Portal 2

Portal 2

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XO_2025 Prison Escape
A prison escape serie with gradually increasing difficulty/complexity.

(temporary introduction)
You escape from your cell, but this is only the first step of a real escape.

To really escape you have to also escape the whole prison.

Gards, traps and barriers are the norm here.

NOTE: The turrets shutdown sequence starts when their laser bounces back into its first position, and they cannot stop it, so you can start to walk toward them as soon as you see them bounce back. They have to completely shut down before starting again to point you and shoot.
Items (6)
Prison escape 01
Created by xo_2025
For the first time in a long time, you wake up to find that the gards are out. You are finally alone! It's time to try to escape this cell, and hopefully this whole prison!...
Prison Escape 02
Created by xo_2025
I got out of my cell but... What is this place? There's turrets everywhere! They really don't want us to get out of here, and they are prepared to lose human lives to make it happen! I wasn't even supposed to be in a prison! I did nothing wrong, I just agr...
Prison Escape 03
Created by xo_2025
I've ended up in a kind of waste dump. The place is heavily guarded. I'm starting to wonder why the guards suddenly left the place and never return. Maybe something got wrong. Why would they put so many finely placed protection behind them? This looks more...
Prison Escape 04
Created by xo_2025
I don't recognize any of the places I've came across so far, so I may have been transported elsewhere before I wake up. If not, I've probably been asleep for a very long time... The security is heavy here! How will I get rid of all those turrets!...
Prison Escape 05
Created by xo_2025
Another one of those weird locks. I get the feeling that there will be more of these later. They also gets more complicated. At least there's no turret in view. I wonder if I'm really getting out of here......
Prison Escape 06
Created by xo_2025
This is by far the hardest place I've visited till now. It now really looks like some kind of mad scientist experiment that uses humans as Guinea pigs! As crazy as it looks, it would explain the vanishing of the guards... if they really were guards... Mayb...