

200 ratings
Kuria Farming Made Easy
By iwoply
This guide contains visual & audio assistance with YouTube videos and descriptive text that will assist you in getting the Warframe Collectable: Kuria.
Warframe has a number of collectables that span across its numerous tilesets and landscapes. This guide is focused on the Collectable Kuria, a small golden Orokin ornate decoration.

Kuria are located on a majority of Warframe's tilesets and are not present in the games open landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, Deimos). While each tileset houses multiple Kuria, they are not in every room and are hidden in specific static locations within unique rooms.

Kuria CAN be collected in any order you wish but have clear number designations due to their narrative structure.
How to Collect Kuria
In order to collect Kuria upon finding them, you'll need to equip and use either a Codex Scanner or Synthesis scanner through your gear wheel.

Keep in mind that Kuria do not appear through walls, have a distinct audio cue when nearby and their status of being scanned remains if you leave the mission.

Players can purchase the Codex Scanner in Bundles through the in-game market for credits and then equipped via the gear wheel menu in the Arsenal (as shown above). The Codex scanner can be equipped the same way when in mission (through the gear wheel),

As for the synthesis Scanner, it can be purchased in bundles of 25 from Cephalon Simaris' Offerings terminal in the relays for 5,000 credits each.

A video guide to each Kuria location can be used if further guidance is needed:
Location Overview

Each Kuria in Warframe as stated above has a static location within specific rooms in a number of the games planetary tilesets and not all planets or Mission nodes in Warframe hold Kuria.

The following tilesets & planets each contain Kuria, with further information on their direct Location and the room that holds them further down in the guide:
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
  • Corpus Outpost (Pluto & Venus)
  • Grineer Forest (Earth)
  • Grineer Galleon (Grineer Ship Nodes)
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)
The Rewards
The Kuria provide a number of rewards as you reach collection milestones, the reward will be granted through an inbox message that will also contain further poems.

28/56 Collected

42/56 Collected

56/56 Collected
Kuria Locations (1-1 to 1-4)

Kuria 1-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Jupiter - Capture - Ananke
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
The first Kuria is located in the Gas City Tileset in one of its connector rooms. It has two entrances each through a short hallway that lead to the concourse.
This room can be identified by its triangular concourse design & large open windows. A number of large pipes are also located above the zone for identification.
The Kuria is located at the top of this room and can be accessed by the aforementioned pipes.
Making your way up the pipes, you'll need to bullet jump towards the next pipe step or central support beam, this time coloured orange.
From there, a new Corpus walkway will be visible above you towards the room's windows.
When on said walkway, it will lead to a small storage room. This room contains the kuria.
The kuria is located atop a small crate next to the few Containers in the embedded wall.

Kuria 1-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Jupiter - Capture - Ananke
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
This Kuria is located in a rather rare room. This room can be identified by its three way corridor upon entering and is a simple two door hallway.
Both sides of the room are on different inclines and you can use this to locate the Kuria.
However, once you locate the room, the most identifiable geometry is that of the Corpus Logo Structure at the centre of the room.
To locate the Kuria you'll need to reach the top of this Structure by whatever means you wish to use.
The room itself does have an upper level that can be accessed via one of its three hallways, doing so can make reaching the top easier or the player can utilize the zipline that runs across the room.
Regardless of how to reach the top, the Kuria will be waiting and quite possibly hidden in darkness depending on your brightness settings.

Kuria 1-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Earth - Spy - Cambria
  • Grineer Forest (Earth)
This Kuria is located in one of the Grineer Forest's largest rooms overgrown with enveloping trees.
This room contains a few natural and structural outliers such as the grineer starcase and terminals but most importantly a water fall and lake.
Players can use the waterfall and the growth to identify the room upon entering from its many doors. The waterfall is located next to & under the Kuria.
The Kuria has been placed within a tree and its vines above a wallrun plate, this plate is above the centre of the lake. Players can use the plate to reach the Kuria or bullet jump with an aim glide from the nearby incline.

Kuria 1-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Earth - Spy - Cambria (Mission Exclusive)
  • Grineer Forest (Earth)
This Kuria's room is instantly identifiable as its one of the few Spy Vaults that will spawn within the forest tileset and also by its waterfall showcase upon the door opening.
When players locate the Spy vault, you want to interact with the zipline that hangs across the room to the waterfall and proceed to the waterfalls edge.
When you're next to the waterfall jump underneath the zipline and you'll enter a previously hidden grineer lookout room. From the zipline you can enter any of the two doors that are open and you'll enter a new room that contains the Kuria.
The Kuria upon entering the room is atop a crate against the wall that you entered from and can be scanned once you jump atop any of the nearby crates and objects. This section will be dark however the Flashlight will provide enough light for you to see the Kuria.

Kuria Locations (2-1 to 2-4)

Kuria 2-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Jupiter - Sabotage - Thebe
  • Jupiter - Capture - Ananke
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
The first Kuria for Paragraph two is located within one of the Gas City's Sabotage rooms, thus a sabotage mission is the primary recommendation, however this room can spawn during other mission types.
This room can easily be identified by the two generators in the centre of the room and by the control rooms on the second level overlooking said generators.
The room has three doors, one in the centre under the two control rooms and two more on each side past the control room exists and stairwells up from the generators. The Kuria is located underneath the right control room when looking from the middle door towards the generators.
The Kuria has been placed atop a support beam and if you have trouble scanning it, you can jump onto the nearby skirting board.

Kuria 2-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Jupiter - Mobile Defense - Carme
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
This Kuria is in an easily identifiable room as its symmetrical with a large generator hanging from the ceiling. The room has three levels with staircase's leading from the top to the bottom.
As the room is symmetrical the player can choose whatever staircase they wish to use.
Making your way to the top floor you'll notice a walkway along the wall with no connection to the current floor. You'll need to bullet jump or use abilities to reach this platform.
From said platform, the Kuria is located atop the hanging Generator and can be accessed via a simple bullet jump or other movement manoeuvre.

Kuria 2-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Jupiter - Capture - Ananke
  • Corpus Gas City (Jupiter)
This Kuria depending on your luck can be the first one you acquire on the Gas City, as this room is a spawn tile upon loading into missions. You can instantly identify it as you've spawned on a landing platform and also by the Flags on the structure.
If further identification is needed, the giant Corpus Logo Structure upon entering the concourse is of note.
Ultimately because the Structure itself holds the Kuria within the upper triangle cutout section. Bullet Jump and Wallrun your way up the structure and then wall latch to scan the Kuria.

Kuria 2-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Earth - Spy - Cambria
  • Grineer Forest (Earth)
This kuria can be found at one of the Grineer Forest's extraction rooms. It can easily be identified by its size but also by its extraction plate location and incline.
The Kuria can be troubling to access if you have already completed your mission objective, as the Kuria can be found below the extraction zone. Thus if you have already completed the objective I highly recommend taking the following path rather than scanning the Kuria from atop the extraction plate.
Taking the path along the overgrown roots on the edge of the incline you can make your way to the support beams and roots for the extraction platform, where an opening to the Kuria zone will be available.
Through the opening you can see some geometry and debris floating atop the water.As stated beforehand, this Kuria can be found below the Extraction plate, once you've made your way under said platform you can jump onto some geometry and scan the Kuria located on a floating piece of Grineer metal.

Kuria Locations (3-1 to 4-4)
Kuria 3-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Saturn - Capture - Cassini
  • Grineer Gallion (Grineer Ship Missions)

The first Kuria in section 3 can be found in a two floor room. It has two entrances on the top floor opposite each other and another two entrances on the bottom floor. The top floor can be identified by the grineer object hanging from the roof.
The bottom floow contains a number of ascending grineer pillars and a unique pillar in the centre of the room directly below the Hanging generator.
As the Kuria is located on the top flloor, bullet jump or use the ascending pillars to navigate your way upwards.
Once on the top floor, look towards the hanging object and bullet jump onto the connecting pipe for easier access to the Kuria.
The Kuria is on the very top of this generator as shown by the following screenshot. Simply Scan and move on.

Kuria 3-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Saturn - Capture - Cassini
  • Grineer Gallion (Grineer Ship Missions)

The next Kuria is located within a generator room. This room has three entrances, the first is a corridor leading to a dropdown room that contains the second entrance.
This dropdown room contains a stairwell and a ramp leading to the generator and above said room is a straight entrance to the Generator room & third entrance.
When coming from the third entrance you can identify the side of the room the kuria is at via the lights above hallway to the first and second entrances. The third entrance does not have these lights.
The Generator room can also be identifed by the energy effects underath the walkable platforms.
The Kuria located above the third entrance on the right side when entering from the first/second entrance. It will be located next to a cache.

Kuria 3-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Saturn - Capture - Cassini
  • Grineer Gallion (Grineer Ship Missions)

The third Kuria is located in a corridor room with numerous pipes atop and in the path of the room.
This corridor only has two entrances with the closest entrance to the Kuria being the one that descends to the next area.
Each entrance has a ramp that takes you to a flat surface corridor that contains a side room.
Entering from the entrance that ascends you'll be furthest away from the Kuria.
Upon reaching the flat corridor there are three doors that will take you to the side room.
Within the side room, the Kuria is located above a double stacked crate against the wall at the end of the room.

Kuria 3-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Earth - Spy - Cambria
  • Grineer Forest

This kuria is located in one of the Grineer Forest's end rooms. This room can spawn instead of another full blown room to end generation. This specific end room can be identified by its open entrance and roof.
If the first few steps or jumps into the end room aren't enough, further into the room itself is a staircase leading to an upper level with a shattered tree and below the staircase is a singular grineer door.
At the top level, on top of the previously mentioned roof you can find a dead Grineer Soldier back towards the entrance of the end room. Next to this Grineer you can find the Kuria for scanning.

Kuria Locations (4-1 to 4-4)

Kuria 4-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

Moving to Uranus and the Sealab Tileset, The first Kuria is located in a pump room under the water.
The room has two entrances with each pump outside of o[ne containing their own platforms, doors and rooms.
At the end of the room where there is a pump with platform, door or room is where the Kuria is located.
In the water you'll find the Kuria sitting against the wall within a cutout panel under the pump.

Kuria 4-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

The Kuria is located within piperoom with two entrances and multiple floors. One entrance brings you into a room with a circular platform around some pipes.
This room contains a stairwell to a higher level for reference that also contains a ramp down to the second entrance.
The second entrance enteres a room with a single walkway and two stairwells leading down to a lower floor with grinders. At the end of the walkway is two doors and the aforementioned ramp to the higher level.
The Kuria is located within the first pipe on the left side upon entering from the second entrance or the second pipe on the right from the higher level ramp and first entrance.

Kuria 4-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Uranus - Mobile Defense - Cressida
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is located within a research room with three entrances.
The Kuria is atop a grineer device with vials and tubes sticking outwards.
Standing atop the higher floors in the main room you can have easier access to the Kuria
Standing atop the higher floors in the main room you can have easier access to the Kuria
Once atop the Grineer device the kuria will be right in front of you at the centre.

Kuria 4-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Uranus - Mobile Defense - Cressida
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is is a very unique room that is easily identifiable.
The room has a few entrances but once entering you'll see a massive Grineer device with an overwatch room with windows nearby.
The Kuria is opposite this room atop a grineer egg above the centre Grineer Tube device.
The Kuria is sitting on the edge ready to be scanned.
Kuria Locations (5-1 to 5-4)

Kuria 5-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Uranus - Mobile Defense - Cressida
  • Uranus - Survival - Ophelia
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is within a large test room with water beneath the grineer platforms and objects.
The room has three entrances. The above image is the first and brings you out over the room on a walkway. Following the walkway will take you to the zone where the Kuria is located.
The second entrance brings you out below the aforementioned walkway and heading to the opposite side of the room with take you to the Kuria zone.
The Third entrance is the closest to the Kuria and after exiting the tunnel brings you to the Kuria zone.
The Kuria zone begins at this staircase with a holographic Grineer being projected from a terminal.
Making your way up the right set of stairs will bring you up to a floor with a tank of liquid.
On the otherside of the tank is a floating platform with a hackable terminal.
You'll need to hack this terminal to access the Kuria.
Return to the Holographic Grineer Projection.
Rather than taking the right staircase going up, take the staircase going down.
Enter the water and head to the outside end of the pressure tunnel and with the terminal hacked the door will have opened with the Kuria waiting to be scanned inside.

Kuria 5-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Assassination - Titania
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is in an extremely rare tile/room that can spawn in the Grineer Sealab, to the point that it rivals one of the later Ceres tiles/rooms where a kuria is located. However it is easy to identify and only has two entrances.
The above is one of the two and is the closest, as it leads straight into the Kuria room that holds two overwatch zones with grineer terminals hanging from above.
The Second entrance comes into a corridor that contains a glass window looking out to the aforementioned zone.
Following the corridor along, you'll reach a split path.
  • Option 1 is to jump into the water, navigate downwards before the gyser explodes to follow the path and reach the aforementioned zone.
  • Option 2 is to follow the yellow pipe next to the stairs, downwards into another corridor that will take you to another water entrance.
When entering continue following the yellow piping until you reach a gyser with an orange/yellow dust effect.
Once you reach the gyser make sure to wait until after it blasts before making your way upwards and out of the tunnel.
This is the room where the kuria is located and with the Gyser blasting.
Once you exit the Gyser, look for a broken glass tube casing and then look upwards to the overwatch closest to the aforementioned first entrance.
Jump upwards by bullet jumping on top of the overwatch and look above and backwards to where the glass tube casing is.
This Kuria is located atop and at the end of the Yellow pipe connecting to the Grineer object on the roof.

Kuria 5-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is located within an exclosed room contained within the above tile. The main tile has a number of large liquid filled pipes & tanks along the walls.
Towards one of the two entrances there will be a stairwell into a smaller corridor.
Within the smaller corridor there will be another staircase and open door.
At this point the room is instantly identifiable by the water rushing down the staircase.
Walk up said staircase and you'll enteer a flood room that is similiar to that seen in the Uranus Sabotage missions.
In this room, you'll need to look upwards when standing in the centre. Look for a broken orange pipe and inside thiss broken section contains the Kuria. Jump on the slanted wall at the edge of the room to scan it.

Kuria 5-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Uranus - Survival - Ophelia
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is located in a room with a number of suspended globes filled with yellow liquid.
The Kuria is nearby to a ramp at the edge of the room near one of its many entrances.
When at the ramp and doors, look for a opening in a rock formation that contains a number of caches.
When you're within this formation look towards the yellow globes and then upwards toward the roof. Follow the rock formation upwards and next to the glass on the roof will be the Kuria.
Kuria Locations (6-1 to 6-4)

Kuria 6-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Spy - Rosalind
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

Taking place in the Uranus Rescue tile/room, it contains a large wall running suspension on your way to the Rescue terminal.
When you make your way to the Rescue terminal that drains the liquid, look upwards and you'll see a zipline.
Jump upwards and then use the zipline to secure yourself. Once secure jump onto the connected pipe that is above the drainage terminal.
When on the pipe make your way to the end of it and you'll find the Kuria waiting for you.

Kuria 6-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Sabotage - Desdemona
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

Taking place in one of the two Sabotage tiles/rooms, specifically the objective that requires the destruction of Tyl Regor's drones in a small cylindrical room.
When in the open section of the room, not where the objective initially starts, you'll want to find a zipline that will take you toan elevated platform.
From the elevated platform make your way to another zipline that goes next too the second stage sabotage objective.
Look upwards and climb the grineer object.
On top of this grineer object and second stage sabotage objective you'll find the Kuria. Keep in mind it may not be in light and thus will appear as a silloutette.

Kuria 6-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

This Kuria is found in a major underwater tile. It has 3 entrances. The above image displays one of those entrances and this requires a terminal to be hacked in order to reach the tunnel.
Follow the tunnel until you reach a water entrance.
Once you enter the water follow the tunnels until you reach the open space zone with a sunken & destroyed grineer structure.
The Kuria is located around the lowest point & next to the most open part of this structure.
Look for a singular support beam near a yellow pipe on the seafloor and follow it upwards to its peark. The Kuria will be waiting.

Kuria 6-4
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

The Next Kuria takes place in another Major Underwater tile and is easily identified by its blocked entrance atop a staircase. At the bottom of the staircase is the actual entrance to the water section of the tile.
Once in the water you can have an even easier time identifying the tile by the submerged orokin structure, acting as an arch.
From this structure make your way to its rear, towards the skybox.
At the edge of the Orokin Structure and before the skybox starts, there will be a unique blue plant.
Within the blue plant is the Kuria.
Kuria Locations (7-1 to 7-4)

Kuria 7-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

Moving to the Grineer Settlement and Mars, the first Kuria is located within a maze like room.

The first identifiable entrance has barracades along the rock walls leading up to the entrance.

An entrance having cutout windows with a cache nearby.

The room has a number of unique properties but it can be identified by a drill in its centre

When at the drill, go to the left side of the platform and jump to stuck out rock.

On this rock hidden away in the fold is the Kuria, ready to be scanned.

Kuria 7-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Defense - Spear
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

One of the easiest Settlement Kuria to acquire is on the defense tile.

Make your way to the centre and from there position yourself on the right side. When facing away from the skybox

On the top platform you can use the two ziplines to reach the Kuria area. Make sure you take the Ziplines closest to the floor.

When at the end of the zipline above a platform and cubby, look upwards for a rock that is sticking outwards from the Grineer Metal.

Jump upwards onto this rock.

When on the rock, look down and just before the shadows you'll find this Kuria.

Kuria 7-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

This and the following Kuria are located in the same end of mission extraction tile.

Look upwards and make your way to the platform.

When on the platform look away from the extraction plate towards the olive plate in the wall and the Kuria will be on the rockface to the right.

Kuria 7-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

As stated beforehand, this and the aforementioned Kuria are located on the same extraction tile.

As you make your way to the extraction plate.

Stick to the left side rockface to avoid extracting and to reach the Kuria.

Continue sticking to the rockface and move outwards from the extraction plate.

Once you reach the displayed zone, look inwards towards the rockface and you'll find the Kuria.
Kuria Locations (8-1 to 8-4)

Kuria 8-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Mars - Mobile Defense - Vallis
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

This Kuria takes place in a long area with two pulsing generators at each end.

The room has multiple entrances and will bring you outwards to each. One generator is smaller and is on a lower floor, while the other is larger and above.

There is a bridge between the two generators.

Halfway across this bridge there will be a gap in the fencing.

Look upwards and you'll see a small rockedge.

Jump upwards onto this surface and the Kuria will be in the corner and shadows.

Kuria 8-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Mars - Mobile Defense - Vallis
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

This and the following Kuria are within the same tile.
You can identify this large open tile by its centre piece

From the centre piece look for the bridge covered in lights.

From the bridge, go left and look upwards in the wall for an opening.

This view should provide a better look, as to where the opening is.

Once within the opening, head towards the cache's but just before getting close turn left and the kuria will be in the dark. If you need light use your weapon.

Kuria 8-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Mars - Mobile Defense - Vallis
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

As stated beforehand this and the previous Kuria are within the same tile.
from the tiles centre piece look for and follow the elevated pipe.

The pipe will stop and start to go down. At this point look towards the Rock windows.

Within the rock window on the right above the tunnel you will find the Kuria.

Kuria 8-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Mars - Excavation - Augustus
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

This Kuria is located in an outside tile with a number of anti aircraft cannons off of the map.

The tile has two tunnels that are used to reach the displayed zone. A bridge is the centrepiece & reference point for this tile.

When at the bridge, reach the lower section near some grineer containers.

Look to the left of the bridge and upwards to find a tall rock.

Scale the rock to reach the Kuria.

The Kuria will be waiting for close to the edge of the rock.
Kuria Locations (9-1 to 9-4)

Kuria 9-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Excavation - Augustus
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

This Kuria is located in another large open space tile, as with the aforementioned tile this also contains anti aircraft cannons on the edge of the map near the skybox.

The difference between this tile and the previous one is that of its layout. It has a landing pad at the highest point that overlooks the tiles multiple entrances.

To the left of the landing pad on the lower level is one entrance.

To the right of the landing pad there are two entrances, one that comes up from a cave system with a sharp incline and the other through a tunnel entrance.

Once you've located the landing platform look behind it, as shown in the image.

The Kuria is located atop the free standing pillar overlooking the landing pad and in front of the fourth entrance.u

Kuria 9-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

Returning to Uranus, this Kuria is located in one of the few end rooms for the Underwater sections of the Grineer Sealab tileset.

Identifiable by the singular engine with yellow tubing and a fan on its side.

Make your way to the back of this engine.

THe Kuria sits within the floor behind & against the generator

Kuria 9-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Mars - Capture - Ara
  • Grineer Settlement (Mars)

One of the easiest Grineer Settlement Kuria to acquire is located on this starting tile.

Climb the crane using bullet jump or other means.

Once you reach the top, the Kuria will be waiting at the cranes head.

Kuria 9-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

The first Kuria in the Grineer Shipyard tileset is located in an End Room.

The Room contains a number of contains and upon entering, turn back towards the door and on the left hand side embedded into the wall is the Kuria. Jump onto the nearby crate for a clear view.
Kuria Locations (10-1 to 10-4)

Kuria 10-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

Taking place in another end room in the Grineer Shipyard, This Kuria is well hidden at the centre of the room.

When over the net covered ground, look for the end of a blue tube and look downwards to find the Kuria tucked away.

Kuria 10-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

Once again, Another end room in the Grineer Shipyard, This room can easily be identified by its yellow generator.

The Kuria is on the right side on top of a protruding grineer pipe.

Kuria 10-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

Within a medium sized end room, the Kuria will require some navigation and a bullet jump.

Upon entering you'll see circular grineer device and going right will take you through an archway of pipes.

The Kuria is in a nook that can be accessed by a Bullet Jump.

There are two nooks in this room, the Kuria is located on the opposite side of the archway.

Once you're in the Nook, look behind the Grineer Cache and the Kuria will be waiting.

Kuria 10-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

The next Kuria takes place in an end room containing alot of pipes that climb the walls.

When you enter the room, look back towards the door.

Jump up onto the right side pipe to find the Kuria waiting above the entrance.
Kuria Locations (11-1 to 11-4)

Kuria 11-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

As with the past five and the next few Grineer Shipyard Kuria, this one takes place in an End room easily identified by the caved in Grineer transport.

Make your way to the left side of the transport and bullet jump onto the front left support.

The Kuria will be waiting at the front on top of said support.

Kuria 11-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This and the following Kuria are located in the same end room tile.

This Kuria is located near the peak of this vertical end room. Looking upwards when standing on the goo that was displayed in the previous image, you'll see the height of the room.

Navigate your way to the highest walkway via the pipes, wallruns & bullet jumps.

When at the highest walkway, the storage room underneath the fan and orange overlapping pipes contains the Kuria in between two Grineer Cache's.

Kuria 11-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

As Stated above, this room contains this & the aforementioned Kuria.

From the bottom of the room, the Kuria sits on a Grineer tank next to the white pipe with yellow goo flowing throughout.

Kuria 11-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

In another Grineer Shipyard End room, this Kuria lies on the top floor.

You can identify this room by its staircase leading down to a gooped off door and an orange pipe above said staircase.

Bullet Jump onto the Orange Pipe.

When you are on the orange pipe there will be cracks.

Look through the largest crack at an angle and you will see the Kuria waiting.
Kuria Locations (12-1 to 12-14)

Kuria 12-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This Kuria is located within a large room with multiple levels and entrances. The room is under construction with its roof being built.

One entrance is on the lower level and brings the player up via a ramp. This side of the room contains the Kuria.

Another entrance is underneath an overlook room and this entrance connects straight to the main room and side where the Kuria is located.

The Kuria is located on a support beam underneath a lowering roof panel.

Bullet Jump upwards to reach the panel or use the nearby wall to climb upwards.

Kuria 12-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This Kuria has been hidden within a unique and easily identifiable end room.

The room is quite large for an end room and contains a malfunctioning repair beam that swirls around the room.

At the back of the room, a few small ramps lead to the overlook.

When moving up the ramp and before onto the overlook platform there will be a small staircase entrance going inward.

Follow the staircase until you reach the loot zone.

Do a complete 180 and look back towards the stairs. Aim towards the lower steps and you'll see the Kuria hiding underneath the steps.

Kuria 12-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Spy - Bode
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This extraction zone for the Grineer Shipyard tileset is rare and will take you a while to spawn if you are unlucky. Make sure that when you have this extraction tile spawn you follow the path exactly.

The extraction zone is at the bottom of the room on a walkway. Do not go there.

Instead move to the very right side of the room and you'll see a seperate staircase to the two that form extraction.

Take the staircase down and jump onto its lower platform.

From the lower platform bullet jump onto the corner of the extraction zone as shown.

Move to the edge of the orange objects and you'll see the Kuria waiting for you on the edge.

Kuria 12-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This and the next Kuria are located in the same room.
This Kuria is located within a large room with multiple entrances. The most notable points of this room are the two bridges that connect the two sides of the room together.

The Kuria is located at the far end of this room near the skybox.

Use the bridges to navigate across the room. Once at the final bridge, move to the left and bullet jump onto the higher platform. The option to walk around is also available.

Once on this section, move towards the barrier overlooking the rockface.

The Kuria will be sitting atop the large protruding rock on this rockface.
Kuria Locations (13-1 to 13-4)

Kuria 13-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Capture - Lex
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This and the Aforementioned Kuria are within the same room
As stated beforehand, the two bridges are the main focus of this room.

From the land overlooking both bridges, bullet jump onto the closest roof to the right.

When on the roof drop down onto the ledge and the Kuria will be sitting at the corner.

Kuria 13-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Spy - Bode
  • Ceres - Sabotage - Ker
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This and the following Kuria are located on the same tile.
The Room has two entrances seperated by a rockface, a large and small tunnel connect each side. Upon entering from the right side entrance you'll come down a small ramp, into an open space platform with a number of cranes overhead.

The Right side of this room has a pathway and staircase leading to the highest point and tunnel systems.

Following the pathway, you'll reach the small tunnel a few metres from the top of the staircase.

When at this point, you can bullet jump up to the next floor, just under a large olive pipe.

From the top floor, bullet jump onto the aforementioned Olive pipe and turn back to where you jumped from (looking out to the skybox).

Look above your position and locate the middle crane.

The Kuria will be waiting at the edge of the crane head. Stay where you are, as the next Kuria follows.

Kuria 13-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Ceres - Spy - Bode
  • Ceres - Sabotage - Ker
  • Grineer Shipyard (Ceres)

This and the aforementioned Kuria are located on the same tile.
As stated beforehand, this Room is rare and has two entrances. The left entrance is more open that the right side entrance. It has two ramps that take you to the lower level and an overlook that eventually takes you to the lower level via a staircase.

From the previous Kuria location, you'll see a protruding Grineer structure.

Bullet Jump & Aim Glide onto the Structure and look downwards towards the highest grineer platform on the left side of the room.

From this platform head to the furthest corner, as shown and look down to another platform.

Beneath this platform is the Kuria, against a darkened Grineer Structure.

Kuria 13-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Uranus - Mobile Defense - Cressida
  • Uranus - Capture - Ariel
  • Grineer Sealab (Uranus)

Returning to the Grineer Sealab Tileset, this Kuria is located within an easily identifiable room with three entrances. The first entrance takes you out onto the bottom floor with rock supporting the above level. This entrance takes you out into the "concourse".

The second entrance takes you out to the "concourse" that is this Kuria's reference piece. A frozen zone with grineer tubes suspened in the air and a ramp that takes you to the higher level.

Move up the ramp into an overlook room.

When entering turn left into the next room.

Once in the corridor and right after entering, look upwards and to the right to find a square shaft.

Enter the shaft and make your way to the edge.

This area and shaft are located above the ramp and corridor exit that lead to Entrance three.
Look towards the support beam to the left and move towards it.

Once you've made yourway through the gap in the beam look back towards it and where you entered to find the Kuria.
Kuria Locations (14-1 to 14-4)

Kuria 14-1
Mission Nodes:
  • Venus - Excavation - Kiliken
  • Corpus Outpost (Pluto & Venus)

The first Kuria on the Corpus Outpost tileset is hidden within a large open tile. It has four entrances. The first is through a Sealed Door leading to the image above.

The second takes you through a small building and out to the above view of the tile.

The Third is through another sealed door and leads to a double bridge link. The fourth is opposite to this entrance and has players enter through a vent.

Once you have entered the open space, head to the highest point where a landing platform will be waiting and an elevator connecting to a lower section of the tile.

Take the elevator down or jump...

Once at the bottom, at the very back of the cutout in between the ramp leading up and the landing platform, the kuria will be waiting.

Kuria 14-2
Mission Nodes:
  • Venus - Capture - Venera
  • Neptune - Capture - Galatea
  • Corpus Outpost (Pluto & Venus)

This Kuria is hidden within an Extraction tile on the Corpus Outpost. The outpost has two similar extraction tiles and the Kuria is hidden within the large one. Easily identified by the orange corpus container waiting atop a cliff to the right after entering.

This extraction tile unlike its counterpart contains multiple platforms before the extraction plate.

From the cliff face jump down and to the left will be a tunnel system.

Navigate your way through the tunnel until the halfway point/cutout.

This area contains a few bins and corpus cache's. The Kuria is hidden in the cutout.

The Kuria is hidden behind the bin that's closest to the tile entrance.

Kuria 14-3
Mission Nodes:
  • Venus - Capture - Venera
  • Neptune - Capture - Galatea
  • Corpus Outpost (Pluto & Venus)

This Kuria is hidden within the Elevator room of the Corpus Outpost. The Room has one elevator and a top floor (as shown above).

The Bottom floor contains two entrances, one at the lowest point and another at the halfway mark.

The elevator is located at the highest point on the bottom floor.

When you reach the elevator door, instead of entering, look towards the storage room door and upwards.

Above this door will be a small ledge that holds the Kuria.

Kuria 14-4
Mission Nodes:
  • Venus - Capture - Venera
  • Neptune - Capture - Galatea
  • Corpus Outpost (Pluto & Venus)

The final Kuria for the Guide, Collectables & Corpus Outpost is located within a small three floor room with four entrances. The first entrance exits into the concourse on the second floor with a view of the third floor (entrance two) and first floor (entrance 3).

The first floor contains a number of Corpus structures and entrance three.

On the second floor near the ramp that leads to the third floor, the fourth entrance will be waiting. Above this entrancce is a ledge that contains the Kuria on the right side.
Story & Poem
Each Kuria collected will unlock a line of a poem available within the codex in your orbiter. This poem alludes to the Grineer Queens existence prior to their showcase and feature in the Cinematic quest: The War Within.

A story once lost
Recovered by fate
The Tale of two sisters
Who bore the same face

Born one quiet Morning
Amidst the great war
All elder were gathered
For this life's new dawn

Confused and bewildered
They judged them amiss
For they never witnessed
Two self-same as these

A mirrored reflection
Had come to life
By will of their father
Kept safe from the knife

Their sameness was shunned
As slave-like and soiled
They tended their strays
Rejected by all

As both girls matured
Their bond grew in depth
They had the same poise
Same senses, same strength

The uprising came
And spread like a weed
An army of copy-men
Ferocious and free

And much like the sea
They came just like the waves
For years they fought on
For years we remained

Like chisel to stone
War molded the twins
Who ravaged the hordes
Became legend to them

They had a deep strength
That came from each other
Unlike all these copies
Identical, but not brothers

The copies could see it
They yearned for it too
If the twins could do it
Perhaps they could too

The Twins had attained
Something more than a whole
A true understanding
Of each other soul

The copies became believers
One by one bowed to the twins
And led forth by their new masters
They ravaged the colonies

Now a power to follow
Not a force to be fought
From the ashes of war
The twin queens were wrought

A video of the complete Kuria poem can be found below, for those who wish early access.
Conclusion & Other Guides
You can acquire the Iwoply graphic and branding in Warframe by using Promocode: IWOPLY

Thank you for reading and using this guide, if you want more Warframe content I do have a previously Partnered YouTube channel that can help you keep up with the latest information about the game.This concludes the guide for the collecting Kuria in Warframe.

If you found it helpful please rate the guide positively and if it wasn't helpful, don't forget that videos are available that provide in-depth information and video guidance on how to acquire each Kuria.

I have a number of guides available for Warframe:
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2442543473 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2431193067 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2433278759 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2442544927 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2469865991 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2469867450 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1412022887
If there were other issues than please let me know what I could change, fix or add via the comment section. I am currently open to suggestions for new guides for the game that you may find useful or want to find on steam but for now, thank you again.
𝔽𝕚𝕞𝕒 Oct 28, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
glennklang Aug 23, 2024 @ 12:04am 
First off, your guide is pretty spot on.
They changed some areas from the past. Did not find 6-4 at Ariel Capture anymore, seems to be only on Uranus, extermination mission Puck. That water room is extended meaning you can find both 6-3 - and 6-4 in the same run.
GrobmotoriGER Aug 12, 2024 @ 3:25pm 
6-1 text talks about rescue room, but says it is in the spy mission.
As expected it is in the rescue mission...
someone, i guess Jul 28, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
someone, i guess Jul 28, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
13-1 room is not rare at ALL
Zhnigo May 9, 2024 @ 5:51pm 
Correction, the exit tile for 2-4 doesn't spawn in the Spy mission that's listed as recommended.
Ichijin Apr 13, 2024 @ 3:40am 
For 4-3 and 4-4 I would recommend Earth - Exterminate - Mariana instead, the map is much smaller and both can appear there.
Lounge Wizard Mar 25, 2024 @ 2:50am 
Helpful guide. One mistake I noticed was the listing of Vallis (Mars) having the Grineer Settlement tile set, but it is the Grineer Galleon tile set. The Mobile Defense you probably meant is Tharsis, which is where I managed to get my scans for the Kuria 8-2 & 8-3.
Phaze Feb 13, 2024 @ 11:12pm 
could do with images for all kuria, with the map displayed
Axlion Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:27am 
Seems 7-3 and 7-4 are swapped around.