Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

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Pink Rock Orangutang Delady contest
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May 17, 2020 @ 1:51pm
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Pink Rock Orangutang Delady contest

Pink Rock Zoo is a fictional Australian Zoo named after a flower. this is the in and outdoor enclosure of the orang utangs. Holds several staff buildings and holds toilets. building entrance starts at ground level. green signs (6) give additional explanation

Made for delady's discord contest but you are free to use or change this if you credit me.
MrsIvory  [author] May 17, 2020 @ 2:33pm 
IMHO in a city zoo effective use of space is needed. this is why there's a toilet accessible from guest viewing area. additionally a similar enclosure, for example for a different primate species, can be mirrored on the other side, similar indoor style of building on other side of staff buildings and so on.
MrsIvory  [author] May 17, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
image 1: outdoor area from bridge overview
image 2: guest viewing area with sight of indoor area
image 3: mom/child area with viewing possibility for staff (you'd wanna know how they're doing without having to enter area)
image 4: building in background, animals enjoying themselves outside
image 5: indoor area for group (and image two looks out on this). has foraging area for when weather is bad
image 6: info+decor about loss of habitat
image 7: rough overview of where fencing goes. null fencing for most part except between group/viewing area and mom/baby /staff where it should be one direction glass
image 8: outdoor climbing