Dota 2
124 ratings
Dota 2 Dad Jokes
By BossGalaga
DadTA Jokes

How does Earthshaker like his drinks? Shaken, not stirred.

Watch out for Slark...he's a little fishy.

Why is Pudge a great boxer? He's got a killer hook.

Why did Treant Protector abandon the game? Everyone wanted him to leaf.

What's Kunkka's favorite letter? ARRRRRRRR!

Why did Clockwerk have a bad game? He was a little rusty.

What does Bloodseeker eat before a match? Nothing, he fast!

What did Undying eat after going vegan? Fruits and GRRRRAAAAAAAINS!

How does Zeus feel when he wins a game? Ecstatic!

Why doesn't Clinkz go trick or treating? Because he has *no body* to go with!

Why did Riki turn down a job offer from Valve? He couldn't *see himself* working there!

How did Io get the best grades in school? Because he was the *brightest* in class!

Why couldn't Centaur Warrunner speak? He was a little horse!

How did Bristleback get everyone drunk? He *spiked* their drinks!

Why does Snoop Dogg love Pango and Earth Spirit? Because they know how to roll!

How did Spirit Breaker pay for his new car? He charged it!

How did Magnus ruin his date? He told her he was feeling horny!

Why couldn't Juggernaut talk to his therapist? He masked his emotions!

What did Phantom Lancer say when he couldn't find one of his phantoms? I lose son. (I-lus-sion)

What did Sniper say to the prostitute at the comedy club? Hee hee, ha ha, ho ho!

Why doesn't Ursa ever give up? He can't *bear* to lose.

What's Razor's favorite dance? THE ELECTRIC SLIDE!

Why did Meepo feed mid? He couldn't live with himself.

Why did Medusa's children turn to stone? She said, "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you!"

How did Terrorblade feel after winning a game? He was *beside himself* with joy.

What did CM order at the Dairy Queen? A Blizzard.

What did Lina do to the underperforming creep? She *fired* him.

Why doesn't Nature's Prophet like large groups? *Trees* a crowd.

What did KOTL say to Skywrath Mage? You're a wizard 'Airry! (airry, sky, get it?)

What's the hardest counter to Techies? Low Priority.

Why didn't Bane want to play Dota? He was having the nicest dream.

Why couldn't Lich play Dota? He got cold feet.

Why is Witch Doctor such a good guitar player? He's always Ja Mon! (jammin')

What's Pugna's favorite song? It's not easy being green!

What's Invoker's favorite Dinosaur? Tyrannosaurus Wex!

Why is Jakiro so good at meeting new people? He knows how to break the ice!

What do you call it when Winter Wyvern doesn't save you in a teamfight? Getting the cold

kparid Mar 22, 2020 @ 3:09pm 
Morphling doesn't want to sleep, because he's afraid of wetting his bed.
kparid Mar 22, 2020 @ 3:06pm 
Why is Crystal Maiden still a maiden? She's frigid.
Gunga ginga Mar 22, 2020 @ 12:24pm 
not Poland #freepalestine Mar 21, 2020 @ 3:28am 
BossGalaga  [author] Mar 20, 2020 @ 9:30am 
@IAYF He has feet, they're just typically bound and wrapped.
I sold my soul for mmr Mar 20, 2020 @ 8:47am 
"Why couldn't Lich play Dota? He got cold feet." You know what lich doesnt have foots fool.
achuso Mar 20, 2020 @ 2:47am 
Those jokes are great, but are they as good as Dota2?
EmergeExtempore2 Mar 18, 2020 @ 2:21pm 
doctors can't stand him, these jokes cures cancer
wtpoヤクザ Mar 14, 2020 @ 6:11am 
we shall all die now
NGC1961 Mar 13, 2020 @ 11:05pm 
The Kunkka joke reminds me of Ellie in The last of us :projectstarship_smile: