Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3

28 ratings
How to Get Points Faster For The Shop
By Xakurinha32
How to Get Points Faster For Use At The Shop
Main Section
To enable the shop, you first need to finish the game in normal mode at least 1x once; all your ingame achievements will be turned into points/score for the shop as soon as you get them. However, the Shop will only be available when you finish the game first. The following steps are still advisable to follow, even if it's your 1st playthrough.

The 1st way of getting those points is to play through the main game normally as MANY times as you can without getting bored until you get all of those achievements.

There is a 2nd way however: for specific in-game achievements that are harder to get, you can just save & load, like the "get 3 fuses under 5mins in the warehouse" for example.

A lot of the high score achievements are related to Kill Numbers of zombies you get in the game, note that you can also save & load anywhere in the game to achieve this.

Having both the Assault Coins and Samurai Edge in your inventory will help killing zombies faster for this. But it isn't mandatory.

There are many good places in the game just for killing zombies and then loading and killing them all over again; For pistol gun, you can pretty much do this anywhere in the game. But I recommend you wait until you get to Carlos Chapter, by the end of his Ark there'll be a Hospital Zombie Raid, once you get there you'll need save the game in a secondary save slot of your choice, then once you finish the raid, save the game in the main slot you're used to save, then load the secondary save-game slot whenever you feel like killing as many zombies as possible to get the achievements. Keep doing this until you get all the kill counts you need for each of the Gun Achievements.

The game doesn't care if you're saving & loading, it only looks at the kill count variable. :)
The same goes around for pretty much every other single achievement in this game's existance.

The Hospital Zombie Raid is the best place to get all of the gun achievements, IMHO. So make sure you save enough bullets, shells & granades for doing this without a sweat. Also make sure you don't overwrite the save-slot of choice for doing this OR you'll have to play through the whole game again just to get there.

For some of the other achieves, you'll just really need to play through the game.
Fredderick P. Paddington Jul 9, 2023 @ 12:26am 
I literally only clicked on this post bc of your pfp...
glanni glæpur Apr 24, 2021 @ 4:01pm 
fucking mssgm e that inmage
0wnz0r Apr 10, 2021 @ 1:15pm 
that image is cursed
[TGSA] oujisan2236 Apr 8, 2020 @ 3:20pm 
that auto save part there are 128 zombies total.
[TGSA] oujisan2236 Apr 8, 2020 @ 2:58pm 
can you do it more than once? like do i get points for things?
[TGSA] oujisan2236 Apr 8, 2020 @ 2:56pm 
Thanks i happen to have a save before the hospital. doing assult rifle and zombie horde... dont put the bomb down there is a LOT of zombies that come out and if you have the assult coin both of them and assisted on its 1 hit kill
[TGSA] oujisan2236 Apr 8, 2020 @ 1:40pm 
i was wondering about this about to play for the 4th time... kinda wondered what was best to do?
Corporal Hellcat Apr 6, 2020 @ 2:41pm 
You can use the Rai-Den to get the magnum achievement as well, as it counts as a magnum class weapon.
Nyxophia Apr 6, 2020 @ 2:35pm 
Grenade launcher: the part after the train crash (I think) where you first get the mines, you gotta run past the zombies then place a mine inbetween all of them then go up stairs then wait for the zombies up stairs to get close(-ish) then shoot the fat middle guy
General: After doing some of these you'll probably be able to afford the infinite rocket launcher, after that farm at the machine gun place it's SO EASY you take out the initial 8 first then wait for the 4's (you can shoot them before they try to jump in) eventually they stop coming in and thats when you reload.

The only real annoying ones for me was probably the machine gun (It takes awhile) and the shotgun (it is see the spider coming) but honestly once you got it down it is smooth sailing

Hope this helped ;P
Nyxophia Apr 6, 2020 @ 2:34pm 
These have probably been said but i'll say what I did

Shotgun: The spiders in Jill's run save after you get poisoned then heal, then just one shot as many as you can.
Pistols: You can pretty much do that easily i just got the infinite pistol and took out every enemy in sight and racked them kills up EZ
Machine gun: Hospital with Carlos obv. but wait for the C4 part i just think it's a little more easier (also throw some grenades after you run out of ammo TRUST ME)
lightning hawk: the lab where you get the antigen(or the other one) there's one zombie and 4 pale head (one of them is hard to find you just walk to the top of the stair then look at the wall on the right on the 1st floor) then take out the female zombie when before getting the antigen then after you have it take out the pale head that falls from the opening in the wall (if you shoot him before he comes out you have to wait for him to fall and for his death animation before the game registers it as a kill)