Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

75 ratings
(B) South Wales & Welsh Marches Line - Shrewsbury to Bristol & Swansea
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(B) South Wales & Welsh Marches Line - Shrewsbury to Bristol & Swansea

In 1 collection by Danny
Danny's Routes - UK Routes
19 items
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the route requires the ATW BRANDED version of Welsh Marches, and won't work with the UNBRANDED version released on 07/08/2020.

For the version that uses the UNBRANDED Version - Go Here

This is a route that contains the merging of South Wales Coastal : Bristol to Swansea and Bossman Games Welsh Marches Line, with this route you'd be able to Drive from Shrewsbury to Swansea or Bristol.

Route Requirements

South Wales Coastal - Bristol to Swansea (Not Currently Available)
Welsh Marches Line (Branded Version Permanently Withdrawn - this won't work with Unbranded version)

Notes: After 14th April 2020 - the above routes will be removed from sale - There is nothing that I can do about the above unfortunately, all i Can do is apologise about it. This merged route will still be available but after the 14th April 2020, new people won't be able to use it.

  • Added Quick Drive Westbound Destinations - Bristol & Shrewsbury to Swansea
  • Added Quick Drive Eastbound - Swansea to Shrewsbury / Bristol
  • Fixed Quick Drive Routing issue between Swansea and Shrewsbury
  • Terrain Texture Pass - Matching Terrain Texture to the track type (going over the lighter terrain texture colour to a darker one to match the track type)
  • Fixed Quick Drive point at Newport that was Backwards
  • Various Yards now have wooden tracks instead of concrete
  • Fixes to signals to match those in recent Welsh Marches route
  • Quick Drive - Shrewsbury to Bristol / Vice Versa (not every station)
  • Track pass - going over Swansea to Bristol to update various tracks (changing to oil types at stations)
  • Minor Fixes + Added Railfan track to sections


Welsh Marches Line - Bossman Games
South Wales Coastal - DTG (includes some of my own work too )
Quick Drives - Bossman Games / Danny Leach
Matthew p Nov 18, 2022 @ 1:44pm 
If thats ok with you danny, updating on alan simulation regularly using the west highland railway Fort william to maillg, South wales coastal, Welsh marches line, JT Common assets as payware.
Danny  [author] Oct 3, 2022 @ 8:24am 
Just checking you want me to include it with this route? (if i'm reading it correctly or just an update on Alan Thomson's Page (I would go there but I'm not really liked in that group :) ).

(if the former I can't update this route it's set to final :) )
Matthew p Oct 3, 2022 @ 6:51am 
Just to let you know track is laid between craven arms and swansea with stations along the route complete but scancy still to do, roads and textures ok to update it on workshop with the merge route so you can drive Shrewsbury-Llandridod-Swansea-Cardiff-Bristol-Shrewsbury via Hereford. For more information please visit alan simulation facebook page
rich.cooke Aug 13, 2022 @ 6:58am 
Really strange. It suddenly now shows up in TSC, not in Quickdrive but it does in Standard Routes. Just doing my first drive but thanks for your work on this. Its much appreciated.
Danny  [author] Aug 7, 2022 @ 1:29pm 
Even if you don't have the routes installed it would still show up in the list, depending on what you don't have you'd just be missing things :)
rich.cooke Aug 7, 2022 @ 7:39am 
Hi Danny - Thanks for the reply. Sorry I should have been clearer. It doesn't show in my Quick Drive Routes. Could it be a problem that I've got Welsh Marches Branded and Unbranded installed as well as South Wales Main Line, South Wales Coastal and South Wales Coastal Bristol to Swansea installed? Oddly the route does show up in TS Tools and Loco Swap.
Danny  [author] Aug 6, 2022 @ 7:39am 
Don't use drive in the workshop tab, go to quick drive or build instead, the drive option doesn't work for routes on workshop.
rich.cooke Aug 5, 2022 @ 10:42am 
Hi! I've subscribed to this (and the unbranded). I have all the necessary routes but in TSC it is greyed out and I cannot select drive. Any ideas on what I can do. I'd really like to try this. Thanks
Danny  [author] Oct 4, 2021 @ 3:17pm 
If you buy the marches line as on sale now you won't be able to use this version, and will need to use the unbranded one.

The branded Welsh route has its assets under -


But the unbranded are under


So the difference (aside from branding) is that the routes are in a different folder.
jamesrnelson Oct 4, 2021 @ 3:13pm 
Hi Danny, if I buy the Marches line now and then want to use this add on. Would I need to download the branded or unbranded version? What is the difference, or is it not possible for the route to load.