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18 jun. 2021 às 14:55
5 jun. 2022 às 7:43
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Our revels now are ended: These our actors —,
As I foretold you —, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind: we are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.


You are listening to the Unified Corps Radio and [DATA REMOVED]. It's 63:89 and the Line can't wait to see the initial [DATA REMOVED] of the Grand Crack Celebration that's gonna drop in just a few [DATA REMOVED].
But first let's have a listen to the last commercial of this Shell from our greatest sponsor, the almighty Prospero Inc.!

[DATA REMOVED] and today we are proudly presenting you our latest breakthrough in Green Class Software - Prospero2000. Welcome to the future of the Godhood!

Here, at the Prospero Inc., we are working 39 hours a day to bring you the very best experience in universe management and reality manipulation, so you don't have to worry about any consequences for your not-so-ethical actions - now you are able to remove entire civilizations just with a click of a button (available only in the Pro version - preorders will be opened soon). Obtain unspoken secrets, collapse the fabric of space-time itself and finally beat those [DATA REMOVED] of yours, so your human doesn't have to do it for you!

Order now for just 456,[DATA REMOVED] and recieve the cup before yesterday!


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It's a general purpose engine manipulator designed to provide advanced debugging capabilities.

Well, everything (Almost. For truly 100% God-Like Being experience it's recommended to use p2k alongside the Conjurer).

In particular:
- Camera Controller With Built-In Zoom Utility
- Settings Editor With Ability To Access The Full List
- Flag Editor With Both Persistent And Run Ones
- FPS Meter And FPS Locker
- Custom Teleport List
- Transform Controller With On-Screen Gizmo
- Complete Entity-Component System Access (90% of what current version of safe mode LUA API is capable)
- 100% Vanilla Mode Capabilities To Easily Access The Eyes And The Cauldron (check prospero1000.lua for detailed instructions)
- and also A LOT of other stuff


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Discussões Populares Ver todos (4)
20 jun. 2021 às 8:09
[Tutorials] How To Use P2K
19 jun. 2021 às 12:51
AFIXADO: Extensions
18 jun. 2021 às 14:59
AFIXADO: Suggestions thread
23 comentários
Bruham  [autor] 14 set. 2022 às 2:42 
Copi 13 set. 2022 às 8:10 
Cannot understate how amazing this mod is. It's rapidly become a part of my modding workflow, and now I can't live without it. The sheer power and flexibility, combined with the quality and unparalleled style makes me think this might just be one of the best mods on the workshop. Brilliant tool for anyone who wishes to explore/interact with the world at a deeper level, whether it be modders, curious players, or knowledge seekers. Beautifully made, beautifully satisfying to use, and with more to it than meets the eye. Amazing mod, a gold standard to look up to.
Bruham  [autor] 5 set. 2022 às 10:40 
It gotta
ioana.iacob 5 set. 2022 às 9:41 
does this actually work? :i
infinitesunrise 22 jul. 2022 às 18:37 
This mod is *unreasonably* useful. Bruham and YourDoom are complete badasses. I grabbed this mod a few weeks ago just to check it out, but it's quickly become an essential tool in my modding arsenal. TY!
prombel 31 jan. 2022 às 2:23 
ohh ok thank you, this helps so much :steamthis:
Bruham  [autor] 25 jan. 2022 às 0:10 
You need to RMB the input field to confirm. This info should have been displayed by the tooltips, I hope they are not broken.
prombel 24 jan. 2022 às 17:30 
add enter key to the keyboard please, there is no "enter" type key in the keyboard nor is there a way of confirming something e.g (something is 100 you want to change it to 1 and try but fail to realising there is no enter key, you try clicking off the tab to realise it just resets to 100, we. need. enter. key. (copy paste this so the author sees)
FkYoSht 11 jul. 2021 às 12:42 
I think im too dumb to use this properly:Doomsday::ily:
Bruham  [autor] 22 jun. 2021 às 3:35 
Fair point.