Don't Starve

Don't Starve

150 ratings
Strange New Powers Guide
By Pkmr64
As of the new Don't Starve update all the characters have been given special abilities.
1: What Update?
The newest update to Don't Starve is called "Strange New Powers", or was hinted at as the balance update. It gives the Characters new abilities.
2: New Character
Yes, Woodie is finally in the game after months of being un-implemented. Woodie is a level-headed Canadian lumberjack that is obsessed with chopping down trees or treeguards. He has a hatred of birds and loves his axe called Lucy. His starting Sanity is 200 and Health and Hunger at 150. However, he gets a new meter after the transformation.

Now on your left you'll see the special item Woodie has. It's called Lucy the Axe. Un-like other axes, Lucy can talk to Woodie. All her speech dialogue is in red text and eggs Woodie to chop trees. However if Woodie uses her to drop too many trees, she'll start warning him about the curse. As a tool, Lucy does the same damage as an axe but has infinite durability. However, it chops trees at a faster rate as an axe.

Woodie's main power is that he can transform into a Werebeaver on a full moon or when he uses Lucy the Axe too much. As a Werebeaver, Woodie will drop all items on the ground and get a log meter. It will gradually decrease from time or monster attacks. The Werebeaver moves faster then Woodies and hit harder. He can also mine rocks and chop trees at a high pace. He can eat logs, pine cones, grass or twigs to maintain the Log meter. The Werebeaver is also immune to Grue and has a small level of night vision, but he can't look at the map. After Werebeaver mode is over, Woodie's Sanity, Health and Hunger are lowered.
3: Willow
Willow has underwent a couple of fire related changes. That is when she's at low sanity she randomly spawns fire at her feet. Another effect is that she gains sanity from standing near fire. However it comes at a cost, Willow's health and hunger are still at 150 but her sanity has been lowered to 120.

The second thing changed is that she starts with her own special item called "Willow's Lighter". It acts as a torch so you can use it as a source of light and can burn items with it. It also has infinite fuel so it can't break or run out. The light radius provided is smaller then a torch.
4: WX-78
What changes have been added to the empathy lacking automation? Well for starters he gets damaged by rain since he's a robot. If not under an umbrella WX-78 will take 1 damage per 2 seconds. When the robot takes damage, sparks fly out that can be used as a light source. However WX-78 can overload his system if he gets struck by lighting. When that happens WX-78 will emit a large glow around him that protects him from the night. This effect will last 2 days.

The second and most interesting feature to WX-78 is that he can upgrade himself. If he eats gears then his Health will increase by 20, his Hunger by 7 and Sanity by 15 per gear. He can eat 15 gears before he maxes out his meters. The cost of this is that when WX-78 starts out he only has 100 Health, Hunger and Sanity.
5: Wes
The upgrades Wes has acquired isn't very helpful but upgrades are upgrades. The first of which is that his Sanity is now at 150, Hunger and Health at 113, but his hunger drains faster then other characters. His special item is a pile of balloons. Wes can blow a balloon up at the cost of 5 sanity. If a balloon pops it does 5 damage to the surrounding mobs.
6: Wolfgang
Everybody knows Wolfgang as the extremely overpowered character right? However with the new update his strength will also be his downfall. His Sanity is still at 200 and Hunger is at 300. But his Health can change from 100, 200 or 300 depending on his hunger. When Wolfgang's hunger is over 225, he rips off his shirt and gets a 1.75 damage multiplier. His health will be at 300 but his hunger will drain at a fast rate. When Wolfgang's hunger goes under 225, he reverts back to normal. The catch is that when Wolfgang's hunger falls below 100, he will look sad and weak. His health will be capped at 100 and he will do get a damage multiplier of 0.75, making his damage lower.
7: Wendy
Before the update Wendy used to be a hard character to play as. This update will cause Abigail to be a more useful ally. The first change to Wendy is that her melee damage is lowered. Abigail will spawn as normal. Abigail will spawn at night and do 10 damage during the day, 20 in dusk, and 40 during the night. She has 600 health so she can "die".

The new item Wendy has is called Abigail's flower. It can spawn Abigail at anytime of the day and has a re-charge period of 2-3 days. In order to summon Abigail, Wendy must sacrifice 15 points of sanity and another living creature. In other words Wendy must place the flower down and kill an animal on screen.
8: Wickerbottom
Wickerbottom in my opinion, got the most unique of changes done. The first minor change is that her sanity is at 250. The second thing is that she can not sleep. So making straw rolls or tents will have no effect on her. Her special power however, is that she has her own crafting tab called "Books". She can publish books that will cause different effects from sending lighting down to strike her enemies or cause plants to grow.

The first book she can use is called Birds of the World, when used a flock of birds will fall near her and will behave as normal. It can be used 3 times and takes 2 Papyrus and 1 Egg to craft.

The second book is called Applied Horticulture. When used, it will make every plant or farm grow on screen. It has 5 uses put costs 33 sanity. It is made using 2 Papyrus, 1 seed and 1 Manure.

The third book is called Sleepytime Stories. When used, all nearby mobs that can sleep will do so. It has 5 uses and drains 33 sanity per use. It takes 2 Papyrus and 2 Nightmare Fuel to craft.

The fourth book is called The End is Nigh. When used 16 lighting strikes will strike on screen. It can be used 5 times and drains 33 sanity each use. It takes 2 Papyrus and 1 Red Gem to craft.

The last and final book is called On Tentacles. When used, 3 tentacles will spawn near the player. It can be used 5 times. It takes 2 Papyrus can 1 Tentacle Spot to craft. A Shadow Manipulator to craft it.

9: New Creatures
The first creature added is the Splumonkey. It resides in caves and has 125 Health and can attack you by throwing Manure which do 20 damage each. Splumonkeys will try and steal items from the player but will always go for Cave Bananas as a priority. When killed they will drop a Morsel and whatever item they stole. They spawn from Barrels.

The second creature added is the Pengull. They have 150 Health and do 33 damage per peck. If one is attacked the others will come to its aid. They will spawn near the middle of winter from the ocean and will lay eggs. When killed they can drop either a Black Feather, an Egg, a Drumstick or a Morsel.
10: Gemology/Magic
As of the new update, Gem related items are now under the magic section.
The first gem item is the Life Giving Amulet. It acts as a normal amulet in which you can respawn with it if you had it equipped at the time of death. The specialty of this item is that it will convert 5 Hunger to 5 Health every 30 Seconds. 5% durability will be drained each time this happens. 3 Gold Nuggets, 2 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Red Gem are needed to craft one.

The second item is the Chilled Amulet. When worn it will generate 2 sanity per minute at the cost of the player suffering from the coldness of Winter. 3 Gold Nuggets, 2 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Blue Gem are needed to craft one.

The third amulet is called the Nightmare Amulet, When equipped it will cause the player's sanity to decrease to 0. When it is de-equipped the player's sanity is reverted back to the amount before wearing it. 3 Gold Nuggets, 2 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Purple Gem is required to craft it.

The final gem item is the Telelocator Staff. When used on a mob or the player, lighting will strike and the victim will teleport to a random place on the map, rain will also start. It has 5 uses, but will cause the player to lose 50 sanity. When used in a cave, an earthquake will happen. To craft one you'll need 4 Nightmare Fuel, 2 Living Logs and 2 Purple Gems.
11: Conclusion
As usual thank you for reading my guide I hope it helped you or you enjoyed it. The pictures were gotten from the Don't Starve wiki.

Don't Starve Wiki link:
Nen☆niN Sep 20, 2015 @ 2:48am 
Mobbstar Nov 9, 2014 @ 2:59am 
Maybe you should point out that there is a new update out, and gemology is now under magic. Good job on the character traits! :terraria:
Resident NATO Freedom Enjoyer Jan 9, 2014 @ 1:14pm 
This update that happened made me switch to modded charectors :P Unless its wickerottom or maxwell
rtran Jul 22, 2013 @ 9:33am 
Iskariot Jul 20, 2013 @ 3:47pm 
ShitBird Jul 20, 2013 @ 11:54am 
iSmough Jul 19, 2013 @ 10:03am 
Alabama Hogsucker Jul 16, 2013 @ 8:38pm 
How interesting.
Soggy Milky Bread Jul 16, 2013 @ 5:12pm 
I love how wolfgang was originally the best character in the game
Now he is the worst aside from Wes.
Scudworth Jul 16, 2013 @ 2:32am 
Great guide, thank you!