Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

28 ratings
TB or not TB?
Whether ’tis Nobler in the minde to ſuffer the Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune, or to take Armes againſt a Sea of troubles, and by oppoſing end them: to dye, to ſleepe

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Items (14)
Created by Crustacean Soup
Any tiny bit of damage causes a character to explode. Fun for the whole family. Features: Unless you parry a blow, it will kill you instantly. To somewhat alleviate their instagib dominance, you can parry projectiles. You respawn nearly instantly. This mod...
Malric's Chamber (TD,LTS,FFA)
Created by Darbeenbo
This is the throneroom from Citadel mirrored a turned into an FFA, LTS, and TDM map. I may add ctf, king of the hill, and other variants by popular demand. AOCTD-Chamber_p AOLTS-Chamber_p AOCFFA-Chamber_p...
Big Head Mode
Created by milpool
Characters have big heads... obviously. ================== Start a server with ?modname=BigHead on the command line (appended to the map). For example: UDK.exe aoctd-frigid_p?modname=BigHead ... You can specify the mod you'd like to use in the maplist as w...
TO Death Valley
Created by Darbeenbo
Ride the cart to victory! Both Mason and Agatha are pushing a neutral cart. Push it to the other teams side to win! Open AOCTO-DeathValley_p Map design/creation credit to Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren....
Created by Darbeenbo
This is a team objective map where the Agatha defend a bailey from the Masons. open AOCTO-Bailey_p Map Design/Creation Credit to Rikard Drakir Lindgren ___________________________ 3/26/14 update! -New Spawn Zone encampment on top of the hill -Proper Spawn ...
Instagib for DW
Created by Crustacean Soup
This is Instagib for Deadliest Warrior. Look at Instagib for MW for more information, source code, etc....
Giant Slayers
Created by Crustacean Soup
Everyone starts at 60% normal size. Every kill grows you, and your health, by 15%. Instructions Online, joining a server that already has it installed: Just join the server! Offline or with a listen server: Subscribe Launch the old launcher (the last launc...
Gorilla Warfare
Created by Squire Plumbum
You Jane, me King Kong. It's a knuckle dragging good time. Works for all game modes ?modname=gorillawarfare...
Black Knight Mode
Created by milpool
You can chop arms, legs, and heads off of living players. If you lose an arm, you lose weapon functionality. If you lose a leg, it will slow you down. If you lose your head, you have 10 seconds until you die. ================== Changes v1.3 - Fixed mason k...
Dungeon Crawler - Example
Created by Tibberius Bane
Defeat all of the enemies to summon the skeleton boss! Kill the skeleton and get all his golds. Join Agatha team in order to play, see if you can take on the Skeleton boss! Probably won't take this one much farther than this unless there is a lot of intere...
Created by Squire Plumbum
The mason knights are at the final stages of their dark ritual at the ancestral tree in the centre of Hordeville. Only one ingredient remains to summon the horde, the blood of a king! Sacrifice the steward king Feydrid and steel yourselves for battle again...
Created by Crustacean Soup
A team-based game mode. One king is assigned per team at one time. Kill the enemy's king to score a point. A new king is chosen immediately. King assignment is random and non-negotiable. First team to reach the kill goal wins. Playable on TD and LTS levels...
Last Stand v2
Created by Crustacean Soup
A team-based game mode, consisting of a defending, and an attacking team. The defending team is on its LAST STAND. They cannot respawn, but they start with bonus health. Every kill the defenders get counts towards their score, with a score multiplier that ...
Linked collections (1)
Chivalry SDK Examples
Contains 3 items