Sentinels of the Multiverse

Sentinels of the Multiverse

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Case Files
175.486 MB
2021 年 3 月 26 日 下午 9:24
5 月 5 日 下午 9:56
27 項更新註記 (檢視)

Case Files

Case Files is a fan expansion for the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game created by Greater Than Games. Designed by Rob Brown (bobbertoriley), this project adds several new decks to play alongside the cooperative card game and many other fan works!


Case Files currently includes the following decks and variants:

  • Heroes: Charlie, Tucker
  • Environments: Birchwood, Mass.
  • Variants: Gun Club (Tucker, Charade, Expatriette, and Tango-One)

Other content is still in development on BoardGameGeek and Tabletop Simulator. As those projects complete, they may be ported to this mod as well.


Case Files is designed and programmed by Rob Brown unless otherwise noted. Quite a few individuals have also contributed in various ways.

Birchwood campaign setting created and owned by Ray Selfridge. Special thanks to him and all the players (Stephen Adezio, Tomas Blake Carillo, Salvatore Cucinotta, Joe DeStefano, Michael Green, and Brian Wickersham) for bringing that world to life and inspiring some of the stories that ended up in Case Files.

The following characters appear in art within Case Files and are owned by their respective authors. Thanks for allowing me the privilege of featuring your characters alongside mine!

  • Expatriette and several other characters from Sentinels of the Multiverse by Greater than Games
  • Tango One and several other characters from The Cauldron by Matthew Bishop
  • Charade from Menagerie of the Multiverse by Mike Williams
  • The Lost Girls from Walker's Workbench by Kate Walker
  • Tsukiko the Magnificent from Spooky Ghostwriter Comics by Tesla_Coil

  • Heroes
    • Charlie: Matthew Bishop
    • Tucker: Matthew Bishop
  • Environments
    • Birchwood, Mass.: Matthew Bishop
  • Variants
    • Gun Club: Mike Williams

  • Environments
    • Birchwood, Mass.: Blood Eagle[] by Alexander Nakarada

Other Shoutouts
  • Greater Than Games for designing Sentinels of the Multiverse
  • Handleabra Games for porting Sentinels of the Multiverse to digital platforms and adding in mod support
  • Geoffrey Benedict, Matthew Bishop, and Kate Walker for being really cool people and helping light the spark that inspired Case Files, along with all the feedback over the years
  • The Cauldron Mod team for inspiring the project structure and for their source, speeding up development
  • Anyone who has ever playtested my stuff, physically or digitally, and helped bring it to where it is today

  • Support the Physical Game Creators: Greater than Games[]
  • Support the Digital Game Creators: Handelabra Games[]
  • Case Files is also available for Tabletop Simulator: Steam Workshop
  • Other Case Files Related Stuff: BoardGameGeek[]
  • Come Play and Discuss Sentinels Stuff: Discord[]
熱門討論 檢視全部(5)
2023 年 4 月 29 日 下午 7:17
置頂: Bug Reporting
2023 年 4 月 10 日 上午 10:38
Charlie Biography
2021 年 5 月 27 日 下午 6:16
14 則留言
bobbertoriley  [作者] 5 月 10 日 下午 2:05 
There's some stuff I'm beta testing that I'm not ready to release for general consumption (at this point, mostly because I'm working on getting art done), and it was easier to distribute it though steam workshop than to manually distribute files via discord. I think things are stable for now, though.

If you want to try the beta stuff, "HmcsMoondancer" is the environment identifier to add to the manifest.
Arachobia 5 月 10 日 上午 1:10 
May I ask why there's been a series of updates with no description the past few days? Just curious as Case Files keeps moving to the top of the 'recently updated' list which gets me excited as I love this mod and thought TTS stuff was getting added or something
Edgewalker 1 月 16 日 上午 11:26 
I love it. Just managed to hunt Ultimate Plague Rat in Birchwood using Stuntman,Charlie,Tucker, Expatriette and Scholar :-) Nobody died but some heroes finished on 1 hp. Very intense!
I really like new heroes, both are fun and well balanced. Birchwood rocks, my new favourite environment.
robertmfreeman 2023 年 9 月 5 日 上午 9:33 
I really like both of these heroes. Extremely well balanced, and the art is perfect!
aloojawa 2022 年 7 月 31 日 下午 11:53 
A Cryptid Villain deck for this mod would be nice
Mad Monk 2022 年 1 月 24 日 上午 4:39 
I tried Charlie and Tucker before, along with Birchwood, but it was against a mod villain and ended up going very poorly, as the villain was one who uses environment targets against you.
Tonight I tried the pair again against a core villain, and it was much easier to get a feel for them.
Charlie is not on the stronger side, but he performs pretty decently. "Dial M for Mark" is quite good, essentially acting as the same temporary "Kill this thing" card Naturalist has in his own kit.
Tucker shines rather nicely though. Her Trick Shot cards have nice potential, and she lots of interesting choices open to her; extra draws, double plays, double powers, etc.
Overall I'd say these two are pretty excellent.
bobbertoriley  [作者] 2021 年 12 月 10 日 上午 10:30 
For anyone who might be interested, I am currently taking feedback and considering changes on Charlie's deck, since he's much older than a lot of content in here and I've identified a few problem areas. Feedback welcome at
TheOneWaaagh 2021 年 11 月 22 日 上午 10:28 
The Gun Club variants are most excellent. I like the whole Reservoir Dogs/Usual Suspects theme which really fits those characters (as opposed to Titan or Terminus). Also the Birchwood environment is soooo good! The message that pops when Mr. Floppers gets destroyed while Erica is in play is a nice touch. And of course, Charlie and Tucker are both excellent as well. Nice work and thank you for taking the time to share such awesomeness.
bobbertoriley  [作者] 2021 年 11 月 22 日 上午 7:35 
I'm sorry if you feel an artist's interpretation of their own character is off, but at this point, I'm not asking for any art changes.

As for why Tsukiko? I went into Gun Club wanting only one character per designer/expansion, and Cauldron is already repped by Tango. I like working with Tesla and wanted an opportunity to show off one of his characters. Sorry if you disagree with the choice, but in the end, I think Tsukiko adds a unique aspect to the team Terminus wouldn't.

Also, if one Equipment in a deck qualifies you as a gun wielder, Tsukiko has the Tank Top. 🙂
omegaeclipse 2021 年 11 月 22 日 上午 5:03 
Charades gun club needs a smaller nose; she looks like pinocco