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Laplacian Sector \ Лапласианский Сектор
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Feb 13, 2020 @ 10:32am
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Laplacian Sector \ Лапласианский Сектор

Creation of a large colony for 500 people and 300 bots in 150 days. Beautiful storyline. Translation into a couple of languages.
- [Eng] For this challenge, 2 translation languages ​​are loaded: English and Russian.
- [Rus] Для этого Челенджа загружены 2 языка перевода: Английский и Русский.

If your language is not among the translations of this challenge, send your translation! And then I will add your translation to the list of files with the translation.
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Challenge "Laplacian Sector". (Author: Mackam

Description of the challenge posted by the author on the Internet, you can see at:

Description of Challenge:
Humanity has expanded far; 0.2 lightyears away from Earth we have the outer colonies. For over 100 years they have thrived but it still takes too long to visit them. Halfway there lies the Laplacian Sector and it has a planet suitable for life. Two ships were sent out to set up a colony there, with plans to make it a key site for our future interplanetary transport network. However, a group of people have sabotaged the mission and set the two ships to collide with each other shortly before arriving.
All 500 people originally sent out from Earth perished except for a group of 8 people that reached an escape pod somehow unaffected by the sabotage.
The 4 workers were in the cafeteria when the alarm sounded so they were able to grab a lot of food. 2 biologists were walking past at the time so they joined. The medic was working overtime and could grab some medicine before rushing out. Finally we have the engineer, whom had just repaired a constructor robot, so he brought that along. After a few days of travel the escape pod landed.
What a situation! Dwindling food supplies, few resources and only a handful of people.
Here the days are long and nights are just as long. Parts of the two crashed ships are raining down from the sky, there's frequent thunder storms and blizzards blow in from the icy mountains in the distance.
What's worse, dangerous solar flares hit the surface every now and then.
Since Earth won't even know what has happened for about a month we better start trying to survive.
In fact, I bet that with our skills we can still set up a great colony! If we can do this in 150 days humanity won't need to plan a new mission.
Ships pass by quite often on their way to and from the colony so we can get supplies and colonists.
Going to need to get some guards relatively soon so that bypassers can't take advantage of our situation.
It'll be a slow and risky start but we can do it!

Objective: 500 people, 130 bots, 90% welfare in 150 days

By the way, now it has become convenient to create new challenges using the "Planetbase Challenge (Mission) Editor" program
Link to the "Planetbase Challenge (Mission) Editor" Program Guide
No longer need to be able to program and edit text files. Now the challenge is created entirely in one single interface of the program in a few clicks of the mouse!
Hotblack Desiato 42 Feb 17, 2020 @ 10:31pm 
Not bad. The low resources at planetfall was a nice touch. I'd cut back on the blizzard frequency though. Even with low atmospheric density it was still way too easy to rely upon turbines for power. I wasn't incentivized to purchase the Colossal Panel, nor use that many solar panels in general. Cheers!