

1,451 ratings
No Sympathy for Prisoners [UNSUPPORTED]
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
169.794 KB
Jul 15, 2020 @ 5:15pm
Apr 24, 2024 @ 12:49pm
12 Change Notes ( view )

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No Sympathy for Prisoners [UNSUPPORTED]




RimWorld has changed too much since the Alpha days for continued development to be sustainable.

This mod is, was, and will probably always remain a simple XML patch mod. Because of how much RimWorld's coding has changed over the years, this approach no longer works -- not even "well enough".

I can't, in good conscience, just keep adding known bugs and FAQ entries to a mod that obviously no longer works correctly.

A new, totally different mod using a DLL-based approach would be needed to supercede No Sympathy. I lack the interest to wade through years of Discord channel logs, disorganized forum threads, and nonsense Google "results" to piece together how RimWorld modding works nowadays.

If anyone wants to take up the mantle and write a successor to No Sympathy, let me know, and I'll update this page to point to your mod instead.

It's been an honor. Thanks, everyone.


Original Mod Description Follows


Attention! This mod has a known issue with the Biotech DLC. Your pawns might continue experiencing sympathy while playing with Biotech. If you absolutely need to override Biotech sympathy, try using Cherry Picker instead. See the FAQ entry Which items should I disable with Cherry Picker? for more information.

Are you tired of your pawns feeling bad every time a prisoner starves to death? Don't think it's fair that you have to justify every single prisoner execution, while raiders can just bust in whenever they want and try to murder all your dogs? Want to make kibble out of human flesh without everyone freaking out about it?

This mod changes your pawns' feelings about bad stuff happening to prisoners. They'll feel absolutely nothing about committing heinous atrocities, like organ harvesting and straight-up mass murder. They still won't want to eat human flesh or wear hats made of human skin, but they won't care about butchering your prisoners or skinning them alive.

After all, those jerks tried to murder you and take your stuff -- so why should you treat them any better?

Unfortunately, this mod also removes sympathy for guests. Please show your own sympathy for innocent guests.

This mod can be added to an existing save, but pre-existing bad feelings will not be removed.


If you're using the Psychology mod: you must turn off the "Enable empathy changes" option. Otherwise, No Sympathy for Prisoners can't change how your pawns think.

As Psychology deeply changes RimWorld's processing of thoughts, No Sympathy for Prisoners cannot fully support this mod. You may experience issues or errors.


If you're using the Harvest Organs Post Mortem mod: you should load Harvest Organs Post Mortem first. No Sympathy for Prisoners should be loaded second.

Note that any mood debuffs from the Ideology DLC still apply. See the FAQ.


If you're using the Rim of Madness - Vampires mod: you should load Rim of Madness - Vampires first. No Sympathy for Prisoners should be loaded second. Rim of Madness - Vampires is no longer supported by No Sympathy for Prisoners. As of 2022-10-23, Rim of Madness - Vampires has not been updated since version 1.1.


  • Q: Why do my colonists still get mood debuffs and bad thoughts?
  • A: If you're playing with the Ideology DLC, the likeliest reason is a meme which causes a debuff or bad thought when prisoners or guests are treated poorly. Debuffs caused by memes have deliberately been left in place for balance purposes.

    Other than that, another mod may be interfering with No Sympathy. Many mods add or change the way thoughts and debuffs work, and No Sympathy cannot unilaterally work everything that's out there. If you do use other mods, make sure that No Sympathy is the last mod to load, and cross your fingers.
  • Q: Will No Sympathy work with my other mods?
  • A: Maybe, maybe not. If the other mod adds new thoughts or adds new code libraries to the game, then No Sympathy probably won't work. However, if the other mod simply adds new reasons for your pawns to have plain vanilla thoughts, then No Sympathy probably will work.
  • Q: Does this mod only work for prisoners? What about downed raiders?
  • A: Raiders and other attackers get no sympathy, whether or not they've been captured. With No Sympathy, everyone who's not a colonist is just a prisoner in waiting. ;)
  • Q: Does this mean I can do anything I want to my prisoners?
  • A: Yes, you can do whatever you want without your colonists getting upset about it. If you want to murder a prisoner, butcher and skin them, and feed the remaining prisoners with nutrient paste made out of the flesh, you can. You could even harvest their organs first! (Of course, the prisoners themselves probably won't be happy about any of this.)
  • Q: Can I sell my prisoners?
  • A: Yes, you can sell your prisoners into slavery, and your colonists won't care.
  • Q: What happens if I release prisoners?
  • A: Not much. Your colonists won't have any feelings about it one way or the other.
  • Q: What about kind or compassionate colonists?
  • A: Unfortunately, due to the way that RimWorld has been coded, kind colonists won't care about prisoners either. For performance reasons, this mod was made to apply a simple XML patch as the game loads, and this tradeoff makes it impossible to have the level of precision needed for selective compassion.
  • Q: Which items should I disable with Cherry Picker?
  • A: According to @Valachnon in early 2024, the following items need to be disabled: KnowGuestOrganHarvested, SoldPrisoner, KnowSoldPrisoner, and KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent; likely also PrisonerBanishedToDie and ExecutedPrisoner need to be disabled.


This mod is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License[creativecommons.org]. You are free to copy, redistribute, adapt, and build upon this mod for non-commercial purposes under the terms of this license. This mod may incorporate copyrighted material from other authors. Such material may not be available under the terms of a Creative Commons license.

Raw mod data is available at the Internet Archive[archive.org].

This text was last updated on October 4, 2024.
Zyx Abacab  [author] Feb 7 @ 9:20am 
@ Geno Cidal I have no idea if it still works. That's kinda the meaning of "unsupported"... :)

Maybe someone else will chime in?
Geno Cidal Feb 5 @ 5:35pm 
I am just wondering if this still works if your updated to 1.5 but haven't gotten any of the DLC's cause with all these mods, who would need DLC's,lol
ThermalAtlas Jan 23 @ 4:26am 
@ Zyx Aabacab thanks for the point out.
Zyx Abacab  [author] Jan 22 @ 3:49pm 
@ ThermalAtlas See the last entry in the FAQ.

If that's not enough, it's probably because RimWorld has changed too much since No Sympathy was written. There's a reason this mod is unsupported, after all.
ThermalAtlas Jan 22 @ 3:10am 
Hello how do I use CherryPicker to remove some of the certain mood debuff related to Biotech, because I still get the mood debuff when I do organ nonsense on prisoners.
Zyx Abacab  [author] Jan 8 @ 11:08am 
@ Veryfungi3221 Usually, memes override whatever No Sympathy can do. This appears to work inconsistently for some people, which is part of the reason why this mod is no longer supported.
Veryfungi3221 Jan 5 @ 3:33pm 
the desc is kinda confusing about it so: if I had Ideology installed, and there are colonists with the anti-harvesting meme and I harvested the corpses of dead raiders using Harvest Organs Post-Mortem, would the colonists still be upset?
Zyx Abacab  [author] Jan 2 @ 10:14am 
@ brevisdiem34キツネ Indeed it would be! However, to put in an options menu would mean rewriting No Sympathy as a so-called "code mod", and it is currently a very simple "XML patch mod".

Actually, rewriting No Sympathy would probably solve all the problems that everyone is having, since we could introduce conditional logic and other neat tricks that are impossible to do with the current approach.
brevisdiem34キツネ Dec 12, 2024 @ 10:06am 
I used this mod because I wanted to harvest organs from prisoners (with good intent) to replace the colonist's destroyed kidney(s) and lungs. I have a look at the code and I see we can exploit guests too(!), and butcher human corpses with impunity as intended?

I was looking at the code to try and install "Grim Reality" without one overriding or overlapping the other. There was and I would have to delete the code line-by-line; It would help greatly if there were checkboxes in the mod-options to toggle sensitivity to (1)prisoners (2)guests and (3)butcherhumanlike.
Zyx Abacab  [author] Dec 6, 2024 @ 9:04am 
@ Lily Thank you, I really appreciate the support! The community is the reason we make mods! :)

I would happily keep maintaining No Sympathy , if only it wasn't slowly becoming more and more broken for non-obvious reasons. No XML patches in the mod have been substantially changed in years, and the thoughts being patched out haven't changed, either; and, as best as I can tell, XML patching is still an essential RimWorld modding system. So I have no idea why thoughts that should be patched out, and indeed were patched out, would suddenly stop being patched.

Actually, several of the last "updates" have consisted entirely of incrementing the internal version number, just to keep RimWorld from complaining that the mod is for a previous version.

If you ever do decide to take on maintaining the mod, I'll be happy to help you as much as I can.