Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

HOI4 How to: Communist States of America
"#HOI4 #USA #Communist
Changing the USA to Communist is either woefully hard or painfully easy. There are faster ways to flip the government and speedier ways to end the war. For this video, I felt I should let the AI do a lot of the heavy lifting to show what to expect without much player interference.

The key takeaway is this:
All deployed land units seem to be kept by the player.
You can easily deploy the 96 divisions and use the 5k equipment boosts to puff up any absence of equipment.

On manpower and losses:
Remember! The Confederacy gets a 1 x24 Free Infantry through a focus tree decision, plus ∞ x6 Silver Legions every (I think) 45 days. Plus, they are awarded additional initial divisions created from phantom manpower (COME ON!!).
You'll be okay to take up to 2m in manpower losses before you'll really feel an impact on future wars.

-History Repeated Itself-
As the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate States. Again.

00:00 Intro
00:59 Setup
03:00 Recap
3:10 Timelapse
04:12 Election
04:33 Timelapse
06:39 Second American Civil War"