War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

42 ratings
Korvek's Return - Community Collaboration Campaign
Custom Campaigns: Custom Campaign
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Dec 16, 2020 @ 5:29pm
Jul 21, 2024 @ 2:39pm
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Korvek's Return - Community Collaboration Campaign

In 1 collection by Korvek
Korvek's 2.0 Campaigns
5 items
Korvek has returned, a fragmented shadow of what he once was. It is necessary for him to battle with both himself, and his fellow underlords, for supremacy. Levels begin easy and become progressively harder.

This campaign was made with the help of multiple mapmakers. Each would submit one map to me and I would review it and, if required, help with the scripting. Thanks to Green.Sliche, Padelboot, Biervampir, Vodka, Cr4nk, roysten712, and burnster321 for contributing!
Korvek  [author] Jul 28, 2024 @ 8:26am 
I omitted it due to how often it is used to cheese maps, e.g. blocking waves or exploiting AIs.
Kaalund Jul 28, 2024 @ 7:51am 
replacement earth? its it just me or its is missing?
Korvek  [author] Jul 21, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
The latest update somehow broke level 8. I redid a load of scripts to fix the issues the update caused. I also added extra voice lines, gold, and reduced the number of imperial defences.
Bobby Hingsen May 28, 2024 @ 11:50am 
Finished it and It was pretty damn good campaign. Lvl 7 is definitely most difficult. Once you wrap your head around everything you can beat it easily to be honest. Great job guys.
Korvek  [author] Mar 1, 2024 @ 8:12am 
This is mostly an issue with a majority of players not being familiar with the game due to the official campaign/tutorial not teaching properly. I, and many others, have already made campaigns teaching these basics. Ultimately, a collaboration will always contain a variety of maps/difficulties and many were toned down drastically as it was. I do agree that hints would be good, though this should never translate into me saying what should be unlocked since I prefer to leave that up to player choice.
Korvek  [author] Mar 1, 2024 @ 8:12am 
With that said, pointing towards building a large foundry would be an idea, although, at least as a player, I prefer just being told what the challenge is and figuring out what to use. It is worth noting though that defences (especially bombards) are pretty meta anyway (even for aggressive players!). The meta cannot realistically be taught in every campaign, that is more for the beginner/intermediate ones I made, and this campaign was ultimately made as a final project for most mapmakers with the idea that players were familiar with the basics already. I did want to bridge the difficulty gap a bit better with levels 6-7 but, as you probably saw, it did not succeed.
lateralhilarity Feb 25, 2024 @ 2:26am 
@Korvek point taken, but if you want to "test" people's abilities, you have to educate them before.
Otherwise it's just going to be frustrating, being thrown into the deep end of the pool and just watch them drown... you really train them to swim before! In the context of the scenarios, some hints would be the way forward, otherwise people will just fail and be frustrated.
khazid73 Feb 23, 2024 @ 3:58pm 
Overall, fun campaign. lvl 7,8,11,12 gave me the most trouble but it's possible to beat. lvl 1 was a great introduction.
Korvek  [author] Feb 2, 2024 @ 10:43am 
Level 7 tests whether you can build a good dungeon and defence and are able to respond to threats. Slaughterpens are bad early game because they distract minions, waste money and precious time, and should Never be built until late game when minions would otherwise refuse to work, especially if you can use magical meat.

The level is very possible to complete otherwise, and as I offered before, you can upload a video or I can watch you play and say what mistakes were made.
lateralhilarity Feb 2, 2024 @ 2:19am 
Yeah, level 7 really is a PITA. Winnable only with 20/20 hindsight it seems, and only if you guess correctly what exactly the mistake was (I still can't fathom how building a slaughterpen can be a mistake).