Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2

244 ratings
Handbook to every survivalists Vol.2 Chapter 1: Characters
By Xgpmcnp and 1 collaborators
Hello and welcome to another edition of the Handbook to every Survivalist! The original series of guides came out in 2015 for Risk of rain, first of the name, and today in 2019 we're bringing you all the same juicy information and guides about everything, ever!
The Handbook to every survivalists Vol.2 aims to answer every question about Risk of Rain 2, and we're starting here in Chapter 1 with the Characters. How to unlock them, their stats, skills, synergies and general advice on getting better with your character.

Risk of rain 2 was recently released as 1.0! However, there are still survivors to come! These will be included in this guide when the characters will be released.
The Commando
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

The Commando is the character you begin the game with, and requires no further steps to unlock.

Being the first character of the game, the Commando will be your introduction to the world. The commando sports a pretty varied moveset, tailored to handle most situations safely. Let's go over each skill individually...

Cooldown: None

Double-tap is Commando's basic attack, and it deals 90% damage twice. This makes the commando instantly better with items that proc on hit (Tri-tip dagger, Stun grenade..) and higher fire rate (Soldier's syringe) helps mitigating the lower damage. Then again, where is higher fire rate bad again?

Full-Metal Jacket Phase Round
Cooldown: 3s

Phase Round is Commando's secondary ability, dealing a whopping 230% damage and piercing enemies.This skill is fantastic for when you have a lot of enemies running right at you, but isn't great for crowds of enemies. However it is great for taking out enemies at long ranges, so having a few Backup Magazines to use this more often is very much so appreciated. As well as this, it resets the spread of Double Tap, so be sure to fire it after Double Tapping for a while.

Phase Blast
Cooldown: 3s

If Phase Round isn't your tempo, and you like to get more up close and personal, Phase Blast is your secondary. Unlocking it is relatively easy, only requiring you to get the killing blow on an Overloading Worm, the hardest part getting an Overloading Worm to spawn. Instead of shooting a single, long range bullet, Phase Blast fire two shotgun blasts, each firing 8 pellets. This ability deals insane damage up close, so it's a must for close range Commandos. It doesn't have the spread reset of Phase Round, however.

Tactical Dive
Cooldown: 4s

Tactical Dive is Commando's Utility ability, enabling him to dodge roll in a direction. Commando is invincible during the dodge roll, and thus can avoid a lot of damage with it. Fall damage can also be entirely removed by using Tactical Dive. Paul's Goat Hoof will increase movement speed, launching you forward at a faster speed and further distance, as well.

Suppresive Fire
Cooldown: 9s

Suppressive Fire is Commando's Ultimate ability, stunning anything it hits and shooting six times for 100% damage, or more shots depending on your attack speed. One thing to note is that Suppressive Fire has incredible range and some homing; where Double-tap fails in range, use Suppressive Fire to hit far enemies. Aside from the damage it deals and its range, on-hit items are good, just like Double-Tap.

Frag Grenade
Cooldown: 5s

If you're looking for a Special with more crowd control, Frag Grenade is your best option. Holds two grenades that deal damage in a large area, allowing you to clear out a good number of grouped up enemies. While the ability is fantastic, unlocking it is incredibly tough. To unlock it, you must clear 20 stages in a single run without any Lunar items as Commando. Surviving 20 rounds means you'll have to be very strategic with how you survive.

Commando is a fair all-around character that introduces the game well, but sadly is lacking in damage and crowd-control options. Phase Round is simply not enough to contain large hordes unless you get items like Gasoline or Will-o-the-Wisp, and Suppressive Fire only stuns what it hits.

The damage output of Commando is lower than most other characters, but Commando does outshine most other characters with his utility skill's safety, enabling to dodge a fair distance and remain invincible for the duration, while sporting a low cooldown. Jack of all trades, but a master of none.

Health: 200 (+60 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

MUL-T is a character you unlock after succeeding the first map's Teleporter event five times. Once that is done, MUL-T is available for you to play. To make this faster, I recommend you complete the first teleporter event, then go to second map and quit to menu there. Or just play the game normally and it'll be there fast enough.

MUL-T is one of the easier characters to unlock, and is a fair upgrade to the Commando in terms of health and speed. MUL-T is very tanky and can take a beating. While they have the same damage, MUL-T has impressive skills in his robo-hands. Let's look closer at them...


Multifunctional allows MUL-T to hold two equipment items at the same time, one for each of his weapons. Note that the equipments can be the exact same, so you can hold 2 Foreign Fruits and heal 100% HP whenever you wish. Fuel Cell becomes instantly better with MUL-T, and you can do interesting combos with the equipments. A very strong passive, capitalize on it by buying all the equipment boxes you can find to get interesting combos!

Auto-Nailgun and Rebar Puncher
Cooldown: None

Turns out Rebar Puncher has no icon. This means this part will be for both weapons. Hopoo plz, Rebar Puncher icon wen

Auto-Nailgun is a very inaccurate, super high fire rate weapon that shoots for good damage. The first shot is also a shotgun-like 8 projectile round, good for taking care of masses. The very high fire rate does not equal insane combos with on-hit items sadly, as you have a Proc Coefficiency of 40%. That's a big fancy word to say you only have 40% of what you'd have usually as a chance to proc (If you have 100% proc, it becomes 40%. 50% proc, becomes 20%.) Leech Seed remains great due to being on-hit with no proc "chance" per se, adding some life-steal on hit. Add to that Soldier Syringe and you've got a hailstorm of blood-sucking nails. Effective. Just make sure to shoot the Auto-Nailgun at a very close range. Medium range will have few hits and is not effective.

Rebar Puncher
Rebar Puncher is basically the opposite of the Auto-Nailgun. It requires a second of charge time, offers slow fire rate but has practically infinite range and deals massive damage in a line, piercing enemies. You can effectively take out Lesser Wisps from very far away with such a weapon, and crowds don't stand a chance. Critical hit items like Lens-Maker's Glasses give chances to double the already massive damage, and items like Gasoline or Will-o'-the-Wisp add an extra oomph to those one-shot kills, leading to crowd destruction from afar.

In conclusion, both weapons are polar opposites used for different purposes and shifting between both using your R is vital to playing MUL-T optimally. They both stack effectively with different types of items, so plan accordingly which items you want most, or adapt your playstyle depending on your build.

Blast Canister
Cooldown: 6s

Blast Canister is MUL-T`s secondary ability. You throw a grenade that stuns enemies and deals 220% damage, then it drops 5 smaller stunning bombs who deal 44% each, for 5x44%. This ability is great to take out a large group of enemies with its high damage, but can also stun larger ones, making it good in nearly all situations. If the enemy is flying, forget about Blast Canister, as the 5x44% will never hit it. Backup Magazine will let you combo stun enemies,

Transport Mode
Cooldown: 8s

Transport Mode is MUL-T's utility skill, enables him to gain more speed and armor while dashing forward quickly. You can steer MUL-T while moving and try to bump into enemies, dealing 250% damage and even higher damage depending on how fast you're going. Since you're Sprinting during the charge, items that activate on sprint like Rose Buckler and Energy Drink are effective. The damage really increases sharply with speed. A few Paul's Goat Hoofand Energy Drinks and you'll be dealing over 1000 damage per hit!

Transport Mode can also go through small enemies, but larger enemies stop the skill and puts you back in normal mode after knocking you backwards. Stone golems, Bighorned Bisons, most bosses and a few more are considered "Larger enemies". Should be visual enough. Make sure to stack movement speed, and this "Utility" Skill becomes a damaging skill!

Cooldown: 1s

Retool is MUL-T's special ability. It lets MUL-T swap between the Auto-Nailgun and Rebar Puncher at will. Since MUL-T has two equipment items, one is assigned to each weapon and you swap between both at the same time as swapping between weapons. Retool's only purpose remains to swap between weapons/equipments, so there aren't a lot of synergies here.

MUL-T remains an incredibly tanky character, gaining a lot of HP per level and having access to interesting regen option from Leeching Seeds, while keeping a very good escape option with the Transport Mode skill. Getting healing on MUL-T is imperial, due to his high HP. Cautious Slug, Bustling Fungus and Foreign Fruit are all valid options, especially Foreign Fruitdue to having two equipment slots.
The Huntress
HP: 90 (+27 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

The Huntress is unlocked by reaching and completing the 3rd teleporter event without dying. Or, in layman, beat the 3rd level without dying.

The Huntress is a very squishy, but very deadly character. She pairs well with a tankier character, such as MUL-T. She is the only character that allows you to attack while sprinting, making her one of the most nimble characters in the game. She also has auto aim, which is pretty cool.

Cooldown: None

Strafe is The Huntress' basic attack, shooting a seeking arrow that deals 150% damage. The first time you spawn in as Huntress you may notice, "Hey, I can't use my first and second ability! What gives?" Well, Strafe and Laser Glaive can only fire when locked onto an enemy. You can also shoot and sprint at the same time, which is good, because Huntress should be sprinting 90% of the time. Items such as Rose Buckler that give you extra armor should always be given to the Huntress of the team. This ability is also heavily improved by items such as Soldier's Syringe, which increases attack speed, and Lens-Maker's Glasses, which double your critical chance. Strafe deals a lot of damage slowly, so speeding it up with Soldier's Syringe is a no brainer, and since Strafe deals 150% damage already, an increase critical chance with Lens-Maker's Glasses can cause you to deal even more damage!

Laser Glaive
Cooldown: 7s

Laser Glaive is Huntress' secondary ability. When used, Huntress throws a giant glaive at the enemy you're locked onto, dealing 250% damage. But wait, there's more! After it hits, it'll bounce to another enemy. Then, another enemy. The glaive will bounce up to 6 times before dissipating. If that isn't great enough, it also deals 10% more damage for every bounce, for a total of 310% damage on the final bounce! This ability is the crowd control bread and butter of the Huntress, and is fantastic for wiping out a ton of stupid Wisps. It's also great for when you have two strong enemies, as it'll bounce between the two of them, dealing 1120% damage to one, and 840% to the other one. This ability seriously benefits from a Backup Magazine or two, allowing you to stack a ton of glaives and tossing them all at once.

Cooldown: 7s

Blink is Huntress' Utility ability, and a fantastic one at that.When used, The Huntress disappears, and reappears in whatever direction you were aiming at. During this, The Huntress is completely invulnerable, and able to cross rather large gaps. Just like The Commando's Tactical Dive, this can be used to negate fall damage.

Arrow Rain
Cooldown: 17s

Arrow Rain is The Huntress' Special Ability, and boy howdy is it amazing. You teleport into the sky, and choose a spot to fire a volley of arrows down on those poor, poor enemies. Any enemies trapped in the area are dealt 225% damage per second, and are slowed. This is another great crowd control ability, but is also great on single, high priority targets. During your teleport into the sky, you're also invulnerable. This can be used as a backup dodge if Blink is on cooldown. However, this is only the split second you teleport up. When you're in the air casting Arrow Rain, you are completely vulnerable. You can also chain it with Blink to reach high areas you otherwise wouldn't have been able to reach. The ability is very deadly, but also has a very high cooldown. Because of this, Bandolier is a great item to have, as it gives a chance for enemies to drop an item that resets your cooldown.

The Huntress is an excellent character that is nimble and deadly. If you're in a situation you don't think you can handle, you can easily escape. She has a good mix of high damage and crowd control abilities. Her downfall is her low health, the lowest starting of any other character at 90. Because of this, you need to be the fastest you can. Items like Paul's Goat Hoof, Energy Drink, and Red Whip are great, which increases total speed, sprint speed, and out of combat speed respectively. As stated before, Rose Buckler is a must for any Huntress, as it gives you armor while sprinting. Old War Stealthkit is also a fantastic item to have, as it makes you invisible and a 40% speed boost when you take high damage, allowing you to get away. The Huntress is the glass cannon of the game, very powerful, but very fragile.
The Artificer
The Artificer
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

The Artificer is a bit tricky to unlock. Firstly, you need to collect 11 Lunar Coins. Then, you need to use a Newt Altar, which are located in a specific spot in each map and costs 1 Lunar Coin which will make "A blue orb appears..." appear in chat. After you finish the teleporter event, a blue portal will appear. Go through it, and awaiting you will be Artificer, frozen in time. Spend your 10 Lunar Coins, and she's all yours.

The Artificer is the sorcerer of the game, using the elements to her advantage. She's a bit soft, has zero defensive abilities, and built mainly for hit and run attacks. She can devastate bosses and normal enemies alike.

Flame Bolt
Cooldown: 1.3s per bolt, 5.2s total

Flame Bolt is the only Basic Attack that has a cooldown! It has a stack of 4 shots, each that do 200% damage and ignite enemies on fire. The cooldown requires you to play Artificer differently than you would other characters. You run in, deal damage, then bail. Some good items for Flame Bolt are Bandolier and Crowbar. Bandolier gives enemies a chance to drop an item that replenishes cooldown, giving you your bolts faster, and Crowbar, which deals more damage to enemies at 90% health or higher. Since Fire Bolt usually takes 1-3 shots to take down an enemy, this can save you an entire bolt!

Charged Nano-Bomb
Cooldown: 5s

Following in the trend of "Abilities that don't behave the way they should," we have Charged Nano-Bomb. Artificer's Secondary Ability is a chargable secondary, the only of its kind. If you just tap it, Artificer throws a ball of energy that deals 400% damage and stuns. When fully charged for 2 seconds, however, it deals a whopping 1200% damage and stuns! This ability pairs well with Armor-Piercing Rounds, which deals bonus damage to bosses. Since this ability already deals an insane amount of damage, the extra boss damage will really pack a punch. It also benefits from Backup Magazine, giving you an extra charge to deal even more damage.

Cooldown: 12s

Is it time for another ability that doesn't work like the others? You know it is! Snapfreeze is Artificer's utility ability. "Now hold on," you might be thinking, "Just earlier you said Artificer has no defensive abilities! But now she has an ice wall?" And yeah, you'd be fair to think that. I thought so too, first time I tried her. But her utility doesn't block projectiles, or enemies. (That doesn't stop me from saying "Ice wall, coming up!" every time I say it...) No, what Snapfreeze does is it throws up a wall of ice that, when an enemy makes contact with it, deals 100% damage and freezes them. It also will instantly kill an enemy if their health is low, making it very useful against tankier enemies. This ability benefits from Afterburner, and Will-o'-the-Wisp. Afterburner allows you to have 2 charges of your utility, giving you an extra ice wall just in case. Will-o'-the-wisp causes enemies to explode upon death, meaning if you have a group of enemies that you freeze, one exploding could cause the others to chain and shatter.

Cooldown: 5s

Holy hell. Artificer's special ability, Flamethrower, is insanely powerful. It's too powerful, in fact. The game says it deals 1700% damage in front of you, but the truth is, it deals twice that damage! You may be wondering how, well lets break it down, shall we?
At level 1, the attack does 11 damage a tick. That's 92% damage, done 10 times a second. The attack goes for 3 seconds, adding up to 330 damage.
But wait, it also deals fire damage! In my testing, it usually adds up to around 87 damage. 330+87=417, which is about 3475% damage. This is all assuming you hit only one target, because it also pierces! So you can deal almost 3500% damage to multiple targets if all your possible ticks of damage land. Because of how incredibly strong this ability is, it can take out entire crowds of enemies, or just melt bosses. Believe me when I say this is the strongest special ability in the entire game. It gets even more powerful when you add certain items and equipment to it:

Primordial Cube: This equipment is a must for every Artificer. When used, it launches a black hole which pulls all enemies into. Once all those enemies are together, you roast them with Flamethrower.
Gasoline: When all those enemies are close together, Gasoline's ability of igniting all enemies within 12m just adds a bit of extra damage to the already insane damage you're dealing.
Will-o'-the-wisp: Similar to Gasoline, lets you chain damage together for even more damage.
Ukulele: This item has a chance to have electricity arc to another enemy every time you deal damage. You may be seeing a pattern here.
Leeching Seed: Leeching Seed heals you for 1HP every time you deal damage, and you are hitting a lot when you use this ability.
Bandolier: Know whats even better than Flamethrower? Flamethrower with no cooldown! Bandolier gives enemies a chance to drop an item that completely resets your cooldowns.
Happiest Mask: This very rare item causes a 10% chance of any enemy you kill to come back as a ghost that fights for you and deals 500% damage for 30 seconds. When you use Flamethrower against a group of enemies that have been pulled by Primordial Cube, you'll have a larger ghost army than Aragorn.
Armor Piercing Rounds: This item is for when you use Flamethrower against bosses, as Armor Piercing Rounds deal extra damage to bosses.

So yeah, Artificer is one of the deadliest characters you can pick at the moment. All her abilities are deadly, the only drawback being her low health (tied for 2nd to last with Commando), and zero defensive abilities. This is understandable, as the path to unlocking her is a long one. But once you do unlock her, she is a force of devastation. She benefits from items like Paul's Goat Hoof, Hopoo Feather, Old War Stealthkit, and Tougher Times. Paul's Goat Hoof increases move speed, Hopoo Feather gives an extra jump, Old War Stealthkit makes you invisible when you take a lot of damage, and Tougher Times gives a chance to negate damage completely. Whether you're fighting groups of enemies or bosses, The Artificer will take both down with ease.
The Engineer
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

Unlocking The Engineer isn't hard, but it does take a while. To unlock him, you must beat 30 levels total. Pretty easy, but still time consuming.

The Engineer is a slightly tanky utility character. Where most characters you think "What's the best item for me", an engineer thinks "What's the best item for my turrets?" His turrets are the bread and butter of the class, and makes him a vicious opponent.

Bouncing Grenades
Cooldown: None

The Engineer's basic attack, Bouncing Grenades, is very powerful. It shoots 2 grenades when you click, and can be charged up to 8 grenades. They can be a bit hard to fire as they shockingly bounce, but deal insane damage when they all make contact. Soldier Syringe will make it charge faster, but this won't be your main damage source.

Pressure Mines
Cooldown: 10s

Pressure Mines is an amazing power. It's not insanely powerful but it is so fun. An enemy pops up infront of you? Just spam 10 mines, each which deal 300% damage infront of you and melt the enemy. You can put the mines on any physical surface, which includes your bubble shield's dome, and any character. Throw a few on the local Mercenary and send him on a suicide mission that'll be a feast for the eyes! Do note that Backup Magazines are terrible here, giving only an extra mine. Keep the mags for your buddies!

Bubble Shield
Cooldown: 25s
Bubble Shield is Engineer's Uitlity skill, and places a small shield generator, which makes a dome of protection appear. No attacks can go through this dome, and it lasts quite a long time. Hardlight Afterburner will give you 2 extra charges, making it last basically forever. Do keep in mind that enemies can still walk through the shield and deal damage to you inside of it. Bandoliers also really help, letting the bubble shield be up longer.

TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret
Cooldown: 30s

Oooh yeah, the TR12 Gauss Auto-Turrets. These babies are the bread and butter of the Engineer. You can have two of these at a time, and they only deal 100% damage. But they inherit all the items you have. You have items that proc on hit? Your turrets do that now. It's honestly insane. Therefore, every item is recommended for this ability. Soldier Syringe will obviously increase your damage a lot, due to all three of you and your turret being affected. Speed items are less desirable. We love you, Paul's Goat Hoof, but turrets have no legs, and every item is an opportunity to scale with our beauties. Spamming some Bustling Fungus will make your turrets heal themselves, but also each other if they are close, and yourself. Bustling Fungus turns out to be insane in stacks. N'Kuhana's Opinion, while a rare red item, has incredible synergy with the Bustling Fungus strategy, where the turrets will shoot constantly shoot the skulls and deal damage.

The Engineer is a fantastic class with amazing survivability, thanks to his turrets, bubble shield, and mines. He is a great compliment to any team, requiring a different mindset and build to play. Organize with your teammates (if any) who gets what item, and you should be good.
The Mercenary
HP: 140 (+42 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Speed: 7 m/s

The mercenary is somewhat harder to unlock. You need to finish the last map, the Abyssal Depths, then you'll loop all the way back to the first map. Keep finishing zones until a "Celestial portal appears". It'll be next to a teleporter; jump in the portal, jump the platforms and obliterate yourself at the obelisk. Mercenary is yours!

The Mercenary is the only melee class in the game. Therefore, he is the best melee character in the game! While melee characters might seem like an odd idea when this game has a lot of flying, out of reach enemies, just stay a while and listen, because Mercenary won't let himself be downed by that. A very agile, combo-intensive character that uses plenty of i-frames to get out of situations a ranged character wouldn't need to face

As a general note, Mercenary can sprint while doing all of his attacks. Energy Drink and Rose Bucklers become Thunderous Speed and Tornado of Shields, figuratively.

Cybernetic Enhancements

Cybernetic Enhancements allows the Mercenary to jump twice. Now this may just seem like a free Hopoo Feather. It's.. totally that. But the mercenary really needs it, to reach those high-up wisps! More Hopoo Feathers are obviously welcome, due to the nature of Mercenary. Also, Wax Quails work on the extra jump you get from Cybernetic Enhancements, which isn't the case on Hopoo feather jumps. Dash away!

Laser Sword
Cooldown: None

Real talk: Where is Mercenary different from a Jedi? Seriously? Same. Thing. Don't let that fact distract you from Laser sword's ability to deal 130% per hit, and every 3rd hit is a crescent who deals 300% damage. The crescent is very large and can take enemies at a broad angle, so that's sweet. Soldier Syringe works great here, mostly because the faster you go, the more often the 300% damage crescent move will proc. On-hit items are not very effective, due to the attack being somewhat slow compared to other basic abilities like MUL-T's or Huntress'.

Cooldown: 3s

While Whirlwind won't reflect back the lasers of the Siths, Mercenary's main enemies, it will cause Mercenary to dash forward and deal 2x200% damage horizontally. If this is used mid-air, the slashes are vertical instead. When mid-air, there is no forward dash, but you do hop upwards a tad, increasing your air time. Backup Magazines will allow you to remain airborne longer, keeping the combo alive. I recommend having around 2 Backup Magazines, after that it's kind of a waste unless you have a lot of Soldier Syringe, which make the ability be used very fast.

Blinding Assault
Cooldown: 7s

Blinding Assault is Mercenary's "Utility" skill. The word Utility must have a different meaning to Jedis, because this deals 200% to enemies in a line, and stuns them. If you hit an enemy with Blinding Assault, you can perform it immediately again for the next second, up to three times in a row before it goes in the cooldown. A Bandolier is great here because Blinding Assault can easily kill multiple targets in a group when hit all together, so you can remove the cooldown ASAP. While a red, the Hardlight Afterburner does give you a whooping 9 dashes. The attack can be done in any direction too, so you can chain the Wisps together and take care of them. Fun!

Cooldown: 6s

Eviscerate is Mercenary's Special ability. Mercenary embraces his inner anime and goes faster than the eye can see, attacking nearby enemies multiple times for 110% damage. During the ability's casting, Mercenary is completely invulnerable. On-hit items like Tri-tip dagger are great for this ability. The sweet low cooldown renders Bandolier less useful, but resetting cooldowns never hurts. You can trigger Eviscerate right before strong attacks and entirely dodge them! Also, Eviscerate is an ability that lasts a specific amount of time and attacks more depending on your attack speed. You will stay invulnerable just as long if you have Soldier Syringes, but will attack a lot more, so those are great!

Mercenary remains our favorite jedi and a great character able to combo between all of his abilities. Everything just fits together like little legos, and it's very satisfying. Use the i-frames effectively, because some adversaries like the Elder Lemuirian or the Imp Overlord are vicious in close range.
This should sum up everything you need to know about the characters, their unlock requirements and the strategy behind them. If we're missing info or wrong about something, feel free to post in the comments about this.

As always, more chapters will follow. We currently aim to get out a total of 5 chapters, and add another one for Relics when they get out. This should cover all and everything for the whole game, and we will keep it updated with time.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all a great day!
Following Chapters
Chapter 2 was a project of ours and was actually halfway done but we have decided to not continue this series of guides. There are, however, a lot of beautiful other guides made by the community, and I recommend looking at them for all your advice needs.
Coffeechipmunk  [author] Mar 29, 2022 @ 1:37pm 
We're glad to hear that! We were actually working on Volume 2 when the game first came out, but ultimately came to the conclusion that RoR2 has such popularity that there's an insane number of guides, which the first game ultimately lacked.
S4M-1 Feb 16, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
I hope to see this updated, as the first edition helped me a lot to get me into Ror a long time ago!
Coffeechipmunk  [author] Jun 23, 2021 @ 9:35pm 
Eventually! (probably)
D3phault Jun 18, 2021 @ 6:04am 
Any chance this guide is gonna get an update?
Ninja Zyborg Nov 16, 2020 @ 9:57am 
phase blast gang
dr. sne Nov 16, 2019 @ 8:03pm 
This guide is a very good guide, thank you for this
Xgpmcnp  [author] Aug 27, 2019 @ 3:29pm 
Really feels like a Yi with more dashes.. although if Yi had Mercenary's skills he'd be broken af.
Kaos Curse Aug 27, 2019 @ 3:19pm 
Mercenary is 100% Master Yi from LoL
Xgpmcnp  [author] Apr 10, 2019 @ 3:45pm 
Press E while close to it and looking at it.
Lullypawp Apr 9, 2019 @ 5:06am 
How do you obliterate yourself at the obelisk