Dota 2
Scammers, scammers everywhere
Dota 2 version of my guide
Always be careful, never give your username / password to others, never download suspicious files and do not go to suspicious sites. Protect your PC a good Antivirus and turn on your brains. Only you can protect yourself from hijackers, scammers and other people. Be alert with your "friends", as they can be hijacked. Also use SteamGuard, good password and antivirus.

The best defense against scammers - Brains. Wladbig(c)
The first stage of scam evolution
  • Quick Changing
  • Description and nametagged items

1. Quick Changing
They will have an vintage or unusual or genuine item (better than non vintage), and a normal item. When you are prepared to give allot for this, and both of you are ready to trade (example: you trade 3 non unusual items for a unusual morok), he will change the unusual morok to a duplicate, non unusual morok. And again, The trade screen will give a warning that he removed the unusual morok and added a normal moroko, so always pay attention and you can prevent getting scammed.

2. Description and nametagged items
For example: They will rename a vintage hat to an unusual hat: Mighty Boar -> Unusual Mighty Boar, The trade screen warns for this saying: This item is a renamed Mighty Boar. Always pay attention.

The second stage of scam evolution
  • Fake middleman
  • Moneyback/Transfer with protection
  • "At first items, then the money"

1. Fake middleman
People added middleman (real or not) in chat room. Check on middleman (in trade also) and scammer.

2. Moneyback (paypal) and Transfer with protection (webmoney)
Transfer with protection - just dont use.
Moneyback - scammer write a statement about the mistranslation of money. Ask a scammer to sign transfer "For bill" or "For TF2 items"

3. "At first items, then the money"
Just use middleman or check reputation
The third stage of scam evolution
  • Fake link (or fake site)
  • Site with virus
  • "Download this file and launch, i give u item"

1. Fake link (or fake site)
Do not enter your steam login and password. Check correctness of links: STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM. NOT STEAMCOMNUNITY, STEAMCORNMUNITY and etc

2. Site with virus
Do not click on suspicious websites and use good antivirus

3. "Download this file and launch, i give u item"
That file - virus (trojan), he can control steam trade or steal passwords. Dont downloads any files, that you have sent "friends"
What should I do if I have been hijacked / burglarized?
Write to Steam Support and follow their instructions.

If you BURGALIZED with "empty" trade
Write to Steam Support and follow their instructions. Maybe, Steam Support return items.

If you BURGALIZED with "non-empty" trade
Valve is not responsible for traded items. So sad

Anyway, leave complaint against scammer on steamrep forum
1 条留言
6666 2013 年 8 月 13 日 上午 7:33