Don't Starve

Don't Starve

226 ratings
How to kill Gobblers
By Strongholdhero
A few way to kill gobblers.
Have you ever seen a Gobbler stupidly walking around eating berries and thought, "I could really use a drumstick right now." Well, in this guide I will tell you how to kill gobblers.
The first Way
Lots of people use this way because it is practical and simple. I never use it because I found the best way, but that comes later. What most people do is they find an ice staff or sleeping darts and freeze/put to sleep the gobbler, then attack it. simple right? Well I don't like to waste my staff on a gobbler. EDIT: If you want to use the sleep dart method, make sure he is not running away or sees you.
Second way
Really simple. Just run the gobbler up against the ocean. BUT BE CAREFUL! sometimes you kill the gobbler and the goodies fall in the ocean, which wastes all of your hard work.
My favorite way!
This is the best way. What you do is you need to harvest some berries. That should not be a problem because that is how you get gobblers anyway. Then when you see a gobbler place the berries on the ground. For some reason the gobbler just calmly walks to the berries and completly ignores the player. while he is walking up to it just whack it twice with a spear and there you have it.

EDIT: The berries can be replaced with red mushrooms, if you are afraid of losing berries.
The end
That is basically the 3 best ways to kill a gobbler.(Though there are many more) In case you were wondering, the best way to make turkey dinner in the crockpot is 2 drumsticks, 1 berry, and 1 morsel.
CalvinLol500 Feb 9 @ 12:59am 
How to kill Gobblers in three easy steps!
Step one: Delete your world.
Step two: Make a new one, and go to world generation settings.
Step three: Turn off Gobblers, make world, and enjoy.
farting EVERY day Jan 5, 2023 @ 1:30am 
They just need to die. Stupid birds, stealing my berries.
glorp Feb 26, 2021 @ 9:33am 
I like to place a turkey dinner and hope that it is a cannibal then I grab him and telelocater staff out of the game world and put him in my oven
leadpipe Dec 17, 2020 @ 11:48am 
step 1: purchase a gun
Lopeped Da BlackToof Apr 15, 2020 @ 7:13am 
for some reason (for me atleast). they arent scared of spiders and will just walk around while getting killed by spiders. def a glitch. not sure if its just me tho
Fysi Apr 4, 2020 @ 8:51pm 
I just used to hide spikes (those things made of hound tooth) between berry bushes. Then I would occasionally return to collect my drumsticks.
dragonsnap Mar 9, 2020 @ 8:16pm 
Craft a boomerang. Two hits will nail that gobbler.
Kyleninjago Feb 10, 2020 @ 11:45am 
Kick them all
Void_Walker Dec 31, 2019 @ 8:47pm 
How two kill a Gobbler
Step 1: find a nuke button and a cat...
Skinimink Mar 11, 2019 @ 9:35am 
you can place walls and cach a gobbler by making him run into the walls bait makes it easyer though you can do this without