Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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MDI Ajax (Lvl 7 Patrol CV)
Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
86.779 KB
Jun 26, 2021 @ 12:14am
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MDI Ajax (Lvl 7 Patrol CV)

In 1 collection by Mechastophiles
Machine Devil Industries (MDI)
5 items
Barely qualifying as a capital ship, the Ajax class patrol ship looks more like an oversized fighter. It flies like one, too; the Ajax is shockingly maneuverable, with more than 50 degrees per second turn rates on all axes.

Originally intended for planetary garrisons, the Ajax was designed to be cheap. Lacking any provision for a shield or warp drive, it must rely on its maneuverability and hardened steel hull to survive. Mimicking the loadout of similar patrol craft, the Ajax is armed with two 30mm autocannon turrets, two 15mm gatling turrets, and no less than six 8.3mm sentry guns, all fed by a 24,000 SU ammo bin. A redesign late in development allowed the engineers to include a fridge and a small constructor. As the small constructor cannot manufacture 30mm ammunition, replacing the cannon turrets with gatling turrets is an option.

2x cannon turrets
2x gatling turrets
6x sentry guns
Armor locker
O2 station
Small constructor
24k cargo controller
24k ammo controller
Wireless access point
84 minute build time

Although not designed for it, the Ajax can be upgraded. An obvious choice would be to replace the small generators with a single large generator, then make use of the increased power by upgrading the engines.

About MDI:

Machine Devil Industries is a small shipyard affiliated with the Traders' Guild. Our products are aimed at explorers, private security, and freelance adventurers. How many customers are actually pirates, smugglers, warlords, and other ne'er-do-wells is unknown, and most importantly, not provable in court.