Dota 2
Celestial Starfather

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A set for Elder Titan created for the Dota Call to Arms.
Elemek (6)
Celestial Starfather - Loadingscreen
Készítette: Hawf
Splash art for the Celestial Starfather set...
Mane of the Celestial Starfather
Készítette: Hawf
The majesty of creation shouldn't be left unkempt....
Tabbard of the Celestial Starfather
Készítette: Hawf
Woven from the finest stardust....
Totem of the Celestial Starfather
Készítette: Hawf
Heat and shape the earth to any desired form....
Armlets of the Celestial Starfather
Készítette: Hawf
Forged from distant asteroids and meteors....
Planet Cracker of the Celestial Starfather
Készítette: Hawf
Crack the earth and break the stars....