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BUG Fix: repair the drop conditions for rare followers of the New World races (test version)
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Mar 6, 2019 @ 6:39pm
Mar 9, 2019 @ 4:14pm
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BUG Fix: repair the drop conditions for rare followers of the New World races (test version)

In this mod we fix the bug that prevent rare followers of the new world races to drop at the beginnings of each turn.

According to the script data.pack/script/export_ancillaries__.lua, many followers should randomly drop if:
1. a character have stayed in player owned regions for at least 1 turn;
2. certain buildings have been constructed in the region that the character is currently staying, at the beginning of this turn.
However, bugs appeared in the script such that some of those followers never correctly drop in vanilla.

=================MECHANISM(for developers only)======================

E.g.: Sapherian Bibliothecary is a follower of High Elf that rarely drops. In vanilla, from the script file we have:

function wh2_main_trig_general_constructed_building_hef_library_of_hoeth_impl (context)
return context:character():has_region() and context:character():turns_in_own_regions() >= 1 and (region_has_superchain(context:character():region(), "wh2_main_special_tower_of_hoeth"))

CA have made a mistake here: For the above function region_has_superchain(), the correct inputs should be (region, "superchain"), while "wh2_main_special_tower_of_hoeth" is a key of "building_chain" instead of its superchain.

Let us replace "wh2_main_special_tower_of_hoeth" to its superchain key "wh2_main_sch_special_tower_of_hoeth", then the follower can be dropped.

In addition, CA did not fix another bug that followers many randomly drop for characters in settlement garrisons: which is the reason why you kept get the follower "Estalian Diestro" even if you put no mobile characters in Estalia. We fix this bug as well for the above new world followers.

In this mod, for every event that require building superchains for the implement of followers, we modify its trigger function, such that the followers can correctly drop. Take the above example for Sapherian Bibliothecary, we replaced the vanilla function wh2_main_trig_general_constructed_building_hef_library_of_hoeth_impl (context) into:

function wh2_main_trig_general_constructed_building_hef_library_of_hoeth_impl (context)
return context:character():has_region() and context:character():turns_in_own_regions() >= 1 and (region_has_superchain(context:character():region(), "wh2_main_sch_special_tower_of_hoeth")) and (context:character():character_type("general") and not context:character():military_force():is_armed_citizenry())

=================LIST OF FIXED FOLLOWERS======================

DROP AT NORMAL REGIONS (require different building chains to be constructed in the region):

ancillary, "building_(super)chain", technology

def_apprentice_assassin, "wh2_main_def_murder", tech_def_2_3_3
def_beastmaster, "wh2_main_def_beasts"
def_cultist, "wh2_main_def_pleasure_cult"
def_daemon_whisperer, "wh2_main_def_pleasure_cult"
def_fanatic, "wh2_main_def_worship"
def_harem_attendant, "wh2_main_def_sorcery"
def_harem_keeper, "wh2_main_def_pleasure_cult"
def_musician_choirmaster, "wh2_main_def_farm"
def_musician_drum, "wh2_main_def_order"
def_musician_flute, "wh2_main_def_pleasure_cult"
def_propagandist, "wh2_main_def_worship"

hef_admiral, "wh2_main_hef_port"
hef_counsellor, "wh2_main_hef_court"
hef_minstrel, "wh2_main_hef_order"
hef_poisoner, "wh2_main_hef_mages"
hef_trappist, "wh2_main_hef_mages"

lzd_architect, "wh_main_sch_settlement_major" or "wh_main_sch_settlement_major_coast", tech_lzd_4_4
lzd_astrologer, "wh2_main_lzd_scrying"
lzd_astronomer, "wh2_main_lzd_worship_oldones"
lzd_cleaner, "wh2_main_sch_military2_stables" or "wh2_main_sch_military1_barracks"
lzd_defence_expert, "wh2_main_sch_defence_major_lzd"
lzd_gardener, "wh2_main_sch_defence_major_lzd"
lzd_metallurgist, "wh_main_sch_settlement_major" or "wh_main_sch_settlement_major_coast", tech_lzd_4_6
lzd_temple_cleaner, "wh2_main_lzd_worship_sotek"
lzd_veteran_warrior, "wh2_main_sch_defence_minor" (1% drop rate)
lzd_acolyte_priest, "wh2_main_sch_support2_worship" (1% drop rate)

skv_bell_polisher, "wh2_main_skv_order"
skv_female, "wh2_main_skv_farm"
skv_trainee_assassin, "wh2_main_skv_assassins"


hef_priestess_isha, "wh2_main_special_everqueen_court"
hef_dragon_tamer, "wh2_main_special_hall_of_dragons"
hef_dragon_armourer, "wh2_main_special_hall_of_dragons"
hef_horsemaster, "wh2_main_special_ellyrian_stables"
hef_priest_vaul, "wh2_main_special_hall_of_dragons"
hef_librarian, "wh2_main_special_tower_of_hoeth"
hef_shrine_keeper, "wh2_main_special_shrine_of_asuryan"


Save games compatible, also compatible with other mod who does not change the script file data/script/export_ancillaries__.lua



荷斯白塔(for 图书馆管理员,仅限将军);
法师塔(for 凤凰学徒 与 草药医生,所有角色均可掉落);
永恒女王庭院(for 爱莎祭祀,仅限将军)...


=================UPDATE AND REBALANCE (CHANGELOG)======================
Drop rate are now re-balanced to <=10% for normal buildings and 25% for landmark buildings.

Only characters who can equip the rare followers will trigger the ancillary drop events.

If a character is equipping a rare follower at the end of this turn, he/she cannot trigger this rare follower's drop event at the beginning of the next turn, as well.
Fresh Cake May 15, 2020 @ 2:21pm 
Have the same queston
Is this mod still necessary or did CA fix this in the last patch?
1809765403 Dec 28, 2019 @ 5:40pm 
visceraltwist Sep 21, 2019 @ 10:08am 
Is this mod still necessary or did CA fix this in the last patch?
M0ses19 May 29, 2019 @ 9:00am 
I wish someone would just make a mod that gave you less followers in general. I am tired of them spamming me with 40K of them every turn...
冷眼旁观 Apr 20, 2019 @ 6:21am 
realoldman  [author] Apr 17, 2019 @ 11:29am 
@Matthias thanks mate, I just accidentally deleted my previous comment.
realoldman  [author] Apr 17, 2019 @ 11:27am 
@Matthias, @Bold Elf, good news they fix it, but minor problems may still remains, e.g., settlement armies may still trigger the ancillary drop events for a few followers. I will check the details later.
Matthias Apr 17, 2019 @ 11:25am 
@real old man I look forward to it
Matthias Apr 17, 2019 @ 11:23am 
@bold elf ideed we will have to wait to see if it is truly fixed
Bold Elf Apr 17, 2019 @ 1:02am 
@Matthias I was going to say that lol. We will just have to keep an eye on this mod and see if after @realoldman has had a look to make sure its properly working in vanilla :)