Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Population Control (Reduce late-game lag)
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Nov 3, 2020 @ 11:04am
Mar 7 @ 7:54am
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Population Control (Reduce late-game lag)


A simple mode that controls the population.

This mod helps reduce late game lag.



Creates a decision to control the population. To control the population, you need to start decision.

If the population exceeds the specified value, the characters are randomly get plague or die.

Characters to die are not completely random. Characters to die are generally unimportant characters. They are too old, far from the player, or in poor health. Characters such as lords, heirs, or lords with no heir are less likely to die. So the game doesn't change much.

If the current population is already large, it will take years to be controlled. Please be patient.

For the sake of the player's happiness, there is no population control in place for players and their courts.

You can customize this mod by editing the following files.


Save compatible.

Multiplayer compatible (In theory, Not tested)

You can achieve achievements.

###Death algorithm###

These algorithms are subject to change without notice.

Population control begins when there are more than 22,500 people, and the death cycle continues until there are less than 20,000 people, and if too few people die in one cycle, the cycle stops. When the population exceeds 22,500, it starts working again.

If the target is a player or a close family member of the player, It never dies.

If the target is a spouse, concubine, or betrothal of/with the player or of a close family member of the player, It never dies.

If the target is in the player's court, It never dies. (including player's prisoner)

If the target is a member of the player's family and there are no more than a 1,000 members, it does not die.

The player's heir is considered the player's family.

The older the target, the higher the probability of dying.

The further the target's location is from the player, the higher the probability of dying.

If the number of close family members of the target, who are up to 15 years older than the subject, is fewer than the number of rulers among the close family members, the probability of dying is significantly reduced. A higher rank ruler can be counted as being considered more than one ruler. The emperor is counted as 4 rulers, the king is 3 rulers, the duke is 2 rulers, and the count is 1 ruler.

If the target is the dominant gender in the target's faith, and the number of younger people with the dominant gender in your dynasty has been extremely reduced, the target does not die. This limit increases with higher dynasty prestige.

If the target is a ruler, heir to a ruler, or a spouse/concubine of a ruler or heir, It never dies.

Up to the third successor of the title will not die.

Anyone has relationship with player and player's family are not dead

Anyone subject to the player's scheme does not die.

If someone is killed by population control, those close to him are not stressed.

If someone is killed by population control, his parents are penalized for fertility.

Pureblood trait holders will not be killed by population control by default.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Apr 27 @ 8:44pm
How to download.
ALIN May 18 @ 8:37am 
备注 人口控制
Syfex May 11 @ 12:39am 
Does the Mod consider ALL players in regards to the actual population control or just the host?
Lurumagno Apr 30 @ 5:50am 
Ok,ty for the response.

CreamKaKao  [author] Apr 30 @ 4:41am 
No, it only works based on player decision. If you turn on the decision, it will automatically adjust the population to an appropriate level until you turn it off again. The purpose of this mode is not to implement a disease system, but to reduce lag through optimization. Also, something similar to the disease system already exists in vanilla.
Lurumagno Apr 29 @ 4:34am 
Hey mate,very useful mod.

Is there any way that this control is not done based on a decision, but rather automatically?

That is, as if it were a sudden plague or something like that without the player "forcing" it?

CreamKaKao  [author] Apr 27 @ 12:28pm 
'm' means multiplied by the probability of death. If the value is 0, the probability of dying is multiplied by 0, so the character will not die. Therefore, a value close to 0 increases the probability of family members surviving.
DonPerotti Apr 27 @ 6:35am 
How does m_safe_extinction work? does increasing the value mean that people from dynasties are more protected or less?
D Apr 21 @ 10:26am 
Thanks for the clarification.

Reducing the death_chance_base did the trick, thanks!
CreamKaKao  [author] Apr 20 @ 6:57am 
If you want the population to be as close to the min value as possible, try adjusting the death_chance_base variable (default is 25). If you set this value to around 5, it will reduce the population dying in one cycle. (The cycle will kill the population little by little several times). Therefore, the probability of the population falling below min will be reduced.
CreamKaKao  [author] Apr 20 @ 6:52am 
If you want to check if setting the min value works, try running the mod with min set to a higher value than the initial population, it probably won't start the death cycle. However, if the population reaches the min value with Decision enabled, a death cycle will automatically begin, which may reduce the population below the min value. If the population is below min after one cycle, the cycle will stop and wait for the population to grow again.