Portal 2

Portal 2

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GreenHouse Labs
"Welcome to GreenHouse Labs! Where we specialize in Plant-Growing and Testing!"

You are one of the many subjects to test in GreenHouse Labs, but something seems wrong...
Soon you realize you're getting into a lot more trouble than normal.

[This is still Ongoing]
Items (10)
GreenHouse Labs - Test 01 - Welcome to GreenHouse!
Created by MrGreenie
"Welcome to GreenHouse Labs! Where we pride ourselves in plant growing and testing! We have assigned you to the 'Testing' Innative, due to your test scores... And uh, they don't look so good... Anyway, I hope you enjoy working with us, , and for the future...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 02 - Extreme Heat
Created by MrGreenie
"This next test was designed for subjects able to withstand extreme heats... And it says here that you freckle in the heat... So this test will be extra fun!"...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 03 - Thinking With Orange
Created by MrGreenie
"Alright! This is it! The test that you get the Apert- I mean... GreenHouse Quantum Time Ripping Handheld Device... Or the GHQTRHD... Or the Portal Gun, this is only V1 of it!... You'll get V2 very soon..."...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 04 - 'Orange' You Glad?
Created by MrGreenie
"Sorry the last one was so short, I promise that this one is atleast 10 seconds longer than the last one."...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 05 - Too Much Oxygen
Created by MrGreenie
"This next test is-- Ooh, this one may have gotten ruined by an... uh... experiment... Just... Try not to die."...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 06 - Duel Device
Created by MrGreenie
"Here it is! The GHQTRHD Mark II! Or Portal Gun V2... You can throw away that old V1! It can allow you to now make TWO colored portals! A blue and an orange... Yeah, not much you can do with this device, but just remember, only 4 more tests to go!"...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 07 - Funneling Through
Created by MrGreenie
"Only 3 more to go! Oh boy, I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see that suprise we promised at the end of 10!"...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 08 - Scaffolding Danger
Created by MrGreenie
"Only 2 more, and then you get to leave! Gift-shop is at Floor 18A, not Floor 18B, you're currently at Floor 18C."...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 09 - Discouragement
Created by MrGreenie
"*Robotic Squeal*"...
GreenHouse Labs - Test 10 - The Finale?
Created by MrGreenie
"This is it! Time for your big suprise! Just... drop the device, and place the cube on the button!"...