Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

64 ratings
Ekranoplan KM (Caspian sea monster)
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Jan 16, 2020 @ 11:01am
Jan 23, 2020 @ 8:33am
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Ekranoplan KM (Caspian sea monster)

This is Ekranoplan KM (Caspian sea monster) here in Stormworks, I tried to be as accurate as it is possible for it to look like the real thing, but unfortunately it crashed in 1980 and there is not a lot of photos/information left, But I still managed to find some and make it. I have been making it for 2 months (not every day) and this vehicle was a challenge, I faced a lot of problems, but I think it was worth it, I really hope you all enjoy it. So what is ekranoplan? Ekranoplan is a vehicle that uses ground effect to fly really low to the ground, here in stormworks we don't have ground effect and I had to use alt hold for it to fly low and I personally think it might be a little bit too low but If I try to fly a little higher the plane would frick out and fly out in to the outer space, so I had to make it fly really low, maybe even lower then in real life, tho I will try to fix that in the future updates if it is possible of course. Ekranoplans were first created by Rostislav Evgenievich Alexeyev in soviet union, the KM is the test ekranoplan that they created which made its first flight in 1966, it was the biggest flying vehicle in the world for a while! Unfortunately as I said it crashed in 1980 because of human error, but KM was of course not the only one, there is LUN, Orlenok and more different ekranoplans but unfortunately the whole ekranoplan program closed as soon as USSR colapsed and Rostislav Evgeniev Alexeyev died and it all was abandoned. Ekranoplans are still a thing and they are build in some countries but they are much smaller.

Whats inside?
I tried making the cockpit from photos of LUN and Orlenok since there is no photos of KM cockpit or at least I could not find any, so I ended up mixing it all together and making it fictional, also I inserted displays and I know there was no displays back then but that's the only way to make big artificial horizons. Apart from cockpit the real thing most likely had different test units and mechanism and etc inside its body, I decided that here is stormworks it would be better to build a really small medical centre so it would have been useful. Most of the space is clear and there is nothing there at the moment, I might put something there in the future updates. Whole button of the ship is just fuel, and even that of course is not enough for 10 huge engines, so it eats fuel fast, there is a way to refuel it but it needs jet fuel which of course is a huge problem. I again will try to do something in the future to make it more fuel efficient.

How to control? (IMPORTANT)
This is really important, it might seem quite hard for some people to take-off in this thing, and it might not work for you for the first time but you need to follow the instructions!

First you need to turn on the ALT HOLD on the ground, it is really important because otherwise this will turn in to an uncontrollable rocket!

Second turn the fuel pumps on, and after that turn all the engines on.

Third it is the hard part, you need to give it a full power (arrow up), it will start to gain speed and as soon as the nose is out of the water lower the throttle a little (arrow down) until nose will start to go down, don't let it touch the water by giving more power, don't let the nose go to high up or it will fly in to the space. So you will do the same thing giving it throttle and reducing it until the ekranoplan is balanced and flies really low near the water, to check if you are actually flying, you need to put your camera under the water and if no part of ekranoplan is touching the water it means you are flying, to control how you turn you need to use "A" (left) and "D" (right) and to control the rudder use the left and right arrow keys, don't turn sharp or it might end really bad.

fourth is landing, landing is easy there is two ways to do it, first is by just slowly getting the throttle to 0 and it will land it self, and second is just the same but instead you will lower the throttle and turn alt hold off and land it by your self, but be careful because it can go crazy!

(it's not a mission it's an object that is added to a custom mission)

I really hope you enjoy it, let me know your opinion down in the comments below, you can give me suggestions and feedback, also let me know if you spot any bugs I will try to fix them in the next updates!


Alt hold: Alpha https:// /

Flight display: jbaker96 https:// /

Lua radar: SAKYamoney https:// /


Prairie_Dog Apr 4 @ 7:51am 
it doesent exactly fly or sail
leszczynski.m09 Mar 8 @ 12:51pm 
its my favorite flying craft ever
Watsen1 Dec 9, 2023 @ 11:22am 
This, Thing. Is. AMAZING! Great work, I kinda like how its complicated to control aswell.
Rilliam Sep 5, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
I only found this because of Mustard
TakodaGames2011 Apr 2, 2023 @ 9:40pm 
i want to ask where can you spawn it
boatkid2012 Feb 27, 2023 @ 7:02pm 
TheGayTherapist Feb 6, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
I love ground effect vehicles
Astronautazinho Aug 24, 2021 @ 2:14pm 
Just what i was oking for i love history
tinytaylor2010 Jun 21, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
i like the bit of history