can hurt you.

Then in wave 7 you do the same thing except you don't kill any enemy in the bulk. Because even though the wave is endless, the amout of enemies there can be in the map at once is finite. If you kill one, another one will spawn, but it can be a different enemy. So kill all the imp-like enemies and the flying ones and if you want also the dog-like enemies (even though those aren't that important to kill because they get stuck in the bulk), till all enemies in the map are human-like ones (or some stuck dog-like enemies) and then just bunny hop around without doing anything else till you get to 15 minutes. By doing that you can actually achieve any time you want on this map.

The description for this one is misleading, as you actually have to kill 30 or more enemies during ONE Hell Damage. This is not specifically an achievement tied to survival mode but I think this achievement is realistically only doable in survival mode, namely in map The Refuge and even then it's still a bit hard imo. So on this map one Hell Damage will spawn some time during wave 3 in the small circular room. So what you should do is: make sure you have max ammo for both your weapons (and ofc enough hp and armor) before reaching wave 3, then in wave 3 bunny hop around the area, kill as few enemies as possible (you can however kill some of the dog-like enemies and some of the imp-like enemies if you want) and wait for Hell Damage to spawn in. Sadly you won't get a notification when that happens so regularly check in the room if it already spawned. Because it will also despawn after a certain time. So don't miss it. Then when it spawns, pick it up and unload everything you have in the bulk of enemies as fast as you can. Sadly at this point the only weapons you have is the rifle and the shotgun. But even the rifle is very decent with Hell Damage if you shoot very fast with it. I'd say first use the rifle and if you are out of ammo for it switch to the shotgun. And you probably don't need alt fire mode for the shotgun as the damage should be high enough with single shots. (For some reason I switched to the shotgun in my video when I still had lots of ammo left for the rifle. I guess because I was annoyed by the mass clicking :D )

Secrets walkthrough with screenshots and descriptions
Level 1: The Resistance
Secret 1:
Right at the start, turn around and jump down to a little alcove to get the first secret.
Interact with the wall in front of you to lower an elevator you can use to get out of there.

Secret 2:
Before going through the first door, turn right, go around that house and follow the path jumping over the lava. You will get into a small building with the secret inside.

Secret 3:
Facing the button to open the big gate, go right on top of the roof of the house, jump over the gap and find the secret inside the green thingie.

Secret 4:
Right behind the yellow key, interact with the wall to open it to reveal the secret behind it.

Secret 5:
Still inside the room of secret 4. Go till the end of the room and interact with the last wall to open it and reveal a button behind it. Interact with it, then go back, past where the elevator is. A wall should be open there with the secret behind it.

Secret 6:
In the last room of the map you can open the wall with the rhomb symbol on it. Go through it to find the last secret in this map.

Level 2: Unholy Lands
Secret 1:
From the big red door, go left till you are on top of the lava island, then jump almost straight into the lava and go for the opening of a cave. Go through to find the secret and a button to lower an elevator to get out.

Secret 2:
When facing the button to open a mandatory door, go to the right from there and jump over some ledges till you get to another rooftop, right there is a wall you can open with the secret inside.

Secret 3:
At some point you have to get to a small island to activate a button. Before leaving, facing the button, go right into the lava. Behind the stone fundament is the last secret in this map inside a green thingie.
Level 3: The Heroes' Cemetery
Secret 1:
When you get to the room with the "pool" and statues in the middle, go downstairs and immediatly right and open the wall in the alcove for the secret.

Secret 2:
Same room. When facing the statues, go up the stairs on the right and go into the small room on the right. Opposite where you can collect some armor is another wall you can open with the secret behind it.

Secret 3:
Again, same room, though this one is timed. Somewhere in the pool is a button you have to walk on to. Then a door will open in the room you were before. So quickly go back, up the ramp and to the left should a wall be opened. If you were too late, just try again. As soon as you go through the oponed wall you get the secret. But don't go out yet. There is more.

Secret 4:
From Secret 3, continue on. After finding a buch of goodies, take the only possible way on the right. Before turning the corner, there is another wall that can be oponed on the left with the secret inside.
After that don't leave the area yet. There is still more.

Secret 5:
When you go back a bit, where you found the bunch of goodies, directly ahead is another wall to be oponed with the secret inside which is the Indolora weapon (minigun) at the end. This last secret of this map also gives you the Inception secret achievement. To leave this area, you can open another wall to the left of the weapon you just found or you go back the way you came and use the button next to the wall.
Level 4: Dead Forest
Secret 1:
Near the very start, in the cave, turn right. After the cave, go left and jump around the corner to find the secret inside the green thingie.

Secret 2:
Much later, when you go up the stairs to the last floor and you see the yellow key in front of you in the distance, go right and fall down to the right of the stairs to find the secret.

Secret 3:
When you get to this place.
Continue a few meters and turn around. You will see an orb below the floor you are right now and you can access it via a small stairs where you came from, but it was hard to see. There you get the last secret of the map.
Level 5: Flying Souls
Secret 1:
Right at the start, go right. You can squeeze yourself through a very narrow passage, by crouching (press c), to get the secret.

Secret 2:
When you get to the room with the first elevator, approach it on the left side, then turn around and slowly go backwards. At some point a wall where you are looking at right now should open. Quickly run through it or it will close again. You can try again if you fail. Inside is the secret as well as a button which will reopen the wall. But wait, there is more.

Secret 3:
Because the button will additionally open another wall. So push the button, then quickly go outside and to the left when facing the button to another opened wall and the secret behind it.

Secret 4:
After having used the first elevator and you jumped over a gap, go straight instead of going right. You will come to a dead-end-room with another wall you can open with the secret inside.

Secret 5:
When you have to use the big elevator, jump off from it to reach another floor as soon as you can instead of leaving it at the end.
Then drop down the other hole to a small platform, from there, facing the big elevator you came here, jump onto another platform on the left and then jump into a crack of a wall to reach the secret with a lot of ammo.

Secret 6:
Right after you got out of the last floor of the big elevator, when facing it, look to the right. Behind some items is a wall with a secret behind it. But you can't access it right now. First take the other way, call the elevator with the button and take it up. When you are on top, press another button there to go back down again. Because this button also opens up the wall with the secret inside it. But again, this one is also timed, so be quick, or you have to just try it again.

Secret 7:
When you come to this red door, go up the left way. Then as soon as you can go right. There will be a small passage with a secret.

Secret 8:
After having opened this door with the button, with the "end level button".
Go back to this area. Now go left from here and a small wall should have been oponed with the secret inside. But wait, there is more.

Secret 9:
Go back to the room with the "end level button". Continue from there and then on the left before a door you will see a wall which stands out.
Behind that is the secret but you first have to open it elsewhere and then sprint to this one as it is timed.
So now go back to the room where Secret 8 was. Where the rocket launcher ammo is/was is a symbol on the ground. When stepping on that, the wall with the secret will open, you will also hear the wall opening.
So, now you have to quickly get to that wall. The fastest way is through the lava though, (bunny hop!) which will burn you a bit. When you get there strafe jump though the wall to get the secret which is a rocket launcher which you will need. Leave the area by following the path.

Secret 10:
Now as you have the rocket launcher, go to the general area where secret 8 was. Facing the button, you simply have to rocket jump you to the higher platforms to get to the last "official" secret. (You only have to rocket jump once, then you can crouch jump two more times.)

Bonus Secret:
This one doesn't count as a secret, but it gives you the "You're not supposed to be here" achievement.
Backtrack to this area.
From there, pretty much go straight. You have to rocket jump you now to this area, then climb to the right, find the hole and jump into it. But beware: the only way to getting out of the hole is another rocket jump.
Level 6: City of Fury
Beware that this level does not have a button to end the level, instead it ends when stepping on the platform in the cave after the big fight outside!

Secret 1:
The start of the map is pretty much a big open erea. When you get to this circular area:
Go right and enter the first left.
Go up the first stairs and halfway on the second stairs, jump up on the right side on the stones till you are on the ring structure. You can see the orb in front of you which is the secret.

Secret 2:
After having opened the big gate with the three buttons, leave the area to go outside. Then either go left or right of the building you came from and follow it all the way to the other side of it to find the secret. (The big gate will close itself after you go through but after the big fight at the end it will be open again.)

Secret 3:
After the big fight outside, go back inside via the big gate. Go back to the ring structure where you found the first secret.
From there go left, then right. Then on the second opening on the left drop down, there should be a golden sphere there now as the last secret of this map. It does only spawn after the big fight outside so you couldn't get this earlier.

Level 7: Endless Hive
Secret 1:
Near the start, at this button.
From here, go left into the lava. There will be a way underneath the floor to reach the secret. Jump a bit to get out of there.

Secret 2:
After jumping through this hole.
Open this wall to find the secret.

Secret 3:
To the left of the green key, open this wall. Continue through it to find the secret.

Secret 4:
After you take the big elevator down, go up the ramp on the right, go right again and open this wall to find the secret.

Secret 5:
Go through the area of secret 4, then go straight (not through the door yet). Kill the enemies, then jump on the platform on the left. From there jump all the way up, turn around and jump again to reach the secret.

Secret 6:
As you make your way down a huge "mining shaft", you will see this red door on your way.
But you don't have the key yet when you come down there the first time.
So after having the red key, make your way back to this door and find the last secret of this map.
Level 8: The Core
Beware this is the only level where there is a point of no return, namely when you take the elevator to the boss fight. And there is also no button to end the level, instead the level ends as soon as the boss dies.

Secret 1:
Before crossing the bridge, look below on the left. There is a platform you can jump on. And a wall you can open with the secret inside.

Secret 2:
After having crossed the bridge and gone through the door, the wall on the left can be oponed. The last secret is there, which will also grant you the From Saibot with love <3 achievement.

300% video walkthrough

ShotgunDemon Nov 15, 2023 @ 5:49pm 
You should add that if you want to 100% this game, then do not play the demo first. Playing the demo first fucks your progression so that you cant unlock hellmare.
Miciso Jan 1, 2023 @ 9:15am 
found a easy way for the rpg 5 kills.
endless hive red key. grab it run back over the stones.
just shoot the flying guys first. then wait.
about 10-20 enemies will pile up really close and just fire once :D
ShotgunDemon Dec 14, 2022 @ 6:49am 
To fix this bug you need to clear your save data in steam apps folder. Wipe the whole content of folder fir hellbound while it is running. Your game should now restrict you from the survival arenas. Then once you play through the whole game again, Hellmare Will unlock for you. This bug fucking sucks but it is at least fixable.
Muckelchen  [author] Dec 13, 2022 @ 11:10am 
sorry guys, I do not know about that bug
danejerus Dec 12, 2022 @ 11:41pm 
I beat the game on Old School but Hellmare didn't unlock. It's still greyed out and unselectable. Is this a known bug?
ShotgunDemon Nov 29, 2022 @ 6:57am 
I have a feeling that me trying out the demo at one point is causing me issues.
ShotgunDemon Nov 29, 2022 @ 6:54am 
Finishing the game on old school doesnt seem to unlock Hellmare for me. I also already had survival unlocked before even starting out the campaign. Is this outdated or something?
St.FACTIS Nov 15, 2022 @ 12:53pm 
for me videos dont open in game
Muckelchen  [author] Nov 14, 2022 @ 10:32am 
hm strange, they are working fine for me