Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon

Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon

Main and Side Quests Walkthrough
โดย Coover flipping houses
A guide of main quest and 3 side quests in the game. Mild spoilers. Walkthrough of evidence gathering and interviews. *Achievements not included*
This guide includes walkthrough of the main quest and 3 side quests of Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon. I will describe side quests in details in 'Act 5' but you can receive and complete them anytime as long as they're available. You can only accept one side quest at a time.

Based on my own playthrough and youtube video walkthrough by AdventureGameFan8
I also referred to the Chinese guide by Fugui Li during my gameplay.

*If you want to get all achievements:
This achievements guide by Wiesler is quite detailed:
Also the guide of answers to all questions in Stand Up Clown minigame (by flesk) which I find useful:

**“Cheapskate!” is the only achievement that may cost you another playthrough. Complete the game (including hte main quest and all side quests) without calling a taxi except you're forced to use one at some points during the game.
Act 1
Tutorial section of the game.

Hat (on bed)

Go to your office through the door on the left.

Paperbox (on desk), Key (on desk)

After talking with Clown, grab the key on the desk and leave through the left door.

Wainting room
Glasses (on floor), Dossier (sofa), VHS tape (1/9, table behind Policeman Garcia), Badge (given by Policeman Garcia)

Talk to Policeman Garcia

Interview - Policeman Garcia
You'll encounter several interview sessions during your play. Most of them can only be done with one of the two main characters, with exception of the very first one and last one. If you choose the wrong character, you can pass the interview but the game won't process.
*You can use either Detective Case or Clown in this interview.

Detective Case
  1. Question 1 --- Glasses
  2. Question 2 --- Badge
  3. Question 3 --- Dossier
  1. Question 1 --- Glasses
  2. Question 2 --- Badge
  3. Question 3 --- Dossier
Act 2
Go to the police station on Police St

Police Station
VHS tape (2/9; Open the green door behind Policeman Garcia. The tape is in this archive room on the top of the shelf)

Exhaust all dialog of Policeman Garcia.
Go to Hotel St.

Hotel Lisbon - Lobby
Talk to Brian the bellboy and hotel owner Serafin.
Find Mr. Love's room murder scene in the check-in book. Take the elevator to room 302.
Room 302
Suicide letter (received from Garcia), Garcia's badge (on the left bedside table), VHS tape (3/9, under bed), Victim's ID card (on bed), GAF Bar card (in a hand of the corpse), Knife murder weapon (on corpse), Oil (on floor), 3-colored hairs (on floor)

*You can go back to the Police Station for the first side quest now
Go to GAF Bar

Double H St. - GAF Bar
Picture of Bob hugging Manel(on the wall, for side quest 2), Picture of manager Manel (on the wall), VHS tape (4/9, on the shelf behind the bartender), Garcia's handcuffs (given by Manel)
Manager's note (on compartment door)

Interview - Manel
  1. Question 2 --- GAF Bar card
  2. Question 1 --- Manager's note
  3. Question 1 --- Photo of manager Manel
Talk to Manel and go to the Police Station. *Side quest 2 should be available now.

Police Station
Photo of Mrs. Love in Noitadas Restaurant (given by Garcia)

Talk to Policeman Garcia. *Side quest 1 available

Interview - Policeman Garcia
Detective Case
  1. Question 3 --- Suicide letter
  2. Question 3 --- Garcia's badge
  3. Question 2 --- Handcuffs
Head back to your agency on Double H St.

Double H St. - Office
Interview - Mrs. Love
  1. Question 2 --- Mr. Love's ID card
  2. Question 3 --- Suicide letter
  3. Question 3 --- Photo of Mrs. Love in Noitadas
Go to Noitadas Restaurant on Double H St.

Noitadas Restaurant
Mr. Love's will (on the floor under innermost table), VHS tape (5/9, above the white lamp on the wall behind the guitar player), Phone bill (given by owner Vila-Lobos)

Talk to the restaurant owner Vila-Lobos.
Go to Lisbon hotel.

Lisbon Hotel - Lobby
Yellow Flower (on floor)

Go back to your office.

Answer the phone and go to the Station.

Police Station
Talk to Garcia and use the phone in the station. Go back to your office

Interview - Mrs. Love
  1. Question 2 --- Photo of Mrs. Love in Noitadas
  2. Question 1 --- Phone bill
  3. Question 3 --- Yellow Flower
Crucifix (given by Mrs. Love)

After you finish talking with Mrs. Love, go to Lisbon Hotel.

Lisbon Hotel
Interview - Serafin
  1. Question 2 --- Phone bill
  2. Question 2 --- Crucifix
  3. Question 2 --- 3-colored hairs

Police Station
GAF Bar card with lipstick (given by Serafin)

Talk to Serafin and go to Bar GAF

Brown wig (on the wall by the door)

Interview - Manel
  1. Question 2 --- GAF Bar card w/ lipstick
  2. Question 3 --- 3-colored hairs
  3. Question 1 --- Brown wig

Police Station
Photo of Mrs. Love and Vila-Lobos (given by Manel)

Talk with Manel and go to Noitadas

Noitadas Restaurant
Interview - Vila-Lobos
  1. Question 3 --- Photo of Mrs. Love and Vila-Lobos
  2. Question 1 --- 3-colored hairs
  3. Question 3 --- Phone bill

Police Station
Talk with Vila-Lobos and leave the station.
Act 3
Use the phone.
Talk to Mrs. Love.

Interview - Clown Bot
  1. Question 2 --- Oil
  2. Question 1 --- 3-colored hairs
  3. Question 3 --- Knife
Choose either option in the conversation with Clown.
Act 4
Police Station
Tracker (given by Filomena)

Talk to Garcia twice. Talk to Filomena the secretary. Use the phone.

Talk to Mrs. Love
Ticket (on floor)

Find Clown on the toilet and talk to Policeman Garcia. Go to Press Play Arcade on Arcade St.

Arcade St. - Press Play Arcade
VHS tape (6/9, between the TetrisPETRIS game and the "SUPER BANG' ON" racing game)
Talk to Mrs. Love and Policeman Garcia. Talk to Stuart the owner. Go outside. Then go to Hotel Lisbon.

Lisbon Hotel - Lobby
Talk to Serafin for clues. Search the check-in records for Brian's room - 501 "Jumpman"
Room 501
Bra (on bed), VHS tape (7/9, beside bedside-table on the right), Photo of Mrs. Love and Brian (on the table on the right)

Talk to Brian and Garcia then return to Press Play Arcade.

Press Play Arcade
Room 302 spare key (given by Stuart)

Talk to Stuart and go back to Police Station.

Police Station - Custody Room
MEGA Interview
The final interview in the main quest. There are two suspects and you're gonna choose one of your main characters against each suspect. Either way, you can beat the interview. Enjoy your final, epic, 2vs2 battle!
Case vs. Mrs. Love & Clown vs. Brian
  1. Question 2 --- Photo of Mrs. Love and Brian
  2. Question 3 --- Bra
  3. Question 1 --- Mr. Love's Will
  4. Question 3 --- Knife
  5. Question 3 --- Ticket
  6. Question 1 --- Room 302 spare key
Case vs. Brian & Clown vs. Mrs. Love
  1. Question 3 --- Photo of Mrs. Love and Brian
  2. Question 1 --- Bra
  3. Question 1 --- Mr. Love's Will
  4. Question 1 --- Knife
  5. Question 3 --- Ticket
  6. Question 2 --- Room 302 spare key

Congratulations! You have solved the main case. However, there's still so much fun in the side quests...
Act 5 (Side Quests)
You can do side quests 1&2 while playing through the main story. Side quest 3 will not be available until you beat the main game. However, side quest 3 is mostly about collecting VHS tapes and you can find 8 out of 9 tapes during main quest and side quest 1. The last tape will be given to you by your mom at the end of side quest 3.
You can only accept one side quest at a time.

Side Quest 1
This quest should be available after you've heard case statement of the main quest from Garcia.
*If you complete this quest early in the game, the kidGarcia & Lady Star's love child will follow Garcia all along for the rest of the game.

Police Station
Paper about Lady Star (on the floor; re-enter the station after receiving the quest)

Talk to Garcia to receive this quest. Go to Hotel Lisbon for clues.

Hotel Lisbon - Lobby
Hotel Lisbon card (given by Serafin)

Ask Serafin about the stickbaton.

Hotel St.
Receipt (given by Lady Star)

Talk to the lady outside the hotel. Return to Police Station

Police Station
Talk to Garcia. This will directly throw you into the interview.
interview - Policeman Garcia
  1. Question 2 --- Paper about Lady Star
  2. Question 1 --- Receipt
  3. Question 3 --- Hotel card
Finish talking and go to the hotel.

Hotel Lisbon - Lobby
Check-in book: Lady Star's room - 603
Room 603
VHS tape (8/9, between the pillows)

Finish talking and leave the room.

Police Station
After talking with Garcia, the quest is completed.

Side Quest 2
This quest should become available after you first interviewed GAF Bar manager Manel.

Photo of Bob hugging Manel (on the wall)

Talk to Manel to receive the quest.
You can go to the bathroom to find more clues about the case.

Hotel St.
Talk to Tony the Shoeshiner for clues

Press Play Arcade
Male hormone pills (given by Stuart)

Ask Stuart about Bob.

Talk to Carlos (the guy listening to music, on the left of the scene)

Hotel - Lobby
Serafin doesn't know much about the case. Search through the check-in book and find a suspicious name Roberta Fawkes with room number 101.
Room 101
Jockstrap (given by Bob)

Talk to BobRoberta Fawkes.

Talk to Manel
Interview - Manel
  1. Question 1 --- Photo of Bob hugging Manel
  2. Question 3 --- Jockstrap
  3. Question 3 --- Male hormone pills

Quest completed, case closed!

Side Quest 3
The quest should be available after you completed the main quest.

Case Agency - Waiting Room
Talk to your mom to receive the quest.

Police Station
Ask Garcia about your father.

Double H St.
Talk to the homeless man with a dog.

Collect 8 tapes during main and side quests. Choose TV and play them to your dad.
Talk to your mom and receive the last tape.
Play the last tape on TV.

Congrats! Now all quests are cleared!
Thanks to Nerd Monkeys for the game.
Thanks to Wiesler, flesk and Fugui Li; if you want to get 100% achievements please refer to their guides!
Thank you all for reading!

*Sorry for potential linguistic mistakes cause I'm not a native English speaker
*Please help me to improve the guide! If you find errors please feel free to comment
2 ความเห็น
Coover flipping houses  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 เม.ย. 2020 @ 7: 09pm 
Thanks for your comment; I've edited that part and it should be correct now :winter2019coolyul:
Leitão 1 เม.ย. 2020 @ 10: 14am 
Hi :D

Great guide and good work, I've used it and it's perfect for a quick playthrough.

I've just found a little thing missing in Act 4 after finding Clown Bot in the toiled you need to go back and talk to Garcia before going to the play Arcade :)