Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

the misadventures of tf2 inventory
"i'm trying to move a hat. inventory sorting pains. sped up x2."
Blazey 伊達 政宗 Jan 21, 2014 @ 6:52am 
Problem is network related, been getting a lot of it too recently, item server drops connection and you cant move anything.. slow responses also become a pain because there is a delay before something moves. Just try to move 1 thing, if it doesn't move quit and restart TF2 once often solves the server connection
Shadow S>25+ spells Jan 20, 2014 @ 3:48pm 
yep, it won't. But if/when the items aren't shifting, those keyboard shortcuts make sorting your bp much faster.
HLA  [author] Jan 20, 2014 @ 3:46pm 
using page up and down isn't going to solve the items from shifting and disappearing and stacking on top of each other. it's a pain in the ass shifting inventory.
Shadow S>25+ spells Jan 20, 2014 @ 2:22pm 
Some custom huds also allow you to use A and D aswell
Shadow S>25+ spells Jan 20, 2014 @ 2:22pm 
Fun fact, you can use Page Up/Down to navigate pages in your inventory.