Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

438 ratings
Small Churches
Buildings (by category): Citizen facility
File Size
923.957 KB
Oct 17, 2019 @ 5:22am
Jun 27, 2020 @ 9:11am
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Small Churches

Religion is incompatible with Marxism and religion was suppressed by the Soviet Union, but religion is not necessarily incompatible with socialism, so if you want to put churches in your socialist state, here are three you can use.

They are based on the ones included in the game.
Hubcio14 Jun 12 @ 8:46am 
El lobo Apr 16 @ 11:11pm 
@AlfakleNaN You miss some of the most important historical factors for the creation and developement of religions: Guidance and Inspiration. No matter at what religion you look, they are filled with the rules nessesary for a society to function, like don't kill, don't steal, don't sleep with someones wife. Religions not only served as a way to explain the unexplainable, but also as a way yo promote order and coexistence, in a world where it was possible to commit crimes without consequence, as the technological advancements that keep our society safe didn't exist yet. Another important aspect is inspiration. It gives people hope and something to look forward to. I am not religiouse myself, but it is quite clear that the surge in atheism is one of the reasons for the strong rise in depression.
AlfakleNaN Apr 16 @ 3:37pm 
To an atheist, the emminationist prime mover argument is correct in that it shows that all matter is fundamentally unified (in a Parminidean way rather than Heraclitian absolute becoming/no causality between events or objects), but it's wrong in that it holds over from animism the mistaken attribution of soul to spirit (motion) in nature, there is no mind behind nature, minds only exist within brains. People can believe whatever they choose to, but when you understand the history of the development of these ideas, you understand how fundamentally flawed religious ideas are, while they may capture truths in a false shell, we can separate the true from the illusory. (3)
AlfakleNaN Apr 16 @ 3:37pm 
Just like Darwin structurally de-centered the traditional understanding of biology from eternal creation (from above) to historically contingent material forces (from below), Marx de-centers Hegel's logocentrism, placing the true source of meaning in this world, not in a metaphysical other world, just like how Aristotle 'took Plato out of the sky and planted him on the ground' by focusing on the potential for change between states of being in this world rather than the real world being descended from the ethereal world of forms. (2)
AlfakleNaN Apr 16 @ 3:37pm 
Communism views religion and all metaphysics as illusory, that ideas are the product of material forces, so religions are the vehicle for ideas that are a product of and support the socioeconomic structure, ancient religious epics are basically the encyclopedia of the ancient world, all of their theories of nature are bound up with myth. Socialist states allow religion, but promote atheism. In the spirit of the enlightenment, communism seeks to bring irrational unconscious socioeconomic forces under conscious control, to understand the laws of development of a thing, say society, history, etc. is to be more free than to be unconsciously subject to their action, Kantian universal heteronomy etc. (1)
El lobo Feb 16 @ 1:29pm 
@MarkPlierBR no, it is anti religion, it often doesn't outright ban it, but it want's to control it. I live 1 hour from the former iron curtain, and people who actually lived under it will conform you that much. Looking at communist nations or even at american socialists will do so as well.
MarkPlierBR Feb 16 @ 12:05pm 
Communism being anti religion is a red scare myth.
ModZero Nov 8, 2023 @ 4:18pm 
Also thanks for the churches. Lol, ridiculed for being religious, literally the opposite of my experience in a communist state. Everyone paid lip service to laicism and immediately ran to kiss the bishop's ring.
ModZero Nov 8, 2023 @ 4:16pm 
Communism was never a monolith, nor did it stay constant and unchanging. Modern communists rarely wish for a return to Stalin. In the essence, the story that your ex-wife's cousin's 3rd removed dog's previous owner's cat made up is quite irrelevant.
Gregers Down Under Nov 4, 2023 @ 9:28am 
Shut up Rex