Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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40k Dictator-class Cruiser
Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Tags: Blueprint
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Apr 10, 2019 @ 1:34am
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40k Dictator-class Cruiser

In 1 collection by SHINZ0U
40k Battlefleet Gothic Cruisers & Battlecruisers + Cruiser Sprue
9 items
This is my adaptation of OctoMoose's Space Engineers design for use in Empyrion: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1612080052

The Dictator class is rebuilt Lunar Class Cruiser, with the lance decks rebuilt into flight decks for attack craft. The Dictator retains the Lunar's weapons batteries and torpedo capabilities, as well as the armoured prow. The shield, turret, and engines also remain unchanged.

It was originally designed as a stop-gap method to deliver the huge numbers of atmospheric craft that an opposed planetary landing needs. In these situations it is unusual to have an airfield under the control of the invaders, and therefore the Dictator fills the role of the airfield for the bombers and fighters supporting the landings.

Successive upgrades to the early Dictators meant that their role expanded from simply providing a low orbit "airfield", into being an attack craft carrier in its own right. The class found extensive use as convoy escorts during the Gothic War, and when the demand for attack craft in fleet actions outstripped the supply, the badly damaged Lunar class cruisers were stripped of their lance decks, and flight decks added instead, creating a new generation of Dictator class ships.


- Prow mounted Torpedo Launchers (4x Rocket Launchers).
- Broadside mounted Macro batteries (2x Cannon Turret, 1x Rocket Turret per side).
- Broadside mounted Strike Craft Hangars (4x Hangar per side).
- Point Defense Turrets (2x Minigun Turrets per wing, 2x Sentry Gun per Heavy Macro battery facing).

Note: for thematic purposes it is designed to be lumbering, but please feel free to add additional thrusters.