Dota 2
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The Boreal Watch-Reforged
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At the interest of Valve I have modifed/recreated some pieces for the first set I ever made the Boreal Watch set for Drow Ranger.

Many things have changed to improve over all look and feel, there is not so much distracting illumination and focus has been brough to the head to make things more readable. Certain elements were dropped to make others more high quality. The boar shoulders were removed because I agreed with the feedback that they seemed a bit out of place. Also the bow has been remade on the old set it was the piece I was least proud of by far, and now on this set I think it's the part that I turned out the most happy with. Also the mask has been altered in order to produce a nicer looking portrait shot. I hope managed to keep the original look that the community seemed to really like, and improved on it. Available now on the Dota 2 store:

Promotional Image created by Jakob Eirich View his Deviantart and give it some love


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Obiecte (7)
Pauldrons of The Boreal Watch
Creată de Tidal Craftsman
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Longbow of the Boreal Watch
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Cloak of The Boreal Watch
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Gauntlets of the Boreal Watch
Creată de Tidal Craftsman
A great archer once wore these magical gloves. It is said that the strange runes there inscribed greatly improve the wearer's accuracy in battle. Available now on the Dota 2 store: Set was remade at the interest ...
Quiver of The Boreal Watch
Creată de Tidal Craftsman
Fluted with the plumes of the great arctic arcoch, and bathed in the runoff of the blueheart glacier, these arrows are said to freeze targets to the core. Available now on the Dota 2 store: Set was remade at the ...
Masked Cowl of The Boreal Watch
Creată de Tidal Craftsman
For those who wish their face to never be seen. Available now on the Dota 2 store: Set was remade at the interest of Valve, Part of the Boreal Watch Reforged. This piece had to be redesigned in order to make the ...
Legplates of The Boreal Watch
Creată de Tidal Craftsman
Lightweight and durable, these resilient legplates have stood the test of time, and grueling battle. Available now on the Dota 2 store: Set was remade at the interest of Valve, Part of the Boreal Watch Reforged. ...