Ocen: 271
No Shoe Damage
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Type: Mod
Mod Type: Character, Mechanics
Rozmiar pliku
74.742 KB
27 czerwca 2019 o 8:40
27 czerwca 2019 o 8:49
Listy zmian: 2 ( zobacz )

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No Shoe Damage

What does it do?
No Shoe Damage does what it says on the tin. It removes your shoes getting damaged as you use them. As well as the chance to cut your feet when running barefoot.

Server Owner Instructions
As with most mods install instructions follow the same patten.
- Copy the mod from !Workshop to DayzServer root.
- Copy the CooltrainV3.bikey into your server keys folder.
- Add the @No Shoe Damage to your server launch parameter.

It doesn't seem to be working? What should I do?
This mod changes the constant value used by the game for both shoe and foot damage. As such this mod needs to be loaded LAST in order for it to override other mods that change the same value.

What version does it require?
Working on the latest 1.16 stable version

Can I repack this mod?
Yes. This mod is only simple wrapper for a constant change. You can ignore the text file inside the PBO which states otherwise. I'm not going to update just to remove this file.

This "mod" can be recreated by anyone

This mod exists for those too lazy to change the following 2 lines inside playerconstants.c

static const float SHOES_MOVEMENT_DAMAGE_PER_STEP = 0;
Komentarzy: 30
nashu 6 maja 2023 o 5:20 
Can you guide us to where we can find "playerconstants.c" please
[Mistst*ck] 20 kwietnia 2022 o 3:51 
Mod needs update because of the new update X_x
Sidarthus89 31 stycznia 2022 o 13:50 
confused...your steam page says we can repack but txt file in the mod says we cant
Taco Donkey 16 stycznia 2022 o 10:34 
Great mod.
Plan to pack into our server mod.
Will give credit and link to OG mod.
Thanks for your amazing work.
Pm61 17 października 2021 o 13:17 
Are you going to update Earplugs to use the same date key as this?
Thief_Garett 13 grudnia 2020 o 18:00 
ok, use quotes to add mods, and it wont care about spaces,
"-mod=@no shoe damage"
Growgo 12 grudnia 2020 o 9:50 
your mod is top but is it possible to fix that Fontaaaaa say : when we haven't shoes with your mod, we dont feed bleed when we walk on nude feet....
Fontaaaaaa 21 września 2020 o 4:09 
Would it be possible to remove the shoe damage, but make your feed bleed when you walk barefoot? It's a bit OP to walk bare foot :P
FireManAndy 15 września 2020 o 6:38 
Works great! Thank you my players love it!
Holyschytt 29 lipca 2020 o 12:34 
Broken.. DayZ Launcher Will not Read Spaces in folder names please repack with out spaces.. thanks