Dota 2
Celestial Starfather
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A set for Elder Titan created for the Dota Call to Arms.
Itens (6)
Celestial Starfather - Loadingscreen
Criado por Hawf
Splash art for the Celestial Starfather set...
Mane of the Celestial Starfather
Criado por Hawf
The majesty of creation shouldn't be left unkempt....
Tabbard of the Celestial Starfather
Criado por Hawf
Woven from the finest stardust....
Totem of the Celestial Starfather
Criado por Hawf
Heat and shape the earth to any desired form....
Armlets of the Celestial Starfather
Criado por Hawf
Forged from distant asteroids and meteors....
Planet Cracker of the Celestial Starfather
Criado por Hawf
Crack the earth and break the stars....