Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Fabricate M1
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Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tag: Blueprint
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54.394 KB
19 Mar 2020 @ 10:46pm
27 Mar 2021 @ 7:06pm
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Fabricate M1

Dalam koleksi 1 dari dpburke2
M1 Modules
Item 7
CPU Tier: 2

Key Feature(s): 4 advanced constructors with 400k SU total storage between shared input and output containers. Conforms to M1 module standard.

Associated BP(s):

M1 Modular System

Concept: Back before CPU was officially released as a game mechanic, there was a leaked version that was quite different from the CPU we know. At that time I started seeing people create modules to work around those CPU limitations on a BA, even before we had CV to CV docking. You could say that this planted the seeds of the M1 modules. Later when I drafted the Carri-On series, those SV containers would become the foundation that I would build my own CV modules around, 7 blocks wide and 19 blocks deep. Then I would build modules with primary tasks in mind, making the Fabricate modules into the factories of the set. Later when I would decide to create larger modules, these first modules would become the M1 series. All these modules are built with two doors on each side. The upper door so I can line up two airtight seals easily in most conditions. The lower door so that the module can be accessed from the ground, thus it is possible to use the module directly even without a supporting BP.

Story: This is probably my most used module before creating the M2 variant. Despite making a base that could hold this module, most of the time I actually used the ground access feature of the M1 modules. Now, that could be after going up the side elevator of the Raven CV to the platform where the Fabricate was docked. It was my standard mobile base for a while there, Fabricate docked on top of a Raven, going from world to world, avoiding patrols and harvesting deposits. Perhaps it is only me that sees the irony that here I am using a blueprint I intentionally made warpless to go from world to world using a small warp CV built for the purpose instead of upgrading to a larger CV with everything all in one. This little twist in mundane gameplay would then become the foundation for a new CV to be built that would actually be capable of hauling two M1 or M2 modules, the Fairywren, all because I was frequently using the Raven-Fabricate combo as my early game CVs.

Lore: The Fabricate is sold by MBI under the IT brand. With the merger that created MBI, the unofficial agreement across the three companies to build compatible modules became a formal and expected policy. Due to cross-brand agreements, it is now very simple to lease the Fabricate module through a FTB agent. The most common use of the Fabricate is for term lease agreements for an outpost looking for temporary expansion to parts assembly and manufacturer, often to build the parts on site for a more permanent factory, or another facility that once build is completed the extra capacity might not be needed. Of course, another common practice is to buy a Fabricate and use it similar to a prefab factory, dropping onto a planet and then recycling the thrusters to recoup some of the costs. You wouldn’t even need to complete the foundation where you intended to permanently place the factory before you began production, even perhaps building the materials from the portable module, as the Fabricate is already designed for access and use independent of a base. Some outfits may start out by purchasing a Fabricate module to process goods at one site, and then when they are looking to relocate based on their need to farm elsewhere, they might simply use another CV to warp the module from world to world for their operations.