Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Apex Launch Options (11/2020)
By hehexd123
A list of Launch options for Season 7 of Apex Legends
A List of all (known) launch options and whether they work / are supported in the current version of Apex Legends (Season 7 - v3.02.267)

Keep in mind to disable any launch options that you suspect might cause an issue, a crash or performance problems and not to copy paste recommended launch options you find on a website. In many cases they do not fit your system specifically.

-full / -fullscreen - will launch the game in fullscreen mode regardless of settings

-window / -windowed - will launch the game in windowed mode regardless of settings

+cl_showfps 4 - show FPS in-game (obsolete)

+cl_showpos 1 - show Name, Position, Angle and Velocity in-game

+fps_max (Number) - Limit FPS to given number, set to "1" to set the fps to the monitor's refresh rate and set to "0" for unlimited

-high - Sets the game thread priority to high. Could lead to a performance increase but also system instability. use with caution

-dev - disables the intro animation but has been known to cause issues and crashes in the past, disable this if you encounter problems.
Not Supported / Do Nothing
-novid - Is supposed to disable the game loading intro, does nothing instead.

-threads (number) - Determines the number of threads (not cores) to allocate for the thread pool - Does nothing and is left for the game engine to decide.

-freq / -refresh (number) - This option is managed by the refresh rate selected in windows.

-console - The developer console is disabled in public builds of Apex and can't be accessed.
Not confirmed to work
-forcenovsync - This option should be managed by the game settings.

-dxlevel - Determines the DirectX API version used for rendering. Seems to do nothing.

-preload / -cl_forcepreload - Enables preloading of textures at game start, appears to do nothing, as preloading is handled by the game.
Meme tier
Why would you use this?

-w/-width (number) - Sets the desired width of the resolution. Crashes on startup if an unsupported resolution is entered unless playing in windowed mode.

-h/-height (number) - Sets the desired height of the resolution. Crashes on startup if an unsupported resolution is entered unless playing in windowed mode.

-nosound - Does as it says by disabling all sound. I don't know why you would do this but it does work

-nomouse - Disables mouse support but only during gameplay, navigating the game still works

-noip - Use this if you want to not play the game, disables the game binding to an IP and disables multiplayer support

-noborder - Disables the game border around the window in windowed mode. Just use borderless windowed instead of this

-low - Sets the game priority to low and causes performance issues and system instability very fun!

Apocolex Oct 22, 2021 @ 9:44am 
Aechkay Jul 7, 2021 @ 3:55pm 
Gustaphos Apr 28, 2021 @ 12:26pm 
-novid works for me
LargeBoyLuke Apr 27, 2021 @ 11:03pm 
cool guide thanks.
Riskydemon Apr 25, 2021 @ 8:08pm 
thx for the launch options
Grumpy Sunshine Apr 25, 2021 @ 4:16pm 
hehexd123  [author] Nov 29, 2020 @ 2:18am 
@Shizofreninja -dev alone disables the intro cinematic. -novid does nothing. You can test it yourself.
Sexy Scuf 12 yo Nov 28, 2020 @ 6:09pm 
for -novid to work you have to add -dev beforehand