Moon Hunters

Moon Hunters

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"Spirit Tongue" / "Spirit Guardian" Guide
By SAmaryllis
English guide with tips on how to fight Filiu at the Spirit Gate to get the achievements Spirit Tongue / Spirit Guardian
I personally had a lot of trouble getting the Spirit Guardian / Spirit Tongue achievements, so I’ve written out some strategies below that helped me. It’s hard to generate (let alone beat!) the event, so please share your experiences in the comments to help each other out. :)
Finding the Spirit Gate
  • This is a randomly generated event on an available space
  • The event is called “Spirit Gate”, and is represented by a blue gate icon
  • Must be on a forest space
  • Space cannot be on fire, or else the event will not trigger even if you go into the level
Tips on generating the event:
  • Start as the mountain tribe (probably a placebo, but I found the Spirit Gates 3x this way in short succession, compared to many failed runs starting in desert or forest)
  • Look across the map to see copses of trees - you want the distinct trees, not the “background fill” trees. Mark a path that connects you to as many of these as possible to increase the chance of generating the “Spirit Gate,” and go quickly, as the forests will start burning as time goes on

  • You’re looking for the “Spirit Gate” icon on a forest space - if a forest space doesn’t have it, skip the level (unless it’ll help connect you to more forests). You’ll most likely be able to find plenty of merchant spaces while looking for the “Spirit Gate”
After finding the event on the map:
  • It’s probably best to choose a nighttime activity at each camp for maximum stats, though I actually cooked alone every night when I got this achievement and had fairly low stats (I was trying to get the cookbook achievement...)

  • Try to get as many merchant upgrades as possible before entering the level, while keeping in mind the time pressure from forest burns
  • Once you’re in the level, a red skull will mark where Filiu is on the minimap. You’ll have to interact with him to start the event, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally getting pulled in before you’re ready like in the arenas

  • Make sure you’re full health before starting the event, and do not break any of the pots in the event area beforehand (you’ll need them in the fight itself!)
  • When interacting with Filiu, choose the “Enter” option to start the fight (do not pick “Obey” - based on other guides, “Obey” apparently gets you a pet, but you will not get the achievements)
Fighting Filiu
Normal phase:
  • Filiu will chase you for melee attacks - he’s very fast and resistant to most (all?) crowd control, so you won’t have time to charge up your attacks
  • Filiu will summon mob groups of little ghost spirits, which die in one hit but can quickly become overwhelming. Make sure you have a way to clear large areas at once so you don’t get stunlocked by them
  • Prioritize your life above all else - use dashes between hits and break the pots on the side to heal up when you can
Pillar phase:
  • Filiu will stand still on a column and target you with an attack
  • The attack takes time before it’s done charging, so you can attack his column in the meantime
  • Make sure you have enough stamina to dash out of the way of the charged attack when the reticle changes color
After the fight:
  • You'll get the "Spirit Guardian" achievement if you beat Filiu
  • If you want the "Spirit Tongue" achievement as well, you'll need to enter through the gate - don't worry, it's just an event, you won't have to do another fight :)
Character-Specific Tips
  • I didn’t play with him for this, please comment tips! His goal is probably to do a couple slashes before dashing away
  • Upgrades: ?
  • Primary: ?
  • Special: Filiu most likely won’t get stunned by this, but it’ll probably help clear mobs
  • Dash: ?
  • I didn’t play with her for this, please comment tips! You’ll likely have to take this fight extremely slowly. This video of someone completing the trial as the Ritualist could help you!
  • Upgrades: Flat damage increase (150), larger/faster grav (75), longer teleport (15), reduced cost teleport (75?), longer grav (15), and creating grav on teleport (150) are probably all good options
  • Primary: ?
  • Special: Filiu does not appear to get stunned by her grav, but it could at least help you clear mobs. Note that you will not have enough time to charge this due to Filiu’s speed
  • Dash: You’ll likely be using this constantly to dodge his melee attacks
  • Kainasan left tips in the comments that I've summarized here - I didn't beat Filiu with him myself! Overall, you'll want to spam vines to slow Filiu, so that you can circle around him and throw leaves from a distance. In the pillar phase, you must run until you can dodge the first attack, then you can sit back and throw leaves/vines
  • Upgrades: poisonous vines are crucial (150), as are double vine fields (15). Flat damage increase (75) and narrow leaf angle (cost?) also help
  • Primary: Spam this from a safe distance, repositioning in a circle around Filiu as needed
  • Special: Filiu does get slowed by this, which will save the druid's life, but its most important function when poisoned is to clear out ghosts
  • Dash: animal form is not useful in this fight
  • I won with her, so I would recommend her!
  • Upgrades: trident (150), flat damage increase (75), stamina on hit (15), less stamina usage on dash (75?) are all great options, but I had gotten most upgrades at that point
  • Primary: While usually this move innately pushes you & the enemy back, Filiu doesn't get affected by this crowd control. However, the reach is good on this, which helps you stay out of range - I would poke Filiu 2-3 times, then dash away
  • Special: I didn’t use this at all since it takes too long to charge
  • Dash: Good crowd control for the mobs since it has a hitbox
  • I recorded a run where I actually picked hunting each night instead of cooking (lol), and the fight was extremely easy - so much so that I accidentally completely skipped his second phase. I show the stats I had for her if you'd like it as a reference point; by then, my strength was so high I was one-shotting the spiky plants
  • NaClKnight left tips in the comments that I've summarized here - I didn’t beat Filiu with her myself! Overall, you'll need to play more patiently/safely in a longer fight and stay mobile
  • Upgrades: 3 attack notes (15?) is a must, as was the flat attack increase (75?)
  • Primary: Alternate with Attack-Special-Attack to maximize immediate damage and damage over time. Make sure you stay mobile!
  • Special: Cast Shield Song (Special, -> Dash) before starting the fight and in between phases
  • Dash: The speed song can help you dodge attacks, but isn't necessary
Sun Cultist
  • I didn’t play with him for this, please comment tips!
  • Upgrades: Increasing your own attack if you cast meteor on yourself (15), meteor storm (150?), reducing stamina cost for meteor (75?), and increasing base attack (75?) are probably all good options
  • Primary: You probably will not have time to hold this for charge
  • Special: You will not have enough time to charge this due to Filiu’s speed, so you’ll probably just have to cast it on yourself and run away
  • Dash: You probably will not have time to hold this for charge
  • I would not recommend her - I died pretty immediately when I fought Filiu with her, even though I normally find her the easiest character to play
  • Upgrades: ?
  • Primary: You do not have time to charge your snowpiercer due to Filiu’s speed
  • Special: Filiu does not get stunlocked in freeze with your ice dance or snow puppets, and he moves too quickly for you to create new snow puppets while in battle. You can create up to 3 snow puppets in advance before starting the battle, but I wouldn’t count on them. That said, killing the little spirits with chain freezes does provide you AoE cover, so that could help
  • Dash: because of Filiu’s speed, this doesn’t buy you much distance, unfortunately, but could at least help you get out of range of an attack
SAmaryllis  [author] Mar 9, 2023 @ 6:10pm 
Thanks Rustling, I'll add in the skill costs for Druid!
Rustling Leaves Mar 3, 2023 @ 8:24am 
- poisonous vines cost 150
- double vine fields cost 15
Mayo Aug 25, 2022 @ 1:38pm 
I beat with Snowdancer, I found it tough, but not impossible.
SAmaryllis  [author] May 29, 2022 @ 4:36pm 
Thanks Kainasan, I've added your Druid tips to the guide!
Kainasan Feb 20, 2022 @ 9:37am 
I won the fight with the Druid and although it was a lengthy fight, I found it pretty easy.

Filiu is affected by the vine field, which is the only thing that saves the druids life.

You must have the poisonous vines upgrade to take care of the little ghost minions and 2 vine fields to always keep Filiu slowed down and out of melee range.
Flat leaf damage and narrow leaf angle certainly shorten the fight. I did not use any animal form at all.

Simply spawn a vine field and throw leafs at Filiu. Keep him in the center of the battle field and constantly circle around him, always spawning a new vine field before the old one expires. The ghost minions spawn at both sides of the battle field, so half of them will die as soon as they touch the vine field. Spawn a second vine field at the other side and they're gone.

When Filiu activates the pillar phase you must run until you dodged the first attack. Once it's over, continue throwing leafs at him and don't forget to spawn a new vine field.
SAmaryllis  [author] Jan 2, 2022 @ 9:37pm 
Thanks for the insight NaClKnight! I'll fold in your tips into the guide
NaClKnight Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:30pm 
I completed it Solo with the songweaver on my first attempt with her and I have some notes.

The 3 attack notes and increased dmg on (Attack -> Attack) were clutch
Cast Shield Song (Special,->Dash) before the battle and in between phases.
Speed increase (Dash -> Special) is nice but not necessary.
Stay mobile, casting Attack-Special-Attack for max damage and DoT.

It took a long time, but as long as I stayed mobile I never felt in danger. My only damage came on missed inputs where I used Special by mistake. If she sit's down to use the Special song while he is moving around, you will take damage.