Prison Architect

Prison Architect

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Mods utilizados na série de Prison Architect do canal ChratosGameplay no youtube!
Items (9)
Additional Guard Sprites
Created by prospectus
Ever got tired from seeing the same 4 Guards in your prison? And what's worse, each Guard having only one body type? Well, if you're the type of person who likes more visual variety in their games, this mod is for you! VERSION 3.0, Major Update! See change...
Additional Staff Sprites
Created by prospectus
This is going to be the second mod in my 'Additional Sprites - Prison Architect Variety' Collection. This time we're finally adding new sprites for other members of Staff; Workmen, Cooks, Janitors, Gardeners, Doctors and even Psychologists. So if you think...
Better Clock Mod
Created by 4loris4
This mod adds 2 new buttons to the clock in game. The buttons let you speed up the game even faster: x7 or x10!...
Clearer Needs Icons
Created by Fishbus
A Simple graphics mod: The 'needs' icons have been made simpler and more distinct - so you can tell what those pesky prisoners are complaining about further away and quicker than before! Made with respect to default game aesthetics....
Computers and More Mod!
Created by dsdude123
Bring the power of electronics to your prison! They can help satisfy a prisoners need for family (chatting via internet) and recreation (computer games). Prisoners can also work in a file room to generate exports for your prison by collecting documents fro...
Fence and Hedge with Grass
Created by AntonSasay
Just some fence and hedge with grass texture, enjoy.
Grants Mod
Created by Xathz
Adds over 15 new grants to the game from security to keep your prisoners in line to a common room in the style of a library. This was the first mod ever for Prison Architect, originally by LDShadowLord. This mod still works great with "Version 1 (6 Oct 201...
Created by murgh
One man's trash is another man's treasure - provided you can find it in amongst all your rubbish. This Recycling mod will let your prisoners dig through the filthy garbage to sort out valuable bits and pieces from it. Sorted Garbage goes straight to Export...
Road Sensors
Created by Themias
Lay sensors across your roads to detect when vehicles are present! They're like pressure pads, but for roads! Make sure to place two tiles above road gates for vehicles to stop on them. Half-road sensors only detect one lane, and need to be placed like in ...