Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

GC on IA 4 TPY Balance Submod
タグ: mod, Campaign
3.234 MB
2018年8月13日 23時57分
2018年8月14日 0時20分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

GC on IA 4 TPY Balance Submod

General Description
It's a submod that alters some game parameters to make your campaigns more suitable for 4 turns per year. The basic campaign mod can be downloaded here:
GC on IA 4tpy: Grand Campaign on Imperator Augustus map

The submod is done for the GC on IA 4tpy mod, but it should be compatible with any mod that doesn't modify parameters listed below.

What the submod changes exactly in comparison to vanilla
1. Building construction cost and turns x3;
2. Research time x4;
3. Recruitment cost x1.5:
4. Movement range x0.7;
5. Population growth x0.55;
6. Army replenishment x0.5;
7. Navy replenishment x0.6;
8. Points to get new level for agents x3, for armies x1.75, for generals x2.25;
9. Attrition x0.6.

Versions of GC on IA
In case you want more or less turns per year, I made three versions of the mod:
1tpy version
2tpy version
4tpy version

If you have problems with the mod, you can write here or on the official TW forum[] or on TWC []. I also hope to see how you campaigns go on to see what needs changing in the future mod versions as I can't play a lot. Don't forget to attach a campaign map picture, write the campaign turn, mod version and another mods that you are using.

Big thanks to Dresden, whose awesome TPY submods [] I used as an example to create mine!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2021年8月20日 7時00分
Recruitment cost
5 件のコメント
Teos  [作成者] 2018年8月24日 19時46分 
That's odd. I launched the campaign 5 times just to test it and everythings seems to work fine. I'm gonna test it a bit more now.
DarkArk 2018年8月23日 16時37分 
Was playing Parthia when I thought it happened. Tried again with a Rome campaign and it seems to work fine. Not sure now.
DarkArk 2018年8月23日 14時24分 
Either this or the main one doesn't seem to be working right. It seems to be ticking the year over twice when it becomes winter.
Deathstalker580 2018年8月16日 19時54分 
hey thanks for listening to our request
Teos  [作成者] 2018年8月14日 0時33分 
The basic 4tpy mod can be downloaded here: