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Darkest Dungeon®

745 ratings
Homunculus / Class mod 1.7
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44.823 MB
Feb 24, 2019 @ 6:42am
Jun 9, 2019 @ 8:34am
32 Change Notes ( view )

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Homunculus / Class mod 1.7

Sorry for no update everyone i got a bit depressed irl and i've been struggling a lot to release the update i will release an update but i can't say when, for those who would want a more recent and updated version of the Homunculus, you should try the Mafe refractor :)


A young man who's name was Alphonse, got his life ruined cause of Ancestor's madness.
He lost everything of his past life, which now belong to the past now he's bound to a dead body,
which despite of being robust is protean and can change as he wish, and he will need to learn how to use it,
to survive in a world which no longer want him...

To explain well, Code wise, the Homunculus is a transform fighter, he go from the Protean mode to the Exuviated mode. His 7 ability are the same in the two mode but Protean mode, give a Shell buff which is a battle duration buff and then it switch to Exuviated mode where he will be able to get advantage of the fight considering his Shell. (As a quick example, if i use Scourge on turn one, on turn two, All skills will be able to blight


Eldritch Comfort


Protean mode
Heal the whole team like Gods Comfort
Give the Healer shell: +heal +Crit and Spd as party buff

Exuviated mode
Heal the whole team like Gods Comfort
Give a stres heal received buff

Flesh Veil


Protean mode
Stealth one ally
Give the Shield shell: +Dmg Reflect +Guard

Exuviated mode
Stealth one ally
give Hom dmg reflection

Dangerous Game!


Protean mode
Do a big punch that will push ennemies
Give The Hunter shell: +crit +stun chance

Exuviated mode
The punch can Apply Blight (if Caustic Shell)
and Steal Crit (if Thief Shell)

Mind Shot


Protean mode
A strong arrow shot that can dmg backline
Give Dmg shell: +Flat Dmg +Acc

Exuviated mode
the arrow shot can now blight (if Caustic Shell)
Steal Dmg (if Thief Shell) and Stun (if Hunt Shell)



Protean mode
A keening howl which heal stress
Give Soothing shell: +stress healed +Spd

Exuviated mode
The keening howl can now also buff target crit and heal received for the next turn
but it increase stress received



Protean mode
A curse which Mark the ennemy and Steal his dodge
Give Thief shell: +Steal stats chance + dodge

Exuviated mode
Can now blight (if Caustic Shell)
and Stun (if Hunt Shell)



Protean mode
Drop a plague grenade which can blight the two last rank
Give Caustic shell: +Blight chance +Blight Amount

Exuviated mode
Can now Stun (if Hunt Shell)
and Steal Spd (if Thief Shell)

Dissolution (move skill)

Protean mode
Shuffle self clear guard

Exuviated mode
Switch to protean mode
Clear Debuffs/Blight/Bleed

Camp Skill

Eldritch Flesh

Self: +40% Blight resistance

Open your Mind !

Self: -40% stress received, -60% stress received when afflicted
A fair trade ?

Target: +25 dodge and -25% hp
Self: +25% hp

A strange gift

Give an Anomalous Appendage which blight and give Flesh curse when consumed

Flesh Curse

Death Blowset to 0%
Cannot be Bled
-50% Food consumed
0 Heal from food (Not on camping for now)
+20% Stress
"You feel empty inside..."

Other Information
  • His default name is Alphonse.
  • He will only use the meditation for stress relief.
  • He uses the Outsider bonfire district.
  • Additionally, the mod includes 1 new Collector head trinket. (which is blank for now)
  • The mod includes Flesh Curse disease which interract with 8 new trinkets.
  • The Homunculus has a town event so you can get one immediately.
  • This mod is fully compatible with all 3 DLCs.
  • This mod currently supports English, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Portuguese localization, with French coming soon. If you can help translate this mod into Korean, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Czech, German or Japanese, please contact me, SoulSmile on Steam or on Discord: Homunculus#0677.

Credit and Permission
Mod by:SoulSmile
Original Assests by Acero Steel[www.nexusmods.com]
from the Pale Man Flagellant Skin Mod[www.nexusmods.com]
Additional sprites and trinkets from RedDyeNo5
New Fx for all Skills Mhnlo[www.artstation.com]
Sound from Shay
Thanks to Koala For the Maa Fx
A Special thanks to the great Sasiji for all the help on code side

A great thank to all the tester:
-Von Krolock
For all their help

Moonlit Dungeon
I want to thank the Moonlit Dungeon[discord.gg] Discord server for all their great help
They're all wonderful people, and you might check the server if you're interrested on DD or DD moding
We're also doing an overhaul of Darkest Dungeon leaded by the great Clair de Lune

here are my paypal/patreon link if you want to support me !

This item and its content may not be uploaded on any website except on steam under the profile SoulSmile, on nexus mod via the account named Acero Steel or SoulSmile0718 or with Acero Steel and SoulSmile0718 direct permission.

This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any ways for change or mod.
Furthermore, "Darkest Dungeon" and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios inc.
All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All right reserved
Popular Discussions View All (9)
Mar 3, 2021 @ 6:39pm
PINNED: Bug reports
Knave of Chalices
Jan 6, 2021 @ 7:44pm
PINNED: Suggestions
Knave of Chalices
Jan 6, 2021 @ 4:21pm
Just a question
Spookey Boi
Sahlokhviir Aug 29 @ 4:05am 
the mod doesn't seem to be very compatible with some of the ones that I'm loading I'm not too sure which, but some of the big ones are ,vermintide,sunward and order of sunlight
Def not toxic player Aug 27 @ 9:04am 
I mean, know coding quite well, could help you do some raw work.
SoulSmile  [author] Aug 26 @ 3:07pm 
@Def not toxic player i'll try to get back to the mod as soon as i can but yeah any ideas or feedback could help
Def not toxic player Aug 25 @ 12:01pm 
@SoulSmile can I offer you some coding help, big fan of Homunculus
hydra Jul 1 @ 2:19am 
Is it still in development?
Juhnter Kirisame Oct 28, 2023 @ 10:03pm 
Delirium at home:
memoisgod Sep 20, 2023 @ 9:12am 
Does it have CC trinkets or trinket set?
Rhom Mar 5, 2023 @ 9:21am 
I don't know anything about DD modding*
Rhom Mar 5, 2023 @ 9:19am 
@SoulSmile If you do decide to work on this mod, please fix the blue text problems. Make every non-existing translation english by default so there's no blue text problems. I am don't know anything about DD modding at all but Spanish is my mother language, maybe I could help you with the Spanish translation.
SoulSmile  [author] Mar 5, 2023 @ 7:41am 
not really but im trying to do an update that will release someday i hope