Arma 3
72 ratings
Rura Penthe Map
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
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418.794 MB
Jun 24, 2020 @ 5:03am
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Rura Penthe Map

all credit goes to bushlurker , i have only moved the mod onto steam to make use easier

Description from armahoilic below :

Bush's "Strange New Worlds" - Rura Penthe

This episode of our Ongoing Mission takes us all the way to the Beta Quadrant, to the Klingon penal colony asteroid/planetoid Rura Penthe.

Rura Penthe was a penal colony asteroid utilized by the Klingon Empire. Located in the Beta Penthe system, it was widely known as "the alien's graveyard," due to the fact that the life expectancy for a prisoner there was, at most, one year.

Prisoners at Rura Penthe were forced to conduct mining operations for the purpose of retrieving the vast deposits of dilithium which existed beneath the surface. The surface temperature of Rura Penthe was extremely low, the landscape dominated by bare rock and thick dirty "cometary" snow. Without proper clothing, warmth or food, no humanoid lifeform was able to survive for an extended period on the surface, so all of the mining and prison facilities were located underground. A magnetic shield encased the mining facility and a vast area surrounding it in order to prevent escape through beaming from the surface.

Additional Information:
In 2153, Starfleet captain Jonathan Archer was condemned to a life-sentence on Rura Penthe, for his role in assisting a group of refugees which had fled the Klingon protectorate of Raatooras. In addition, Archer's advocate, Kolos, was sentenced to a period of one year in the mines, for his accusation of dishonorable conduct on the part of the magistrate. Although Archer was eventually rescued by his crew, Kolos elected to stay, feeling that he could not restore honor to the Klingon justice system living as a fugitive. (Enterprise S02 E19: Judgement).

In 2293, Starfleet officers James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy were sentenced to life on Rura Penthe, after being found guilty of the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. In an effort to ensure the deaths of the two officers, it was arranged for Martia, a Chameloid prisoner, to help them escape, providing motive for the Klingon forces on the surface to kill the two of them. Martia's plot was eventually uncovered, however, and Kirk and McCoy were rescued by Captain Spock and the crew of the USS Enterprise, after having been led beyond the magnetic shield by Martia.
Venom May 20 @ 12:50am 
Hey @chill question for ya, Wondering if i could reuplload this map into a collection of maps? All credit will be provided
✠ DFSpecter Jan 22 @ 12:36pm 
1424463984 Jun 30, 2020 @ 9:53am 
Tell us your sad stories Kirk.
Tell us that you plan to take revenge for the death of your son!