Arma 3
243 ratings
cTab NSWDG Edition
Data Type: Mod
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13.355 MB
Jun 8, 2021 @ 10:11am
Jul 12, 2022 @ 6:14pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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cTab NSWDG Edition

Original by Riouken & Gundy[], edit by IceBadger, visual update by Fredipedia

This is an edited version of the beloved cTab mod I originally created for my clan[] but decided to make it available for everyone. I modernized the GUI where I was able to.
The GD300 Android is upgraded to a Galaxy S7 in a Kägwerks case and the operating system on the DK10 tablet is upgraded to Windows 10.
The cTab v2.2.3 this is based on includes fixes necessary to run cTab without errors with the current version of ArmA 3.
This version additionally defines the cTab items as inventory items instead of GPS items to get rid of the vanilla GPS functionality, akin to the cTab Devastator edition.

Icons by freepik.

Original Description

cTab, "The Commander's Tablet", is an Arma 3 add-on that provides players with quick access to command and control features including Blue-Force Tracker, UAV video and control interfaces and unit helmet camera access.
The add-on includes a Rugged Tablet for command units, a field-portable Android Device for tactical units, in-vehicle map devices, and helmet mounted cameras for non-command units.

Commander's tablet
Working FBCB2 Blue Force Tracker system
User placed makers - place markers for enemy, medical and general purpose
Tracks all crewed Bluefor Military vehicles
Tracks any dismounted troops with the proper equipment
Android based Blue Force Tracker
MicroDAGR hand-held GPS with Blue Force Tracking
Commanders Tablet can view live UAV streams
Commanders Tablet can view live Helmet Cam streams (make sure to have Picture in Picture (PIP) turned on in your video settings!)
Vehicle mounted FBCB2 interface, Blue Force Tracking
Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) for air vehicles, Blue Force Tracking
This system is available to only one side at a time, there is a mission configurable parameter to choose sides
None of the markers or icons show on maps, need one of the devices to view

"H" This key is used to open and close whatever cTab device is available to you, showing the "small" version where available. It can also be used to close UAV view. "CTRL" + "H" Opens and closes the secondary view mode of the cTab device available to you. This would usually be the "large" version. "ALT" + "H" Opens and closes an alternative cTab device that you may have available (i.e. when a pilot carrying a tablet, this will open the tablet). "LEFT DOUBLE-CLICK" Opens dialog to place markers at mouse cursor location. Not available on MicroDAGR "DEL" Deletes the highlighted user placed marker under your cursor. "F1" Change to Blue Force Tracker on tablet. "F2" Change to UAV cameras on tablet. "F3" Change to helmet cameras on tablet. "F4" Change to Message mode on tablet. "F5" Toggles map tools (grid/elevation/range/direction to mouse cursor). "F6" Toggles map mode (satellite/topographical/black). "F7" Center map on current position. "CTRL" + "SHIFT" "PAGE_UP" Zoom in on the "small" TAD, MicroDAGR and Android. "CTRL" + "SHIFT" "PAGE_DOWN" Zoom out on the "small" TAD, MicroDAGR and Android. "ESC" Closes all interactive cTab devices (i.e. all but the "small" variants) as well as the UAV view. (can be changed by editing "...\Arma 3\userconfig\cTab\ctab_settings.hpp" in notepad)

Define vehicle types that have FBCB2 or TAD available:
To configure the list of vehicle types that have FBCB2 or TAD available, edit the "cTab_vehicleClass_has_FBCB2" and "cTab_vehicleClass_has_TAD" arrays in the configuration file on the server, which can be found in the ArmA 3 folder "...\Arma 3\userconfig\cTab\ctab_settings.hpp".
class cTab_settings { cTab_vehicleClass_has_FBCB2[] = {"MRAP_01_base_F","MRAP_02_base_F","MRAP_03_base_F","Wheeled_APC_F","Tank","Truck_01_base_F","Truck_03_base_F"}; cTab_vehicleClass_has_TAD[] = {"Helicopter","Plane"}; };
Note: This is a server-side setting, i.e. whatever is set on the client-side userconfig will be overridden by the userconfig on the server.

Define helmet classes with enabled helmet camera:
To configure the list of helmet classes that enable helmet cameras, edit the "cTab_helmetClass_has_HCam" array in the configuration file on the server, which can be found in the ArmA 3 folder "...\Arma 3\userconfig\cTab\ctab_settings.hpp". It needs to be within the class "cTab_settings" (same area as above).
class cTab_settings { cTab_helmetClass_has_HCam = {"H_HelmetB_light","H_Helmet_Kerry","H_HelmetSpecB","H_HelmetO_ocamo","BWA3_OpsCore_Fleck_Camera","BWA3_OpsCore_Schwarz_Camera","BWA3_OpsCore_Tropen_Camera"}; };
Note: This is a server-side setting, i.e. whatever is set on the client-side userconfig will be overridden by the userconfig on the server.

Class Names:
ItemcTab // Commander Tablet ItemAndroid // Android based Blue Force Tracker ItemcTabHCam // Helmet Cam ItemMicroDAGR // MicroDAGR GPS

Override vehicle types that have FBCB2 or TAD available:
If you wish to override the list of vehicles that have FBCB2 or TAD available, put this at the TOP of your "init.sqf":
// only make FBCB2 available to MRAPs, APCs and tanks cTab_vehicleClass_has_FBCB2 = ["MRAP_01_base_F","MRAP_02_base_F","MRAP_03_base_F","Wheeled_APC_F","Tank"]; // make TAD available to all helicopters and planes with the exception of the MH-9 Hummingbird and AH-9 Pawnee cTab_vehicleClass_has_TAD = ["Heli_Attack_01_base_F","Heli_Attack_02_base_F","Heli_Light_02_base_F","Heli_Transport_01_base_F","Heli_Transport_02_base_F","I_Heli_light_03_base_F","Plane"];

Override helmet classes with enabled helmet camera
// Only have BWmod helmets with a camera simulate a helmet camera cTab_helmetClass_has_HCam = ["BWA3_OpsCore_Schwarz_Camera","BWA3_OpsCore_Tropen_Camera"];
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jan 17, 2023 @ 2:44am
AI in planes... why?
ledgeri [HUN]
Jul 16, 2022 @ 1:14am
In game settings and ACE compatibility
Dunn Jan 19 @ 11:16pm 
Where do you find pictures taken in the Camera mode?
Mux Jan 14 @ 7:38pm 
i've been looking everywhere and can't find if there is a way to have the smaller ATAK unit in the center of my screen (like the team radar mod). Sorry if this has been posted before.
RustyKuntz Jan 2 @ 3:41pm 
Is there any way to use the cTab in Antistasi?
Flax Jan 2 @ 6:39am 
Crashes when I open it
Ascent Aug 11, 2024 @ 12:39pm 
Are there any recent changes to the op?
1. Lines are way to THIN now.
2. Zooming in and out of the small display is way worse than before.
3. And bearing is not shown anymore.
mattia Aug 1, 2024 @ 7:29am 
yeah, would be nice to see in the lower middle! great mod, btw
arnjhon Mar 17, 2024 @ 11:34am 
I second Dawariums comment, would be sick to have it in the lower middle of the screen!
Dawarium Mar 16, 2024 @ 9:57am 
it would be awesome if the user could change where the S7 phone appears when on "viewing mode". it blocking the lower left corner of the screen is often very inconvenient. Something like ACE3 microdagr UI customization option would be great. Thank you for uploading!
Captain Timy Mar 1, 2024 @ 8:41am 
Is there a way to resize the vehicle screen because it takes up half my monitor
DireStatus Oct 22, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
Idk what the issue is or if my mods are messing with it but, my guys cant load the ctab when they die and respawn or, sometimes just not at all from spawn. Ctab rn seems to just stop working after while were we can not pull up our interface.