Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

135 평점
Yi Ti Expanded - AGOT Submod
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2019년 5월 10일 오후 4시 04분
2020년 6월 7일 오후 1시 28분
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Yi Ti Expanded - AGOT Submod

Yi Ti Expanded - v1.4.1 Buildings Update
Updated for AGOT 2.2

Have you ever played as characters east of the Bone Mountains and found the region lacking? Then this mod is for you!

Direct Download:


- 80+ new Provinces added to Yi Ti

- New interesting characters to play (Existing characters modified and used wherever possible to minimize game lag)

- Special buildings for Yi Tish holdings and unique castles in each of the major kingdoms

- Events to cut through the jungles of Yi Ti and repair the ancient road system

- Renamed non-canon kingdoms and provinces to make them less confusing

- Cleaned up existing code (Yi Tish provinces no longer have weird names like Kolverikh or Darakesh)

- Compatible with AGOT v2.2 and CK2 v3.3.3

- Supported Scenarios: All, but only major characters in A Clash of Kings and A Feast For Crows are handcrafted

- Planned Future Updates:
1. Missions (Decision/Events) to conquer lost territories and restore the Great Empire of the Dawn
2. Events to cut through the jungles of Yi Ti and repair the ancient road systems Added in v1.1 Roads Update
3. Yi Ti-specific buildings Added in v1.4 Buildings Update
4. Missions and quests (Events) to obtain valuable Yi Tish artifacts

Interesting Characters

Lu Sheng, the Prince of Daiyang (New Character!)
When your father was murdered under suspicious circumstances, your family was forced to quickly divide your holdings amongst you and your siblings lest upstart vassals enroach on your moment of weakness. Already the powerful Mao family have wrestled from you a castle in your capital duchy and is further consolidating their power to challenge your seat. Will you deal with Maos and involve yourself in the politics of Yi Ti, or will you turn your eye northward and crush the Jogos Nhai threatening your northern frontier?

Cao Jian, the Winged Tiger of Yongchun (New Character!)
You rule over the largest, but the poorest region of Yi Ti. The other kingdoms may joke that you and your subjects are mere cannon fodder before real armies can be levied, but they know your true potential. It was Yongchun that defeated the hordes of the Jogos Nhai and it will be Yongchun again who will first fight the army of the dead. Yongchun, the name of your kingdom, is an expression of a hope for an everlasting spring. How will you prepare for the long night - will you expand northward in the name of Yi Ti, or will you develop your lands and unlock its potential? Will you live up to your name and fulfill your destiny as Yin Tar reborn?

Loq Xie, the Sorceror Princess of Tiqui (New Character!)
It is difficult to be a woman in a man's world. You have worked hard, suffered countless trials and tribulations, but you have survived. While the other northern kingdoms might be more receptive to female leaders, the southern kingdoms absolutely refuse to allow a woman to take the throne. Meanwhile, the upstart Hyrkoon duchies to the west stir and aim to reunite again to block off land trade with the rest of Essos. Will you focus internally, to ensure a better future for your daughters, or will you look outward, and fight the enemies of Yi Ti?

Dol Wen, the Middle Child Prince of Linhan (New Character!)
You are the middle child of the Dol Family, and you have been tasked with leading Linhan, the middle child of all Yi Tish kingdoms. Though you have no particular strengths to speak of, you are also blessed with no major crises requiring your attention. Aside from a friendly Asabhad regime to your west, you face no hostile neighbours. How will you use your position of relative peace and stability? Perhaps the next God Emperor of Yi Ti can be of Linhan blood?

Mu Zhou the Clueless of Jinqi (New Character!)
Long gone are the days when Jinqi was the capital of Yi Ti. Decades of mismanagement by your family caused many lords to declare independence. Others have little faith that you will reverse your family's fortunes, but they are wrong. You might be a bit slower at learning, but who isn't? You will show them how the turntables. Plus, you have a secret weapon - A fabled dragon egg from Asshai. Now you must hatch it. You know exactly what to do, but in a more real sense, you have no idea what to do. Nonetheless, people have underestimated you all your life, maybe now they will begin to estimate you.

Pol Qo, the Hammer of Jogos Nhai
You have fought the Jogos Nhai all your life. The people sing of your victories on the western plains, where your shield wall held against cavalry charges and your crossbowmen turned zorse archers into porcupines. Meanwhile, the imperial court grows evermore decadent and weak, unconcerned with the struggles of the common man. The God Emperor in Yin prefers to hide under his table and pay tribute like some lowly vassal than to avenge the defeats of dynasties past. People do not change, but regimes can. Yi Ti needs a strong ruler. How will you defeat the corrupt Azure line and take your rightful place in the sun?

Bu Gai II, the rightful God Emperor of all Yi Ti
Ruling an empire is no easy task. In the west, Hyrkoon duchies threaten to reunite. In the north, the Jogos Nhai raid the border towns. In the South, the Lengi threaten to block our trade and push out our colonists. And who knows what the shadowbinders in the east are up to. What's worse, rumors are swirling that another long night may soon be upon us and the realm is in no shape to fight off a white walker invasion. Meanwhile, all the Princes are focused on their little corner of the world, scheming against one another. How will you keep the Empire together and defeat the true enemy?

- Due to the way maps work, this mod is not and can never be compatible with another mod that edits the world map
댓글 72
Motts33 2023년 2월 27일 오후 8시 45분 
I’ve had this loaded with other mods that change the map… as well as more bloodlines and congenital over haul… didn’t seem to crash more than usual either 🤷🏼‍♂️
AgedWisdom 2022년 8월 28일 오전 10시 54분 
Curious, but have you ever considered giving Yi Ti a unique government? Or at the very least maybe repurposing the chinese imperial from vanilla to give them a little bit of distinction from all the other feudal rulers. It would match considering they're supposed to be the Planetosi China analogue.
Emperor  [작성자] 2022년 5월 8일 오전 1시 21분 
@Mufti I had an update with fixed trade routes, but it would need to override the base mod's trade map and become incompatible with any other mods that change it. I haven't touched this in a long time but might finalize and release a last version.
Mufti 2022년 5월 5일 오후 12시 29분 
fix trade routes in the newly added provinces and consider adding holding names, since all of them are named after their province
TurtleShroom 2021년 12월 13일 오후 5시 46분 
PLEASE PLEASE consider releasing a Compatibility Patch for the GOT More Bloodlines Mod!
TurtleShroom 2021년 12월 13일 오후 2시 53분 
This is my all-time favorite "Game of Thrones" Mod. Is it compatible with the latest version of the Mod? Why can't Carcosa escape his clay? Why doesn't the Mod work when I try to load it unless I completely overwrite the base game folder?

When I try to load this Mod as a sub-Mod, all of Yi Ti goes black and no character can spawn. When I overwrite the base Mod, it works, but Carcosa can't cross into Yi Ti itself. This happens even when I completely overwrite EVERYTHING.
Shakazzem 2021년 12월 11일 오전 6시 59분 
I know that the mod is "incompatible" with mods that edit the world map, but it's still fun to boot up Andal Invasion with this installed, it puts Yi Ti into a kind of warring states period with no recognized emperor.
Teoctlamazqui 2020년 10월 28일 오전 5시 36분 
Check the forums @alternativezeta cause now it can with compatch that I’ve finally released lol
AlternativeZeta 2020년 10월 13일 오후 6시 41분 
And using a Yitish Ruler to colonize old valyria does not sound bad doesnt it?
AlternativeZeta 2020년 10월 13일 오후 6시 39분 
it would be nice if the mod could work with colonizable Valyria....