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Phantom - New Class
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Class Mods: New Class
태그: Phantom
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2018년 7월 20일 오전 5시 58분
2024년 4월 21일 오후 2시 45분
변경 사항 130개 ( 보기 )

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Phantom - New Class

Assassin | Dancer | Glasscannon

Starting Item:
Pocket Venom
Used to envenom Phantom's weapons with caustic substance.
A debuff that deals damage over time, just like Blight

⚪​⚪​⚪​⚫ - 🔴🔴🔴⚫
Basic melee attack
Move forward
Has bonus dmg against marked, leaves no corpse on kill
⚫​⚪​⚪​⚪ - 🔴⚫​⚫🔴
Hit both 1 and 4 ranks
Move back
Bonus damage against rank 4, break armour
Blind Throw
⚪​⚪​⚪​⚫ - ¿🔴🔴🔴🔴?
Hit a random target, even if it's guarded or stealthed
Vanishing Trick
⚪​⚪​⚫​⚫ - 🔴🔴🔴⚫
Move forward
Target: stun, destealth
Self: stealth for 1 round
Shadow Cloak
Stealth for 2 rounds, become unmovable, buff crit chance
Has a chance to grant an additional turn
Marked Fate
⚪​⚪​⚪​⚫ - ⚫🔴🔴🔴
Self: Move back
Target: Mark, increase crit received.
Mark duration is longer for bigger monsters.
Merciful Strike
⚫​⚪​⚪​⚪ - 🔴🔴🔴🔴
Melee attack that deals bonus against wounded enemies
Heals on kill
Shady Setup
move skill
Shuffle on next turn, buff dodge

Camping Skills:
Cauterize [1]
Ally: Suffer damage, cure, heal after camp, debuff disease resist
Confess Thy Sins [3]
Whole Party: Stress heal if religious, stress resist if not
Leather Patches [1]
[3 uses]
Ally: Buff armour
Tactical Approach [2]
Self: Stealth, buff party surprised chance in hallways and monsters surprised in rooms
Training [2]
[2 uses]
Self: Random buff: accuracy / dodge / speed / prevent ambush
Ichorous Heal [1]
Allies: Suffer minor HP loss
Self: Heal, buff Bleed and DB resists
Crafted Venom [2]
Craft Pocket Venom

Mod adds 9 base trinkets, 1 for SB DLC, 2 for CC DLC, 1 for COM DLC, 1 for SI mod

Hidden and advanced mechanics:
Canon name
Pocket Venom mechanics
Adds Caustic DOT to all damage dealing skills, others receive additional effect
Envenomed has duration of 3 attacks, misses or direct kills don't count. Remaining duration can be seen by hovering over any damaging skill.
Base stack size is 2 but it's increased by 2 for every Phantom in party

Sand of Sight
Item that can be found by Phantom when interacting with curios. It makes all heroes ignore stealth and grants accuracy against enemies with stealth
Shadow Cloak
Grants a huge move resist making him practically immune to any kind of shuffle, including his own skills, except for Shady Setup
Death's Door
Phantom goes stealth upon hitting Death's Door. This ability has cooldown

Translated to:
English, Korean(A), S-Chinese, Spanish
Note: other languages will use English localization.
If you want to translate this mod to other languages you can open phantom_LANGUAGE.string_table.xml file in folder
change strings, upload to https://pastebin.com/, post a link in comment section.

Known Issues:

Hooded_Lay - Art, Lore, Barks
O'Nightmare! - Scripting, Gameplay

Special thanks to:
Muscarine for helping with Spine and making Chakram animation
Anon for helping with Spine
RedDyeNo5 for Trinket Art Asset Pack[www.patreon.com]
Moonlit Dungeon discord server[discord.gg] for being awesome
Nickel for Korean localization
nbb for S-Chinese localization
Zhen for Spanish localization

My other DD mods:
Ashen Warrior | Werewolf | Acolyte of Sun | My Workshop Page

'Phantom Class' is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2021년 9월 9일 오후 6시 11분
고정됨: Bug Reports
2019년 6월 26일 오후 12시 17분
고정됨: Balance Feedback
댓글 154
o'night  [작성자] 2023년 9월 20일 오전 6시 24분 
Yes, house of the yellow hand
memoisgod 2023년 9월 20일 오전 12시 02분 
Does it have district?
Jaeyong486 2023년 9월 17일 오전 10시 51분 
korean 99%
dissy 2023년 2월 2일 오전 7시 00분 
not much to say,only that is a great mod and one of my most played classes,i often include at least one phantom each time i go into dungeon/harvest. this mod its just amazing
Reapsy 2022년 9월 8일 오전 10시 20분 
And Phantom's self-shuffles don't need to be removed like that, because in teams that Phantom wants to be a part of shuffles don't really matter. Jester, Highwayman, Grave Robber all dance around anyway, Antiquarian can run away if need be, Bounty Hunter can do his job from almost every position etc. You can even add Crusader with Holy Lance.
But that's just my experience and opinion, you do what you gotta do, I'm just happy that this mod is updated at all. Best of luck! :power:
Reapsy 2022년 9월 8일 오전 10시 11분 
I wouldn't say that Pocket Venom is free DoT damage, because you still have to keep it in your inventory, and this is a hefty investment on any medium or long quest. Dog Treats give +50% DMG +15 ACC for three rounds, which, combined with marks, allows Houndmaster to burst priority targets (theoretically) because it both makes his Hound's Rush deadlier and more accurate. Being Envenomed, on other hand, doesn't make Phantom more accurate or deadly, it just adds some damage over time. One could (and should) argue that since PV is craftable it shouldn't be as powerful as Dog Treats, and it's true, but what I'm trying to say is that it just doesn't feel right to use because Phantom has no synergy with it. Maybe if Venom debuffed with +% damage taken and reduced PROT? It is corrosive, after all... But if it is corrosive, then its more akin to acid than venom.
o'night  [작성자] 2022년 9월 8일 오전 5시 11분 
1. Well, it's still a free dot damage, also it counts as a debuff rather than normal blight so it's easier to apply. But yeah pocket venom will probably get a buff next update.
2. It's mostly for his own self shuffles.
3. Yep, assassinate's +acc vs marked will be replaced with +dmg vs marked. Also Ichorous Heal will be replaced by a kill stealing ability.
Thanks for your feedback!
Reapsy 2022년 9월 8일 오전 4시 49분 
Oh Phantom. This guy. This guy I like. Looks cool, doesn't seem out of place when he's fighting side by side with vanilla heroes. But there are some things I don't exactly like.
1. Pocket Venom. While it's a cool idea, it just doesn't provide enough benefit. Compare it to Dog Treats, which give fat stat bonuses immediately. Phantom gets some mediocre Blight damage (and he himself doesn't benefit from targeting Blighted enemies) and buff for Ichorous Heal. Removing Mortality Debuff is a big deal, butit's still not worth to use Pocket Venom for anything else.
2. Shadow Cloak making Phantom immovable is strange, since you are building a shuffle-tolerant team anyway.
3. Assassinate having +ACC vs Marked enemies... and that's it. At least give him some bonus damage vs Marked or Stunned or Blighted. Let him be the kill-stealing, uh, kill-securing trickster. And having damage bonus would differentiate Phantom from crit-fishing Highwayman and Grave Robber builds.
Anyway, nice mod.
Voidwalker 2022년 8월 20일 오전 4시 01분 
Oh, thats great to hear! Ill keep an eye on the class then
o'night  [작성자] 2022년 8월 20일 오전 3시 58분 
Hp stealing will be reworked into a completely new skill on next update, first skill will also be dealing more damage vs marked, instead of accuracy vs marked. thank you for the feedback!