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[WOTC] Extended Vision
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Apr 23, 2019 @ 12:02pm
Jun 19, 2019 @ 12:15pm
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[WOTC] Extended Vision

[WOTC] Extended Vision

Ever think that it was odd that you couldn't see what was at the other end of the street in XCOM2? Me too! Worry no more, however, because this mod increases the vision range of all characters to allow them to see properly!

- Increases all XCOM and Alien vision ranges by five times - more than enough to allow them to see across most maps. Vision is still blocked by terrain, of course, so you'll see further on open maps.
- Extends the weapon range tables to account for extended range. I've tried to extend them based on the weapon's existing bonuses/penalties, Penalties eventually cap at -100; the range at which this happens and the rate of dropoff are different for each table.
- Edits the enemy range tables to match those for the Rifle - they'll get close range bonuses and long range penalties too now (in theory, at least. This... might not be working.).
- The maximum number of possible active enemies is increased, as you'll certainly be seeing more at once.
Enemy detection range remains the same - it seemed more fun that way. It should be easier to sneak through missions if you can see everything, but once you're busted remember that they can all see you too!
- Rocket range is increased, but grenade and flamethrower range is not.

- Short range weapons (shotguns, bullpups, and pistols) aren't any shorter range than usual, but sure feel like it. I've still found them useful in closer confines or once enemies close in though.
- Snipers still have Squadsight, but will basically never use it as it only kicks in beyond vision range - the sniper rifle gets accuracy penalties with range like any other gun, but they don't kick in for much later to make up for it. You'll want to take Return Fire over Long Watch, is what I'm saying.
- Skirmisher abilities (whiplash, justice, etc) don't take range penalties - consider this before discounting them for having a short range weapon.
- Snipers are the most accurate class at long range, followed by Reapers, and can feasibly fight everything from an entrenched position. That said, objective timers are unchanged, so consider that before fighting a whole map's worth of aliens from heavy cover on elevated ground starting turn one.
- Psionic enemies are way more scary when they're mind controlling you from outside flashbang range.
- Though I haven't played a full campaign with this, I imagine that the Chosen should be... fun.

General compatibility:
- Shouldn't break anything, I hope.
- Should be fully compatible with the SMG pack (its unique range table is extended like base weapons).
- Currently working for selected modded enemies/allies (eg Biozerkers / Hybrid Rookies). I think this mod needs to be loaded after those, but the specifics escape me at the moment.
- Any modded weapons that use the existing range tables should be fine. Those that have their own custom tables will cap out at the longest range on that table (for example, the Pathfinders mod adds a rifle with steep accuracy dropoff that caps at -50 accuracy). This will only likely be an issue if your modded weapon caps at +0.

Compatible ally / enemy mods:
- Hybrid Rookies
- Formatted EWPs

- CreativeXenos Archons
- Bio Troops/Beasts/Command
- Advent Pathfinders
- Advent Synthoids
- Advent Medic
- Advent Warlock
- Celitids
- World War L
- Sectoid Abductor
- Advent Field Training (adds training officers)
- Advent General Revamp (Might wreck the base General, though all he does is flee anyway)
- Advent Snipers
- Advent Drones

"Neutral" parties:
- Bandits
- Cult of Jariah
- Phantoms
- Marauders
- Rogue XCOM

Other enemies will still function, they just won't see you until you're closer.

- Performance seems to take a hit at the very start of a mission - probably because the game has to calculate sightlines to all enemies in range. This can have weird effects on the order Central tells you about things in, though nothing game-breaking.
- Performance may also take a hit on missions with large maps and many enemies. In my experience it sorts itself out after a while, possibly because the numbers become more manageable. Again, nothing game-breaking seen so far, but it might take a little longer.

- Tee, author of the mod More Health, which I looked at to figure out what the heck one has to do to mod this darn game.
- Facenor for pointing out that the Assassin's Mountain Mist affects vision.
- Everyone who even looks at this!

Comments are very much appreciated - let me know what you think!
Shard  [author] Feb 10 @ 7:42am 
@Z405 You do (as far as I recall) need another program for the packaging (though just changing the .ini files is indeed the actual "modding" part). That said, the names in the .ini files aren't always intuitive!

Fortunately, it should be pretty easy to get ModBuddy, since you already have XCOM 2! In your Steam Library, look under Tools for the XCOM War of the Chosen Developer Tools. That should be it! (Note that you might have to ensure that it, XCOM2, and Steam are all installed in the same drive - a quick local test threw up errors for me, but honestly my file structure is a mess and I really need to just reinstall Steam.)

A quick search online also turned up this guide to getting a simple mod up and running: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=956935800 .
Z405 Feb 8 @ 2:34pm 
Hi Shard and thank you for your reply even in 2024! Truth be told, I wouldn't even know where to start to look or what to change. I originally assumed that altering an .ini file I changed out of curiosity from one of the mods, would suffice, it ended up doing nothing, even though it was a simple change to should have been easily experience-able. I'm guessing I might need an extra program to perhaps decrompress/unpack a mod, alter it and then compress/pack it again for it to actually work?
Shard  [author] Feb 6 @ 11:57am 
@Z405: It's been a while, but I think I might have a reason for you.

While I did increase the number of "active" enemies available, there's still a cap. This is probably what's causing the issue you're seeing - only a certain number of enemies are permitted by the game to engage XCOM at once, and if more than that know where you are they'll waste their turns rather than rush in and overwhelm you. Normally that's well hidden, but when you can see most of the map you can also see this happening.

It's probably an easy enough fix if you want to dive into the files. I forget the exact variable that switches it up, but increasing it might fix what you're after.
Z405 Feb 6 @ 10:42am 
I think this is a great mod, but after using it, it seems that some of the enemy AI has no clue what to do with the extra range. They just walk back and forth ending up completely wasting their turn. While I am obviously using different mods, I did not experience this behavior prior to adding this mod to the list. Don't think this is your fault, but maybe just an AI thing.
Shard  [author] Jul 5, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
@Смиеклīгс Цилвēк: There's a variable you can tweak for it, yeah. I believe it's [eStat_SightRadius]. One for each type of character.
Nothing. Jul 5, 2023 @ 1:16pm 
@Shard ah thanks! I see, this helps a lot!
Shard  [author] Jul 5, 2023 @ 1:15pm 
@Nothing.: Hrrm. I don't have a mod of that spec lying around, sorry. It's been a hot minute since I've worked on this one too, so I can't say off the top of my head the exact steps to make one yourself.

HOWEVER, I thoroughly encourage you to have a go! If you download this mod, you should be able to look through its files (that's how I figured out how to make the dang thing, using the mod credited in the description). All you should have to do is remove the lines that affect non-XCOM units, and then bam!

I believe there's one variable (possibly one per class?) that affects vision; the rest of the code will be weapon range tables. Good luck!
ТеуфелКриег Jun 28, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Is there an ini file that increases how far you can see?
Nothing. Jun 21, 2023 @ 8:20am 
do you also happen to have a version with only XCOM getting like 3x vision range?
I simply would like to reduce random pod RNG and this concept is phenomenal, not to mention the mod works great, but often times I can see across the entire map, and so can the enemy.
I hope it isn't too much to ask if you happen to have a mod lying around that only increases player vision by 3x or something.
Jukse Jan 4, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Don't mention it - thank you for all the work, even going the extra mile with the range tables! Essential on all my campaigns.