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Half-Life Complete Guide (25th Anniversary)
Από Gloveman
With the 25th Anniversary Update a bunch of things have changed so i updated the guide to represent the Definitive Edition of Half-Life. This Guide will walk you through Half-Life, how to get to any point in the game, any weapon, item, console commands and how to install mods

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Intro & Story

is an Action First-Person Shooter developed by Valve and released November 19th, 1998. Half-Life runs on GoldSrce - A modified version of the Quake Engine, idTech.

Half-Life was originally a side project to Prospero and had different titles such as Quiver, Triphammer and Belly of The Beast but Valve ultimately settled on Half-Life. In late 1997, Valve restarted development delaying the game to Nov 98.

Theoretical Physicist Gordon Freeman arrives late to Sector C to perform an experiment in Anomalous Materials. An explosion during a failed experiment at the Black Mesa Research Facility rips open a portal to an alien world. Gordon Freeman survives, but must now battle both aliens and government forces to save humankind before the Earth is overrun.
Full Walkthrough
The Definitive Way to Play
As of now there's lots of ways to play Half-Life. Mods, conversions, addons etc. One definitive way to play is the brilliant overhaul mod MMod. Developed by Gunship MK 2, MMod is a free, fan made modification for Half-Life aiming to refine player's arsenal and further expand player's combat options. Featuring AI tweaks, VFX and SFX overhaul in spirit of original, additional weapon functionality and bug fixes, while keeping most changes optional.
25 Years of Half-Life
Half-Life is officially 25 years old. Time flies. I remember playing HL1 when i was 3 years old and loving it. Now its a life defining game for me and i cherish it thanks to my Dad.

Half-Life's 25th Anniversary has brought tons of new things to the table including WON features, QoL stuff and more.Heres some videos for your viewing pleasure featuring my Year of the Lambda Series.

Developer Playthrough
Dario Casali, a legendary Level Designer who worked on the Half-Life series, has uploaded their own playthrough of HL1 with commentary and insight into the history of development. For your viewing pleasure you can see it here all in one.
Commands & Launch Options
Open the Developer Console with "~" and then type sv_cheats 1 before entering any commands. If the dev console doesn't open by default, locate the config file and make sure BIND "~" toggleconsole is there or add it to launch options.
  • sv_cheats 1 - Enables Cheats
  • God - Invincibility
  • Noclip - Fly through walls
  • Impulse 101 - Gives all weapons
  • Impulse 102 - Gives the HEV Suit
  • Impulse 200 - Removes Items
  • Notarget - NPC's ignore you
  • Maps * - Shows list of maps
  • map "map name" - loads the desired map *Note you will load with no weapons or suit*
  • Restart - restarts the current map
  • Disconnect - Ends your SP or MP session
  • Developer 1 - Enables Dev mode / 0 disables
  • Dev_overview 1 - Enables top down view of the current map / 0 disables
  • fps_override 1 - Overrides the FPS limit / 0 disables
  • fps_max - Lets you set the FPS limit
  • give weapon_ - Gives weapon of choice
  • give item_ - Gives item of choice
  • Chase active_1 - Thirdperson over the shoulder / 0 disables
  • Thirdperson - Play in Thirdperson!
  • Firstperson - Play the default perspective
  • gl_texturemode gl_nearest - Turns off Texture filtering
  • Default_fov - Set Viewmodel Distance (Default is 90, while 106 is the correct Ratio for 16:9-1080p.
    I reccomend 110 for 1440p)
  • hud_draw 1 - Turns on HUD while 0 turns it off
  • violence_agibs 1
  • violence_ablood 1
  • violence_hblood 1
  • violence_hgibs 1
    These 4 can enable the Violence and Blood for NPC's. 0 Disables it
Will add more!

Launch Options
If you wish to have stuff automatically set for you you can add them to the launch options peramaters instead.
Locate the game in your library, click on properties and in the "Launch Option" field add whatever you want with - infront of it like this for example
-noborder -windowed -w1920 -h1080
Borderless Fullscreen
To play Half-Life in Windowed Borderless it works the same for other GoldSrce and Source games.

Library > Half-Life > Properties > Launch Options
-windowed -noborder
After this, launch the game and enjoy!

This also works for all GoldSrce and Source games like Sven Co-op or Team Fortress 2.
As of November 17th, 2023 Valve has fixed this for the 25th Anniversary Update. The game now has the Widescreen FOV option that you can just use instead. If you'd rather use a custom FOV still feel free to use this anyway. Cheers!

Half-Life's FOV by Default is 90 for Resolutions below 1080p.

16:9 Resolutions use 106 FOV
Resolutions above 1080 should be set to 110-220.

In the console [~] or launch options enter
Default_fov "desired fov"
I play on 1440p so I use 110.

If you're playing on Ultrawide, I'd reccomend 110-120.
Change Game Option
Normally in the menu the option to change your game appears allowing you to switch to a mod, TFC, CS or Day of Defeat for ex. For whatever reason it dissapears but through a small code edit you can bring this back.

Step 1: Locate your Half-Life directory
Step 2: inside valve/resource you should find "GameMenu.res" edit this with notepad
Step 3: Find line "14" and delete "notsteam" "notsingle" "notmulti" keyvalues
Step 4: Restart the game and you should see the change game option
Custom Game Menu
Within Half-Life's files you'll find GameMenu. This txt doc in particular will let you change how the main menu appears depending on what you want changed. Whether it be extra buttons, an option that launches a specific map, re-adding the change game option or anything else you might want/need for modding.

Locate it in
While HL1 is intended as a singleplayer experience, there are multiple ways to play with friends or randoms in various formats. Heres a rundown of each
The original PlayStation 2 release of Half-Life features countless additions and changes not seen in the PC version. The most notable is Decay. The 25th Anniversary Update made playing the PC Fan Port alot easier without the hassle of Port Forwarding

Decay is a full length coop campaign during the events of Half-Life 1.
You play as Dr. Gina Cross/Dr. College Green as you help Dr. Keller and Rosenberg.

There are 3 ways to play Decay
1. The PS2 Version
2. PC Port
3. Sven Co-op

The first two are the authentic experiences while Sven is just the maps without the character switching, survival mode and whatnot. If you wish to play it heres how

You're gonna need a Steam copy of Half-Life 1 you can get here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/

First off you'll need to download the fan port here Half-Life: Decay Installer once downloaded run the installer and make sure the Half-Life folder appears when selecting common (your partner needs to have it installed on the same drive and same way you do or else the networking wont work!) finish running the installer and launch "Decay" that now appears in your library. Once both of you are at the main menu, one of you start a game on dy_accident1 with Steam Networking enabled. Once loaded in, invite your friend and you should be set to go. Pressing G swaps POV's.

Similar to HL1, you only need the maps this time and no separate app. You can download the maps here Sven Co-op Decay[scmapdb.wikidot.com] or from a server running them. Once downloaded, install them to the sven_addon folder. Start a game on dy_accident1 or the campaign portal and invite your friend by having them type in the console connect [steam id] [password] except password is optional. You can play with a bunch if you so choose.

Released in 1999 only 2 months after HL1, Sven Co-op is a multiplayer/coop "mod" designed to allow you and other people to play through the HL campaign and even other custom maps. Its free to own and doesn't require anything to play besides

Half-Life also has a coop mod for playing through the campaign with multiple people. There are also some servers that run coop if you just want to join others.
Half-Life features Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch on various maps aswell as thousands of custom ones straight from the server browser. You can also setup or create your own server/session in seconds on the main menu by clicking "create game" and then selecting whatever settings you want

If you want to play on custom maps you'll need to either manually install them or get em from servers hosting it. With the 25th Anniversary Update you can enable Steam Networking for easy-setup and friends can just join flawlessly. Or set a password for private sessions

In the options menu you can choose a display name (Different from Steam name), playermodel, spray and crosshair with color options for each

Alternatively if you want something unique and original, Abiotic Factor is a 1-6 player Half-Like with survival elements that i can't recommend enough
Rendering Mode
As of Nov 17th, 2023 Valve has fixed Software mode with the 25th Anniversary Update.

In HL and its expansions there are 2 different video modes. Software Renderer and OpenGL.
Both have its perks and downfalls, but each provide a unique way to play the game.

Software Mode is the Original Video mode that launched with WON in 1998 featuring the animated water, unfiltered textures and other features.

OpenGL is the new Default rendering mode that is widely known and used today. While its vastly improved, it has some cons that SR offer like better water, the 1998 visual pixelated visual and more
WON (Non-Steam Version)
Valve has re-implemented WON features into Steam with the 25th Anniversary Update such as the menu, viewroll and viewbob, better default settings and Software Render-er working now.

WON (World Opponent Network) is the original retail version of Half-Life before steam and came on a CD-ROM.

WON HL features many things that Steam HL does not. If you want to access the WON version you have a few ways of doing so.

1) Own a physical copy of Half-Life
2) Download an archived version of the CD-ROM
3) Play the game through Xash3D, an reverse-engineered GoldSrce engine (Valve does not like this)

Whichever way you choose should allow you to experience the original version of Half-Life.
If you're looking to wipe your saves and start a fresh playthrough or even backup saves, its super easy and not hard to find.

First, go to your library and the game. Open the properties on it and browse local files. From there you want to locate the "valve" folder then "SAVE". Within this folder is all your local saves that you can do with as you please.

NOTE: Steam Cloud will also save them so if you don't want them pre-saved disable the Cloud until you wipe the folder and then re-enable it.

Hope this helps!
Secrets & Easter Eggs
G-Man Sightings
In Half-Life throughout the game you'll notice the mysterious G-Man watching over you at several points of interest and disappearing before you can reach him (without noclip).

In the case you do reach him, you cannot hurt or kill him instead inflicting negative damage and sometimes stopping his pathing making him stop in his tracks (We've Got Hostiles, Apprehension). These are all the Sightings from beginning to end in order.

As the Tram goes downward and you come to the last room before you get off, you'll see a Tram that's stopped across from you with G-Man starring at you.


In one of the office rooms G-Man can be seen talking with a fellow scientist

Right after you get the Glock and exit the airlock you'll turn left and look up to see G-Man on the balcony above you.

Right before you jump the gap to the Ladder in the shaft, a dark door next to the staircase will feature G-Man starring at you before walking away

Just after the slippery floor with turrets, G-Man can be seen at the top railing before walking away

As you enter the room with the Garg, G-Man can be seen at the Track Controls

Across the 3 giant crushers is G-Man

Can be seen entering a Portal

I don't count the ending cause regardless you see him but this is the last time we see him until Opposing Force and Blue Shift
Chapter Select
CH0 - Hazard Course
  • t0a0
  • t0a0a
  • t0a0b
  • t0a0b1
  • t0a0b2
  • t0a0c
  • t0a0d
CH1 - Black Mesa Inbound
  • c0a0
  • c0a0a
  • c0a0b
  • c0a0c
  • c0a0d
  • c0a0e

CH2 - Anomalous Materials
  • c1a0
  • c1a0d
  • c1a0a
  • c1a0b
  • c1a0e

CH3 - Unforseen Consequences
  • c1a1a
  • c1a1f
  • c1a1b
  • c1a1c
  • c1a1d
CH4 - Office Complex
  • c1a2
  • c1a2a
  • c1a2b
  • c1a2c
  • c1a2d

CH5 - "We've Got Hostiles"
  • c1a3
  • c1a3a
  • c1a3b
  • c1a3c
  • c1a3d

CH6 - Blast Pit
  • c1a4
  • c1a4k
  • c1a4b
  • c1a4f
  • c1a4d
  • c1a4e
  • c1a4i
  • c1a4g
  • c1a4j

CH7 - Power Up
  • c2a1
  • c2a1a
  • c2a1b

CH8 - On A Rail
  • c2a2
  • c2a2a
  • c2a2b1
  • c2a2b2
  • c2a2c
  • c2a2d
  • c2a2e
  • c2a2f
  • c2a2g
  • c2a2h

CH9 - Apprehension
  • c2a3
  • c2a3a
  • c2a3b
  • c2a3c
  • c2a3d
  • c2a3e

CH10 - Residue Processing
  • c2a4
  • c2a4a
  • c2a4b
  • c2a4c

CH11 - Questionable Ethics
  • c2a4d
  • c2a4e
  • c2a4f
  • c2a4g

CH12 - Surface Tension
  • c2a5
  • c2a5w
  • c2a5x
  • c2a5a
  • c2a5b
  • c2a5c
  • c2a5d
  • c2a5e
  • c2a5f
  • c2a5g

CH13 - "Forget About Freeman!"
  • c3a1
  • c3a1a
  • c3a1b

CH14 - Lambda Core
  • c3a2e
  • c3a2
  • c3a2a
  • c3a2b
  • c3a2c
  • c3a2d
  • c3a2f

CH15 - Xen
  • c4a1

CH16 - Gonarch's Lair
  • c4a2
  • c4a2a
  • c4a2b

CH17 - Interloper
  • c4a1a
  • c4a1b
  • c4a1c
  • c4a1d
  • c4a1e
  • c4a1f

CH18 - Nihilanth
  • c4a3

CH19 - Endgame
  • c5a1
Weapons & Items

  • Crowbar - give weapon_crowbar
  • Glock - give weapon_glock
  • Revolver - give weapon_357
  • MP5 - give weapon_mp5
  • Shotgun - give weapon_shotgun
  • Crossbow - give weapon_crossbow
  • RPG - give weapon_rpg
  • Gauss Rifle - give weapon_gauss
  • Gluon Gun - give weapon_egon
  • Hive Hand - give weapon_hornetgun
  • Grenade - give weapon_handgrenade
  • Satchel Charge - give weapon_satchel
  • Tripwire Grenade - give weapon_tripmine
  • Snark - give weapon_snark
  • give ammo_9mmclip
  • give ammo_357
  • give ammo_glockclip
  • give ammo_9mmbox
  • give ammo_crossbow
  • give ammo_Egonclip
  • give ammo_gaussclip
  • give ammo_9mmAR
  • give ammo_RPGclip
  • give ammo_buckshot
  • give ammo_ARgrenades
  • give ammo_mp5grenades
  • HEV Suit - give item_suit
  • HEV Health - give item_healthkit
  • HEV Battery - give item_battery
  • HEV Long Jump Module - give item_longjump
  • Antidote - give item_antidote
  • Oxygen - item_airtank
  • Passport - item_security
  • SODA - item_sodacan
Half-Life doesn't have any official achievements (there is 1 but it's only on the website) but that won't stop us from having fun and creating our own. I've compiled a list of custom goals and challenges for your journey in Black Mesa. Don't take these too seriously as it's impossible to track them accurately until Valve adds real ones. If you're reading this Valve PLEASE add some.

Finish the game on Hard
Finish Uplink
3. HEV Certified
Complete the Hazard Course
Ruin the Microwave Casserole
Put on the HEV Suit
Cause a resonance cascade
Torch the tentacles
Blow up the Gargantua
Travel every rail in Chapter 8
Get apprehended by the Military
Acquire the Tau Cannon
Fight head on with the HECU
Fight off the military
Reach Lambda Core
15. XEN
Enter a dimensional portal
Kill Gonarch
Defeat the Xen God Nihilanth
Accept G-Mans offer
Decline G-Mans Offer
Have full health and armor
Don't kill a single friendly NPC
Catch all G-Man sightings
Drink from every Soda Machine and then break them
If you're like me whos been in the modding scene for years and want to make maps or mods for your favorite games including Half-Life you'll only need a few essential tools that TWHL[twhl.info] can provide.


For Level Editing and creating maps you're gonna need JACK https://store.steampowered.com/app/496450/JACK/

For compiling you need VHLT

Viewing models and more you'll need Solokillers Asset Manager

The Whole Half-Life[twhl.info] is your one stop shop for all things Half-Life Modding.
Add-ons & Mods
Half-Life has a vast range of Add-ons, Mods and Total Conversions but they're installed differently depending on what you want. So lets go over how to install each one in the simplest way.

Mods are custom created content such as Campaigns, Multiplayer modes or total conversions such as Cry of Fear, Starlight or Afraid of Monsters.

They're very simple to install and some even are on Steam for your convenience such as Caged and Decay Solo Mission while others like Signal Lost and Year of the Dragon run on Modified GoldSrce engine Xash3D meaning you don't need Steam or Half-Life to run it.

Installing a Mod or Add-on for Steam

Step 1) Find the mod you want from ModDB and download it
Step 2) Locate your Half-Life directory. Normally it's in steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life. This is where "Mods" wlill be unzipped or dragged into. Restart steam and enojy

For add-ons, GameBanana and ModDB host tons of stuff to find. Once downloaded drop it into the valve_addons folder and restart the game.

Make sure you restart Steam before you see the Mod in your library or in-game if it's an add-on. If its a Xash Mod you can just play immediately after unzipping to a folder.

Xash Mods can just be unzipped or downloaded to desktop or a folder if you choose.
Some Mods I highly recommend checking out are:

- Half-Life: Echoes
- Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission
- Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D
- Half-Life: Signal Lost
- Half-Life: Year of the Dragon
- Half-Life: The Core
- Half-Life: Induction
- Hard-Life
- Brutal Half-Life
- Cry of Fear
- Afraid of Monsters
- Starlight
- Half-Life: Dark Matter
- Black Mesa Classic
And my very own Mod - Half-Life: Legacy

If you wish to create your own mods or addons, check out the TWHL Discord for everything you need to know.

Enjoy!...This is where I get off....
My Modlist/Modpack
Being the massive fan that I am, I've compiled a Modpack/Modlist of some of the best addons I've found to enhance or remaster the experience. COMING VERY SOON
If you're interested in taking cool screenshots or recording background footage thats cinematic, this guide should help out. Shout out to the creator.

Half-Life Website[www.half-life.com]

38 σχόλια
Gloveman  [Δημιουργός] 11 Μαϊ, 1:20 
Thanks! :)
Bo9da 10 Μαϊ, 8:32 
Wow the guides so based didn't know steam alows stuff like that
Simon G 7 Μαϊ, 8:50 
i did what i was told, it said to go to steamapps/common/halflife
Gloveman  [Δημιουργός] 6 Μαϊ, 3:24 
It seems you either don't own a Steam copy of Half-Life or they'res some corrupt files going on. As for Field Intensity, you need to have the folder in your HL1 or OP4 directory
Simon G 4 Μαϊ, 1:14 
when i try to open half life: decay solo mission it says i have no license, when i open half life: mmod it fucks up my resolution and when i try to play field intensity it straight up never appears in my library. can someone help me with all of these?
Gloveman  [Δημιουργός] 23 Νοε 2023, 16:33 
MèoThậtNgầu 23 Νοε 2023, 12:15 
oh yeah, and the launch options, zero IDEA how that works really. so maybe you could say somthin' 'bout it ey?
Gloveman  [Δημιουργός] 22 Νοε 2023, 13:30 
Hmm. Thats interesting. I've never encountered that before but maybe try a couple things
1. Fresh Install
2. Verify Files/Cache
3. set resolution using launch options
If none of that fixes, try reporting it to the HLSDK github
MèoThậtNgầu 22 Νοε 2023, 4:52 
most what i just set it on
MèoThậtNgầu 22 Νοε 2023, 4:51 
oh btw my monitor is a 1920 x 1080