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Custom SCUM Server Configuration Guide (Updated for v0.5.0.32365)
By Tempus Thales
A complete, comprehensive description and explanation of all settings and variables currently available for a custom SCUM game server. This guide is updated to support the latest version of the game v0.5.0.32365.
This guide will provide you information on configuring your SCUM server.

It took me some time to track down all the information needed to understand how to properly configure a SCUM server. I have checked various sources like Steam forums, YouTube, and consulting with G-PORTAL support itself.

I hope this helps anyone that is in the same position as I was, get up and running faster. I verified all my information with G-PORTAL support, but if there is anything inaccurate or that needs updating, please let me know in the comments below.

I wanted to thank R.H. Bishop for the document he created, but since he has not played the game in a while and therefore has not updated the guide in over a year, I wanted to create a guide with updated content for the benefit of others trying to do the same.
Pretty straightforward, this will be the name displayed on the server list in-game when people search for Multi-player games. Try to avoid long names with a lot of descriptions or putting web addresses in the name. These things can cause your server to be unable to start up. Remember your name is also a file name on the server. Per GPORTAL: "Do NOT use the word \"official\" in your Servername."

By setting a value to this field you will lock out the general public and require players to know the password. Good if you want to screen players before letting them play or if you just want your friends on the server.

For GPORTAL, this is a drop-down that would allow you to select more or fewer player slots if you are paying for more than the minimum 20.

Again a drop-down. This allows you to roll your server back to an earlier backup file if something goes wrong or a hacker messes with your players. The backups are automatically saved and time-coded. The default selection is Current Savegame and is the current save of your server.

A message in orange that will be displayed on the bottom left of every players screen when they join.

This is a repeating message that will allow you to inform your players of events, downtime, or anything else you want them to know. The message appears in orange and will be displayed on the mid-left of every players screen at an interval set by "MessageOfTheDayMinutes".

The time, in minutes, between appearances of "MessageOfTheDay" messages.

This is the time a player's character will remain in the world after they have clicked quit. It prevents players from unfairly logging out to avoid being killed by an opponent. It IS supposed to be a survival game. If set to 0 the player will immediately vanish when logging out.

Same as with Puppets but in this case, it is the occurrence of all animals server-wide at any given time.

The cumulative number of birds rendered in for all players at any given moment. The default is 15.

This one is a little different. A setting greater than 0 will result in only that many Mechs spawning server-wide at any given time. If set to 1 only one Mech can be active on the island but as players leave its area it will respawn elsewhere.

The settings work as follows:
-1 (default number and position of sentries at all locations)
0 (No sentries spawn anywhere)
1 or more (Max number Mechs appearing on the entire map at one time)

Same as with Animals but in this case, it is the occurrence of all Drones server-wide at any given time.

How many Puppets the game will spawn at one time around the map. The higher the number, the more Puppets each player will potentially have spawn around them.

These three parameters are used to split the maxallowedzombies to different spawnlocations (Wild is for puppets outside). The default is 64.

These three parameters are used to split the exterior maxallowedzombies (POIs, cities, villages, etc.) The default is 64.

These three parameters are used to split the interior maxallowedzombies (within buildings and bunkers etc.) The default is 64.

The language is set for the server. In the case of my server since it is based in the US, it only has "en" as an option. But depending on which language you want to support, you should set yours accordingly.

The maximum amount of latency in milliseconds a player is allowed to have before the server boots them. Default is 200. I live in a rural area with terrible broadband so I appreciate a 400-500 ms but if PvP is suffering due to rubber banding players it can be lowered.

Minimum time between each world event. For example, at least this many minutes must pass before another cargo drop will take place. This is the time between cargo drop announcements. The default is 60.

After this much time, in minutes, a cargo drop will be forced to happen. This is the amount of time after the previous announcement. The default is 90.

The cargo drop will wait this many seconds after the announcement before starting to fall. The default is 60.

The number of seconds from the beginning of cargo drop fall, to its landing. The default is 60.

How long, in seconds, before the cargo drop will explode after landing. The default is 1200 seconds.

This switch is by default on. This allows enabling/disabling of the kill notifications.

This switch is by default on. This allows the enabling/disabling of kill claiming.
Note: A good place to search for Steam64 ID is

Reserved Player List
The Steam64 ID of players who can join the server even when it is full. If a player is on the Reserved Slots list and tries to join the full server, another random player (of course no Admins) is automatically kicked. So your regulars can always join you. You CAN’T choose which players will be kicked so your regular players can join!

Admin Access
The Steam64 ID of all players allowed to use the in-game administrator console commands in the game. (i.e. #spawnitem Dildo_Arrow, #ListPlayers, etc.) Same format to list all ID numbers as Reserved Player List.

Ban List
Unwanted, trolling, or abusive players can be permanently banned from your server. They will never be able to access your server again with their Steam account unless you undo this. A banned list is a great way to maintain a friendly atmosphere on your server. Just enter the Steam64 ID of all steam users NOT allowed to join the server.

Exclusive Join List
You can add players to an Exclusive Join list with their Steam64 ID. ONLY these players can join the server. No one else.
The center of the planned savezone on the map is set with the X / Y coordinates. The coordinates reach from (-600000 to 619200 (X to -X and Y to -Y; the middle of the map is X/Y 0) and the radius defines the size of the savezone in kilometers (default = 300 -> 100 meter would be 0,1). Furthermore, special attributes of the desired safezone can be set as allowed or blocked. The maximum is 10 sectors at once

Example Map[]

Add Savezone
The button on the right allows you to create a Savezone at X,Y coordinates.

Name: The name of your Savezone.

X: (the coordinates for X)
Y: (the coordinates for Y)

Radius: The circumference of the area declared in the savezone.

Boxing Damage (Allowed)
Melee Weapon Damage (Allowed)
Throwing Damage (Allowed)
Projectile Damage (Allowed)
Explosive Damage (Allowed)
Damage To Bases (Allowed)
Damage To Vehicles (Allowed)
Puppet Damage (Allowed)
Player Lockpicking (Allowed)
World Lockpicking (Allowed)

**Default Values are (Allowed)

If you added a Savezone you will see a table with the values that you allowed to use within the Radius of the Savezone.

Time it takes to reset the regular spawners. After reset, spawner will re-evaluate itself and spawn new items (or no items at all). Note that players must be at least 50m away from spawner for it to reset.

Time it takes to reset the examine spawners. After reset, spawner will re-evaluate itself and spawn new items (or no items at all).

Multiplies the spawning chance for all regular spawners. Increase value to increase loot, decrease value to decrease loot. Default is 1.

Multiplies the spawning chance for all examine spawners. Increase value to increase loot, decrease value to decrease loot.

Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of interior puppets in particular spawn location. Default is 900.

Time that must pass after spawning to allow another spawning of exterior puppets in particular spawn location. Default is 1800.

Increase or decrease damage of the sentries.

Increase or decrease damage of the zombies.

Used to raise or lower PvP damage for all forms of attack. Setting to 0 disables the ability of any player to harm any other player, shutting off PvP for the server. Default is 2.

Changes the damage done by thrown objects (spears, rocks, knives) with regards to PvP. Default is 2.

Adjust damage from swords, bat, clubs, and the like in PvP. Default is 2.

Changes the damage of boxing between players. Default is 2.

Note: The default damage multiplier for all PvP damage is 2. Puppets are undead, technologically reanimated prisoners, and as such should be harder to stop. The x2 damage against a player is to reflect that they are living breathing people, squishier than corpses and easier to kill... the first time.

The time in minutes before items placed by players degrade and are removed from the server if not maintained or repaired by the players. This keeps the map from being littered with structures built and abandoned by players. Default is 15 days (21600 minutes). This applies to base components, shelters, fire rings, and the like.

Toggles whether or not players are allowed to spawn in a specific sector after death.

Toggles whether or not players are allowed to spawn at their last-placed shelter after death.

The price in Fame Points is charged to spawn in a random location. This selection is always available regardless of the player's current FP. If they have less than the required price they will incur a negative FP balance.

The price in Fame Points is charged for a player to spawn in a specific sector. This selection is unavailable if the player has less than the required Fame Points.

The price in Fame Points is charged for a player to spawn at their last-placed shelter. This selection is unavailable if the player has less than the required Fame Points.

These settings modify the costs of the different respawns in regards how many people are online in a squad.

These settings modify the costs of the different respawns in regards how many people are online in a squad.

These settings modify the costs of the different respawns in regards how many people are online in a squad.

Initial wait time before 'Random' respawn option becomes available.

Initial wait time before 'Sector' respawn option becomes available

Initial wait time before 'Shelter' respawn option becomes available.

Penalty wait time applied to 'Random' respawn option after each use.

Penalty wait time applied to 'Sector' respawn option after each use.

Penalty wait time applied to 'Shelter' respawn option after each use.

Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Random' respawn option.

Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Sector' respawn option.

Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Shelter' respawn option.

Initial wait time before 'Commit Suicide' option becomes available.

Penalty wait time applied to 'Commit Suicide' option after each use.

Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Commit Suicide' option.

Allow playing from first person view. Fallback if First/Thirdperson is deactivated is both is allowed.

Allow playing from third person view. Fallback if First/Thirdperson is deactivated is both is allowed.

Allow weapon aiming crosshair.

Allow global chat.

Allow local chat.

Enable or disable squad chat.

Allow usage of map screen.

Limit squad amount of squad members in regards to the SquadMemberCountAtIntLvlX settings.

Member squad limit when leader intelligence is at level 1.

Member squad limit when leader intelligence is at level 2.

Member squad limit when leader intelligence is at level 3.

Member squad limit when leader intelligence is at level 4.

Member squad limit when leader intelligence is at level 5.

Modifier that is applied to the number of exterior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number.

Modifier that is applied to the number of interior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number.

Modifier that is applied to the number of wild puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number.

Time that must pass to allow exterior puppets to spawn.

Time that must pass to allow interior puppets to spawn.

Time that must pass to allow wild puppets to spawn.

Determines the probability to spawn exterior puppet.

Determines the probability to spawn interior puppet.

Disable the base building feature.

You can enable or disable this setting to allow placing crafted objects inside player built structures. It's supposed to work on any building but the developer has said that for now it only works on player built structures.

Rate at which you gain Fame.

Extended (cont.)
Toggle for enabling or disabling the coma feature. This feature allows a player to be knocked out rather than getting killed initially.

The duration of the voting period.

The duration of the annoucement after a vote has passed.

Minimal percentage of players on the server who need to vote yes for the vote to go through.

Time added in seconds on every consecutive failure of the electric door defusal inside Killbox.

Modification of the gold lock zapper damage inside Killbox.

Modification of the damage on zappers (excluding killbox zappers).

Toggle to enable or disable lethal mines and traps.

Vehicle Settings
Tractor Max
Set the maximum limit of Tractors in the world.

Set the maximum limit of SUV in the world.

Wheelbarrow Max
Set the maximum limit of Wheelbarrow in the world.

Pickup Truck Max
Set the maximum limit of Pickup Trucks in the world.

Quad Max
Set the maximum limit of Quads in the world.

Multiplier for the speed at which running engine drains the fuel.

Multiplier for the speed at which engine drains the battery. This occurs when starting the engine via ignition.

Multiplier for the speed at which various vehicle devices drain the battery. Currently, such devices are horn, lights and radio.

Multiplier for the speed at which battery is drained due to inactivity. Battery is considered inactive if it is neither charged or drained. At value 1, battery will be drained completely within 7 days.

Multiplier for the speed at which battery is charged via alternator.

Multiplier for the speed at which battery is charged via dynamo. No vehicle currently has dynamo but it is created as a placeholder for such vehicles.

Number of days that a vehicle has to be inactive before it gets destroyed.
Gasoline Settings
Multiplier applied to initial amount of gas in a gas station.

Multiplier applied to maximum amount of gas in a gas station.

Multiplier applied to how long it takes for gas stations to be replenished.

Multiplier applied to an amount of gas in a gas station that is replenished every replenish interval.
World Settings
This toggle enables or disables using a Custom Map.





How to use the Custom Map control in SCUM

The map in SCUM is very large. Some communities (e.g. with fewer players) would like to make the map smaller, because it takes very long to get from one border to the other one.
This is easily possible with the advanced settings. Here is an explanation of the individual settings:

CustomMapCenterX and CustomMapCenterY places the center of the map on any coordinates. CustomMapWidth sets the width of the Map and CustomMapHeight sets the height. So you can customize the map according to your wishes.
  • Use the customized map, by simply activating the “CustomMapActive” option.
  • Now set the desired center point (if you don’t want to change this, leave the setting on 0/0).
  • To make the map smaller, change the height and width to a smaller value (standard: 12.2 km²).
Time of day at which to start the server. Taken into account only the first time server starts or after the wipe. After that, server will save time of day at shutdown and resume from saved time of day at startup. #SetTime admin command can be used to modify time of day.

This is a multiplier to increase or decrease the real-world time it takes to complete a full-day cycle in the game. The base vanilla speed is 6 real-world hours per 1 game day.

To calculate the value you need to put here simply use this equation:



T = The length of real-world time you want the cycle to last
X = the value to which you need to set TimeOfDaySpeed

So, if you want a one-hour game day/night cycle (6 / 1 = 6) the value should be 6.
If you want a game day to last 24 hours (6 / 24 = .25) it's 0.25.

Note: The day/night cycle is a 2:1 ratio of day to night. Therefore, a 6-hour cycle would be 4 hours day, 2 hours night and a 3-hour cycle would be 2 hours day and 1 hour night.

The amount of darkness during the night. This is separated by three values:
  • -1 is the least darkness.
  • 0 is the default darkness.
  • 1 is maximum darkness.

The time at which dawn starts. Sun is on the horizon on the east at this time. Default value is 6.

The time at which dusk ends. Sun is on the horizon on the west at this time. Default value is 6.
SCUM Admin Commands
Clearly lists all Admin commands
Lists current players with Steam 64 ID, Steam Name and Character Names
#kick <SteamID, Steam Name, Character Name>
Kick a specific player from your server
#ban <SteamID, Steam Name, Charakter Name>
Permanently bans a specific player from your server
#location <SteamID, Steam Name, Charakter Name>
Returns the location of the selected player
#listAssets Item <filter>
Displays a list of items that can be spawned. The filter is optional. For example, if you use “wood” as a filter, all items will be displayed with “wood” in the name
#spawnItem <Asset> <Number>
Spawns a specific item. Asset is the item name. E.g. #spawnItem banana 3 -> You get 3 bananas
spawnCharacter <Asset> <Number>
Spawns a specific NPC. E.g. #spawncharacter bp_zombie2 2 -> Spawns 2 zombies in front of you
#teleport <Player>
Teleports the player to you
#teleportTo <SteamID, Steam Name, Charakter Name>
Teleports the player to another player
#setFamePoints <Points> <SteamID, Steam Name, Charakter Name>
Adds fame points for a specific player
#ListItems <Filter>
Lists all available assets using a filter function
#ListCharacters <Filter>
Lists all characters using a filter function
#SetTime <Time>
Sets the current server time #SetTime 8 for 8 a.m. – #SetTime 20 for 8 p.m.
Shameless Plug...
Who we are?
Our community is legendary in bringing content to games. We have been mentioned twice in Wired Magazine and through the years, in many other publications. We are here to destroy your game... :)


Our Server
Want to see how these server configurations work? Are you bored out of your mind and looking for a challenge? Did you feel insulted by the whole "here to destroy your game"? <-- 100% true.

Then waste no more time and hop in our server Paradise Cheeseburger and the Hot Dog Flavored Water, and make us chew our words.

Our Server features a cruel and tough environment, not for the meek and puny. Tough zombies, Tougher Seagulls, and very tough teddy bears.

Bad Games Crew
War3zuk Nov 5, 2021 @ 2:42am 
Is there a way to fully disable the stun affect done by puppets ? or atleast stop the gimping your character seems to get when hit rather than being able to react instantly, thanks
Tempus Thales  [author] Sep 4, 2021 @ 8:03am 
i'm really hoping the devs release this game for off the shelf dedicated servers... because F! Gportal.
Tempus Thales  [author] Sep 4, 2021 @ 8:01am 
(SiR) KaMiKaZeE Sep 4, 2021 @ 5:50am 
Thank you verry much for this, greatly appreciate it! :buzzed:
ZenithArch Aug 21, 2021 @ 11:43pm 
Do you have serversetting.ini parameter for creating safezone?
Khailik Aug 19, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
I'm playing single player right now. What do I need to add to the config to slow down hunger and thirst?
Fozotron Aug 18, 2021 @ 12:32am 
Can't disable gold lock zapper damage inside Killbox. Settings GoldLockZapperDamageModifier = 0. But the player deals damage. I want to completely disable it on our server.
NeLsInFiNiTy T.W.O.A. Apr 26, 2021 @ 10:14am 
Thank you for the response, much appreciated
Tempus Thales  [author] Apr 26, 2021 @ 4:19am 
@NelsinFinity, from what I have seen so far, the coordinates information listed above works for the new maps. However I havent played a lot with those, but I'll ask our crack team of cartographers to check and will let you know sometime soon-ish(tm). If you dont see a response soon, feel free to hop in our server and ping me there... sounds good?
NeLsInFiNiTy T.W.O.A. Apr 25, 2021 @ 7:34pm 
Great ref for new people to the private servers but as for the coordinates, that was correct for the old map but what about the new map coordinates ? I've been trying to find out if the coordinates were re positioned in the center of the new map and increased in numbers or are they just increasing the east and south coordinates ??? Not sure any help would be great.