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Noita40K ACT III
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Noita40K ACT III

In 1 verzameling van Bruham
10 items
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One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness,
One last blade, forged in defiance of fate,
Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered,
And my final gift to the species I failed.


This is the preview of the upcoming Warhammer 40K inspired total conversion mod.

Carve a blood soaked path of obliteration wielding a weapon of the Five themselves. Awaken the wolves, humiliate the flesh, burn the unworthy, crash the unstoppable, perfect the tactics, purge the heretics, eliminate the forsaken, overrun the wind and animate the shadows. Virtute Et Armis!

ACT I features:
  • Set of Gene-Seed Organs
  • MKVII Power Armour
  • Boltgun to slaughter hiisis
  • Bolt Carbine to oneshot Stevaries
  • Chainsword to shower in blood
  • Melta-Cutter to hide the bodies

ACT II features:
  • Set of Augmentations
  • Sicarian Battle Armour
  • Volkite Caliver to test the flesh
  • Darkire Rifle to purge by corruption
  • Sollex-Aegis Energy Blade to closer the inevitable
  • Mitralock to uncover the hidden

ACT III features:
  • Set of Loyal Legiones Astartes
  • Extension System
  • Darkest of All the Technologies
  • Integrated Codex


Special Thanks to:
  • ryyst for truly tremendous amount of support
  • Etwas Merkwürdig, Whollow[], Vromikos, Horscht, Archaeopteryx and Disco Witch[] for serving the Imperium
  • Noita modding community in general for creating an outstanding library of mods to grab joy and scripting examples from
  • Nolla games for that exact game and an incredible lua API to mod it with (please fix stain offsets ^)


100% unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.

© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. GW, Games Workshop, BL Publishing, Black Library, Forge World, Citadel, White Dwarf, The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer Digital, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.

also try Cortex Command[]
Populaire discussies Alles weergeven (5)
14 mei om 1:24
BELANGRIJK: Problems thread
23 mei om 6:00
BELANGRIJK: Questions that require answers
7 dec 2021 om 18:57
Battle Reports
843 opmerkingen
Bruham  [auteur] 3 jun om 22:23 
Nope, don't think so, and the mod itself is not designed to support translations as for now.
В сети есть русификатор?
Schmidt 29 mei om 23:43 
The indomitable human spirit
Bruham  [auteur] 23 mei om 5:53 
Since we'll have said foundation by then, should definitely be more manageble. However, we have rather ambitious plans for the 5th one (ACT IV will be just a regular content update from the point of a player - one new class and redone everything else), as we want to experiment with machine learning for certain core gameplay features. Same goes for ACT VI - it will be the first major content update, as we'll be adding way more than just a singular class.
Schmidt 22 mei om 16:13 
will take act Ⅴ the same or similar time?
Bruham  [auteur] 22 mei om 13:52 
Former ACTs were us just trying the waters with modding, engine and gamedesign approach overall. Going forward we'd like to handle it seriously and this requires an extensive (and way more complex than expected) foundation of tech and experience which we've been building ever since.
Schmidt 22 mei om 13:05 
Why does act Ⅳ take more time than all the other acts together?
Bruham  [auteur] 21 mei om 6:50 
The question I'd like to know answer to myself tbh. But looking at the todo list, rather unlikely.
Also, don't think I mentioned it here yet: you can check our github [] to see what we are working on in real-time (it's still backend tech slog at the moment).
Bike 21 mei om 2:58 
the big question: will ACT IIII come this year?
The Average Communist 12 mei om 10:35 
One of the best mods ever made like holy shit what kinda of sorcery did you do to make this work