Curious Expedition

Curious Expedition

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Native in peril - choice
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Sep 29, 2018 @ 12:11pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Native in peril - choice

Changes the event that gives you a native warrior when resting in the wilderness so you can now decide if you want to keep him or sent him back to his tribe for some reputation.

When resting in nature there is an event that tells you about a fight nearby. When you go there it is a native fighting animals. Normally, saving him would just add him to the trek. Now you can decide to send him home instead for a +2 in standings. The warrior will still join you in the fight.

Since I had to add 2 events and modify 1 event it might be that there are errors. If you find some let me know.
DonVino  [author] Sep 30, 2018 @ 3:45am 
I created this mod because such a feature was requested in the suggestions section in the community forums...and as some practice in modding events. The impact to the game is actually really small, as the event is rare enough and the difference is basically now a +2 standing compared to just sent the guy away.