War Thunder

War Thunder

52 ratings
Free Golden Eagle apps for War Thunder guide
By Legion
Do you play War Thunder? Are you interested in earning yourself some Golden Eagles for free & for reduced prices? If so, this guide will be of interest to you... #WTGuide2
  • Earn Golden Eagles for War Thunder for free and for vastly reduced prices❗️
  • Start earning Golden Eagles in less than 5 minutes⌚️
  • Isn't some dodgy website that requires all your personal information🛑
  • Has a 100% free daily loot roll that can pay out up to 250 Golden Eagles daily😁
  • Weekly competition to earn up to 1500 Golden Eagles🏆
  • So quick and easy to use and start earning Golden Eagles with, that even your Grandma could use it 👵
  • They are entirely free to use....yes....💯% free to use❗️
Does any of this sound interesting to you? Yes? Well you might want to read on and find out how to start earning yourself some free and cheap Golden Eagles for War Thunder.
⚠️Updated information⚠️
Unfortunately the original 2 apps this guide was originally written for are no longer available (they both still both function although with some of their features missing and/or broken) but there is a new GE app that does exactly the same thing available. It looks and pretty much functions in exactly the same way as the 2 previous apps so this guide is still perfectly relevant and of use.

Guide updated to include new features of the latest GE app.
Welcome to my Steam Guide about the 3 free Golden Eagle apps for War Thunder, from the development teams Free4Game, Dazumpecto Games and Ineedlike. I've created this guide in the hopes of helping new & old War Thunder players alike in earning yourselves Golden Eagles for FREE and for LOWER prices than buying them directly through the War Thunder Store.

So what exactly are these Free Eagles apps?! What exactly do they do? Are they too good to be true?! And if not.....how do you go about using them and earning yourself stacks of Golden Eagles, known as ''GE'' from now on in this guide.

Well that is what this guide is here for, to guide you through setting up and using the apps and getting you on the path of earning yourself FREE & DISCOUNTED GE for War Thunder, and try to help alleviate any questions you may have about these apps. So let's jump straight to it shall we...

What is what..
To put it simply these mobile phone applications (apps) show/offer you numerous offers/tasks and in return for completing these you get rewarded with GE for War Thunder.

These tasks can be quick and as simple as watching a minute long game trailer, trying out a trial of a service/product eg, Amazon Prime, Netflix etc to the much more time consuming earn a million credits in some generic mobile phone game etc.

The GE earned for completing these tasks WILL vary greatly, these earnings can be anything from 2 to 4,500+ GE per offer. The highest of these GE payouts are typically behind a paywall OR require multiple hours to complete eg, play 'x' mobile phone game till you reach a certain level milestone etc.

One common offer I tend to see is to deposit £5 on the sports app Kiff to earn yourself just under 3,000 GE (If bought directly from Gaijin that is just over £15/$20 of GE!!). Another common offer I've seen is to deposit £20 on a well known stocks & shares exchange to receive just over 5000 GE in return etc.

The offers available usually change weekly and new surveys tend to appear daily.

Obviously this all sounds to good to be true right?!
Earning GE for much lower prices or for free instead of buying directly from Gaijin themselves sounds far to good to be true doesn't it! We've all seen and heard the stories from players that used certain websites or programs that offered you GE for cheap or free! All you need to do is put your details into some nefarious looking website or program to get your 'free' GE and suddenly you lose your account and potentially much worse. But not with these apps, you can double check this yourself by checking the apps store page, reviews and the Steam mega thread about them both etc.

-👇- If you are still unsure, check out the 60+ page long Steam mega thread about the apps -👇-
-👉-- https://steamcommunity.com/app/236390/discussions/0/618458030668701282/ --👈-

Having used the apps since around the start of 2016 and having personally earned myself just over 165,000 GE and another 55,000 GE from invitees up to the date 8/3/24 for WELL UNDER HALF PRICE AND FOR FREE, I can honestly say that both all 3 apps are perfectly fine to use!
Proof of Payments
As you can see below, my app payouts coincide with GE deposits into my War Thunder account, for those with any doubts about earning GE this way.

Setting up the apps
Before we go a step further, these apps ONLY work for PC ACCOUNTS for War Thunder, and the apps are only available on ANDROID DEVICES. Sorry IOS users and to all console players!😢
1st step, have a Android device that is able to run the apps. On my Galaxy Tab A (2016) the apps all warn me that my device is not supported/optimised for them, yet they still run with no issues if not a tad slow. So do not instantly worry if it seems like they may not work on your device!

----------------- Download one or all of the apps ------------------
Before rushing off to download the apps to start stacking up those free GE. There's an invite system in the apps that lets you refer people to earn a tiny kickback from anyone who uses your code. Please consider using mine as I will earn a small kickback for each user. Once you've set up the apps, get a friend to use your own invite and start earning GE from them.


This is the 1st app, Free GE from Ineedlike Development Team.
The invite code for this app is '''1asqm'
(**Link removed** as unavailable via Play Store)

This is the 2nd app, Free Eagles for War Thunder from Free4Game.
The invite code for this app is ''kmxgy''
(**Link removed** as unavailable via Play Store, see below for link to files)

This is the 3rd app, Free GE for WT from Dazumpecto games.
The invite code for this app is '8kuqn'



After downloading and starting the apps for the 1st time you will be required to enter the email address linked to your War Thunder account and for any invite code you have. The apps will ONLY ask for the email address linked to your War Thunder account, this is so it can send you your earned GE.

How to link a Steam War Thunder account to an email address

If you only play War Thunder via a Steam login, you will NEED TO LINK YOUR WAR THUNDER ACCOUNT TO AN EMAIL ADDRESS. This can be done via the in-game menus in War Thunder. If you are unsure how to do this then please follow this guide from Gaijin to get you set on the right track.

After you have linked your War Thunder account to an email address, downloaded and installed the apps and used any invite codes you are now ready to start earning yourself some free GE!
What does what?
------ Now that the apps are set up, lets get to earning some --------------------------------- Golden Eagles----------------------------
All 3 of the apps look and function in pretty much exactly the same way, so there is no need for me to go fully into detail about all 3 of them. If you get used to one, you can easily used to the others etc.

The apps will generally offer you the same tasks anyway, so its worth sticking to the main app on the Google Store and use the others just for the daily free daily loot roll.

Main Menu
This is what you will see after you 1st start up the apps. All 3 of the apps function in pretty much exactly the same way and have a nearly identical layout and options etc.

Account shows you the linked email address, your current amount of GE, how much you need to earn to be able to send it to your War Thunder account and the total amount of GE you have earned from using the apps.

This shows you a history of all the GE payments that have been sent to your linked account.

Treasure Chest.
This is a 100% free daily loot roll that can pay out upto 300GE. I've had about 3,500 GE from these daily chest alone. You can also pay 5GE (from your earnings) to open more but that is a waste of your earnings, just open them once a day for free.

Edit: You now have to watch a unskippable advert per roll including the daily free one!

This option shows you a personal invite code for the apps. Every time someone who used your code earns any GE, you get a small % on top of it also, eg they earn 1000 GE, you get 200 GE. This is a bonus for you on top of their own reward nobody loses out on GE!

Esports Sponsorship
This option lets you apply for sponsorship from the app devs for your Twitch channel. As you can see you have to link your Twitch channel via a link, then once a week 10 randomly picked users will have their earned eagles via the apps doubled. Not exactly the most profitable way of earning GE but it has potential if you have a decent viewer base?

List of tasks
This is where the main meat of the app reside, the tasks for earning yourself GE.

And now onto actually earning yourself some free GE!!
Earning Golden Eagles via tasks
Before we get into actually earning some GE, a couple of caveats before using these apps...
  • You will see different task depending on what country you reside in, DO NOT circumvent
    these regional restrictions as you run the risk of your Free Eagles AND your War Thunder

  • You will see offers for age restricted content eg, Gambling apps, DO NOT bypass any age
    restrictions etc, as you run the risk of your Free Eagles AND your War Thunder accounts

  • DO NOT HAVE A VPN running, as this can cause the apps to not register progress in task
    and can be seen as and attempt at circumventing regional restrictions, thus running the risk of
    your Free Eagles AND your War Thunder account being TERMINATED PERMANENTLY!

  • The offers that ask you to sign up to free trials WILL auto subscribe you after the trial has
    ended. Please make sure to keep track of what you sign up for......I personally forgot about a
    Amazon Music trial.....and ended up paying for 3 months before realising!

  • Make sure to pay attention to the tasks you choose, as some are for new accounts only or
    require that any deposited funds are spent before you are sent your GE reward etc!

Now on to earning Golden Eagles!
Picking a offer to complete
When you select the tasks a sub menu will appear with varying levels of tasks.

The Diamond, Silver, Platinum, Royal and Magical task options all show the same tasks/offers eg, trials of services & products, getting to certain milestones in 'X' mobile phone game or depositing funds onto a crypto/betting/auction websites etc. You will mostly see the same offers repeated across all of the offer tiers eg, Diamond, Magical etc, but with the occasional task specific to 'x' tier but nothing of great importance in my opinion.

Emerald tasks shows you a series of tasks that requires you to use/play specific games/apps for set amount of time to earn GE. This will be explained further on in its own section.

Ruby tasks are entirely different and involve placing in the top 100 on a leaderboard by playing through a series of increasingly difficult levels on a series of 4 mini-games. This will be explained further on in its own section.

The Bronze and Pearl options are for surveys that will also be mentioned further on in its own section.

After picking your task level a window will open to show the varying offers available.

After selecting a task you would like to complete you will open a 2nd window showing the requirements of the task you have selected. As you can see I've picked the offter to download the game State of Survival: The Zombie Experience and the task is to get your headquarters to level 25 to earn a maximum of 2861 GE in return.

As you can see the requirements for this task are that I have never played the game previously and I must complete the task within 45 days. After you confirm the task it will either take you directly to the Google Play store page to download the game/app or to the specific web page to complete the task.

The tasks on offer will vary greatly eg, watch a short game trailer, sign up to a 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, download a certain game and hit a certain milestone to depositing funds on a gaming/auction sites etc.

Ruby Tasks/Weekly Mini-games
Ruby tasks contain a selection of different mini-games for you to play to compete on the leader boards to win some GE. Completing 1 of the 8 levels in each mini-games earns you some tokens, earn enough of these tokens to place in the top 100 on the leader board over a week to win a minimum of 100 GE up to a maximum of 1500 GE....good luck :)

If you place within the top 100 you will receive a minimum of 100 GE to a a maximum of 1500 GE for getting into the 1st place position.

The Games
The 4 games available are Tower, TapTapTap, 2048 and NS-Shaft. All 4 mini-games will be shown below.

This game is a terribly generic mobile phone game where you have to time dropping the building pieces onto the top of the previous pieces. You just tap the screen to drop the next piece, with a bonus to your score if you manage to get a 'perfect'/aligned drop. The higher up
you manage to get the faster the crane starts swinging back and forth, to the point of where it swings off the screen and is becomes a blur.

Yet another generic mobile phone game. For this one you have to quickly tap on the blue dot while avoiding the red dots all within a strict time limit. By far the easiest and simplest of the 4 games in my opinion. It's the only one I've managed to finish all 8 levels.

This is a addition/maths puzzle slider game...my 'favourite'. You have to slide the pieces around a board into a matching piece. They then will add to each other and you now have to match that new total to a matching tile and so on etc until you reach the score of 2048.

This is a downward scrolling runner like game where you have to keep your character from dying by staying away from the ceiling spikes or from a fatal fall. Some of the platforms are conveyor belts that push you the way the arrow faces, some spin and drop you down, some are bouncy and some are solid. You just have to tap on the left or right of the screen to move your little guy to the left or right. The most annoying of all the 4 games, it also seems to not register commands sometimes thusly getting you killed often.

Emerald tasks
The Emerald tasks have entirely different requirements compared to the other available tasks. These require you to play/use specific games or apps for a set amount of time to periodically receive GE as your playtime increases.

This is the main page that appears when selecting Emerald task. The task are listed in the 'Discover' tab and 'Your apps' is where any of the tasks you pick will go.

As you can see for the 1st task you need to play the game 'Guns of Glory' for 1 minute to receive 6 GE. Then if you click the little (i) next to the GE amount shown it will give you a further breakdown of the task. As you can see you have to play the game for 1 minute to receive 6 GE, then a further 2 minutes to receive another 6 GE and so on..

As you can see I picked the game 'Coin Master' and have already completed 6 levels of the task and so far have received 42 GE. As you can see the time requirement goes up as the levels progress but the amount varies, one 'level' will take 4 minutes of playtime to unlock then the next will require 17 minutes etc.

As of the time of posting (21/11/22)it seems like you can idle all the playtime by leaving the game running but just make sure you set your phone so the screen does not turn off to keep the game running.
Bronze Tasks/Surveys
You can also complete surveys (Pearl & Bronze tasks) for varying amounts of GE.

Overall the surveys tend to be a total mixed bag, expect to regularly get half way through a survey for it to kick you out of it saying you are no longer eligible and only get 2-6 GE for it. Then you can also do a short 2 minute long survey asking you about your coffee preferences and get 150 GE for it etc. Overall the survey payouts add up over time, just do not count on them as the main income from these apps at all.


The Pearl level surveys are slightly different in that they let you 'level up' your account to see higher tier surveys that pay out higher GE amounts. You upgrade your account by completing certain amounts of surveys, completing daily survey streaks and by earning certain amounts of GE.

As you can see I have already got my account to max level and thus see the highest tier surveys.

The key to doing them is finding a way to break up monotony of completing them. I personally complete surveys while listening to podcasts, waiting for my PC to render videos etc...find whatever works the best for you.

You can also create a account to complete surveys on the website.


On the website you will see surveys that will not show on either of the apps but from my personal experience, you will regularly get kicked out of most of them and only get a 2GE payout for them.

When creating/logging into your TapJoy account, it will ask you where you would like your rewards to go. This will show the last app you used out of the 2 this guide talks about.

You can create an account in 2 different ways, either by clicking on the little silhouette in the top right of the apps survey page....

...or by going directly to the website, https://www.tapresearch.com.

Completing a few surveys here and there and failing most of them soon gets the GE coming in and it soon adds up! Give it enough time and you will soon have earned yourself enough GE to buy yourself a fun little low tier premium vehicle, a few funky camo schemes for your favourite tank or a few days of premium for some hardcore grinding over a weekend of blasting tanks.....what's not to like?!

Cashing out your earnings
Now onto cashing out those piles of GE you have earned.

On the main menu select the payouts option


Once selected it will show you a history of all GE payments sent to your linked War Thunder account. And the top one will be the current amount to be sent to your account, you need a minimum of 32GE to send them to your War Thunder account.


Click on the receive option in the top right to bring up a second menu to confirm the amount being sent and what linked account its being sent to.


Once you click OK the payment is confirmed and will be sent over to your linked War Thunder account. After confirming your payment of GE it can take up to 5 to 10 minutes to go through but its usually pretty much instant.

There is now a hard limit of 400 GE that can be sent every 24 hours, you do not lose anything it just now takes multiple days to transfer over your earned GE

Checking rewards and reporting issues
To check your progress on any completed task you need to click on the top right box on the offers page.

A new window will open showing you your rewards status, TOS and a FAQ.

As you can see it shows me the progress on any pending tasks. From here you can also message support over any issues about receiving rewards from completed tasks.

I've had to message the support a total of 3 times over not receiving my rewards for completing certain tasks. Usually within 7 days the issue is rectified and I've received my owed GE.
And there you have it, my Free Golden Eagles apps guide. I've been planning on making this guide ever since I 1st started using the apps, so I finally decided to bite the bullet and create it.

I know it's at least helped a few fellow tankers and pilots as I've received GE via my invite so a HUGE THANK YOU to those who have used my codes :D

Please consider rating up and dropping a favourite on this guide if you found it of any use to you. It will help this guide reach a wider audience and get more folks earning themselves free and cheap GE for themselves.

Feel free to share your invites in the comments section below and leave any questions you may also have!

This guide was written by me. No paid for promoting or any of that jazz. All stuff belongs to their respective companys etc....
K@n7ius Apr 20 @ 2:22pm 
So if your using steam does it still transfer to War Thunder?
Legion  [author] Apr 7 @ 3:02pm 
@RSL_ASH. I've just checked out the apps on my phone and all of them are working as usual for me.
RSL_ASH Apr 7 @ 6:04am 
im using an android emulator on my mac and half the task sections do not work. is it best to use an actual android device or ami doing something wrong
Legion  [author] Mar 8 @ 2:18pm 
@Palexi. If you completed a high payout task it can take up to 24 hours for the reward to be issued. If you've still not received your reward after 24 hours send overa email to the app developers. I've had to email them about missing rewards 2 or 3 times and all where eventually issued with no problems after providing proof of completing the task required etc.
bandit.camp Palexi Mar 8 @ 6:38am 
hey i did something that the task asked me to do and it hasnt registered can somebody help please
SKYΞ Dec 15, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
For some reason I can't find any of the apps on google play. I was using it the last time in 2018. I earned 10k it was fun
Legion  [author] Nov 22, 2023 @ 10:23am 
@Buffflyer96, The app creators have to have some sort of advertising contract with Gaijin as they can send out the specific amounts of GE you earn and the email you get confirming the payment is from Gaijin themselves. I've earned over 200k GE from the 3 apps over the last 6+ years and I've only ever had issue with the GE payments being slow to get sent over or held back because I earned too many GE too quickly lol. The mega thread about these apps is years old and never gets locked either, if it was 'unofficial' the mods would kill every thread mentioning the apps and hand out bans etc.
buffflyer96 Nov 17, 2023 @ 11:01am 
so im not going to attempt all this and fail right now, but am i correct in thinking they have a partnership with gaijin so i dont have to have a guilty consience?
Legion  [author] Nov 17, 2023 @ 9:58am 
@AskPlays, because they've got a deal/partnership with Gaijin and can pay out specific amounts of golden eagles. It's always had a minimum amount you needed to earn before you could withdraw your eagles but not max cap untill the recent app where it only lets you withdraw 400 eagles every 24 hours
@The Greek Pilot, my 50,000k golden eagles from folks using my invite codes say otherwise...:steamsalty:
The Greek Pilot Nov 17, 2023 @ 9:30am 
not useful :steamthumbsdown: