Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Twilight Inquisitor 2.0 v1
Blueprint: Small Vessel
Tags: Blueprint
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137.197 KB
Apr 23, 2018 @ 12:06pm
Apr 23, 2018 @ 4:02pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Twilight Inquisitor 2.0 v1

The Twilight Inquisitor is a warp capable SV that can be your home away from home. Whether you are a trader traveling through perilous territory, a pirate trying to loot said trader or an explorer just looking for your place in the universe, this is the ship for you.

Twilight Inquisitor 2.0 v1 - Main window made of armored glass:

Twilight Inquisitor 2.0 v2 - Main window replaced with hardened steel, more RCS and same nose shape:

Twilight Inquisitor 2.0 v3 - Main window replaced with hardened steel, more RCS and different nose shape:

Ship Origin:
The Twilight Inquisitor was born out of the CV RCS nerf in 6.0 experimental. My favorite CV, Kieve's Carmine Vanquisher, was taking a hit to its mobility. I was ultimately fine with the change, but she couldn't be flown like I felt she deserved anymore. So the construction of my first SV began, with the design of the Carmine Vanquisher always in mind.

My favorite SV at the time was the Huntress, a ZeroG masterpiece. What makes the Huntress so magical is how alive the ship feels, so I wanted the Twilight Inquisitors interior to have that same feeling. The major points that had been crucial to hit were immersive screens, a living quarters and roof & floor access hatches.

Comes with everything necessary for survival in the harsh Empyrion Universe. No zascosium or erestrum required so its starter planet/moon friendly, although being a large SV so there is a bit of an investment. Equiped with a basic weapon loadout of 2x Gatling Guns and 4x Dumbfire Missles but is easily upgradeable to whatever configuration you desire.

-Living quarters with bunk beds, fridges, armor locker and a restroom
-Pressurized interior with ventilators so you can breath
-Roof and floor hatches
-Engine compartment beneath floor hatch
-Lots of LCD screens with info that means nothing(yet), but they add a little flavor.
-Wall and floor panels lying around to indicate on the fly repairs, going for the Millenium Falcon feel.
-Standing on the lighted squares on either side of the open cockpit will allow your drone to spawn.
-The passenger seat in the lounge can be replaced with an open cockpit if you would prefer flying from that window. Just delete the passenger seat and the block in front of it and it fits just fine.
-There are enough slots on the Inquisitor to use a full complement of weapons. Just delete the blocks beneath or above the blue pipes on the front of the ship.

I am incredibly grateful to these builders for putting their creations on the workshop for me to learn from.

Kieve: http://steamcommunity.com/id/krsmw/myworkshopfiles/?appid=383120

Jenniphurr: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=620454405

McFluffFace: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=847939557

1st attempt of the Twilight Inquisitor:

*****Please thumbs up and leave a comment!!! I would love any advise on details I may have missed or messed up. I look forward to updating her as the wonderful developers keep adding new and exciting things!*****
macklberry  [author] Sep 23, 2018 @ 7:30pm 
Thankfully the landing gear and weapons automatically updated to retractable...i believe...I'll have to check on that. I haven't really looked through the wings yet but some of them look really cool. I wish they had a few more hit points though. They just feel a little to weak.

I've been waiting for a gravity generator or small turret or a health statiion. A big SV game changer. Something that forces me spend a lot of time tweaking the build to make it fit.
JDaremo Fireheart Sep 23, 2018 @ 6:53pm 
well . . . we have new wings finally, and I believe there's retractable weapons for the sv (not sure about that though).
I need to get back in and work on some of my older ones and update them for both 8.0 and 7.0 (for those stuck in dx9)
macklberry  [author] Sep 23, 2018 @ 6:39pm 
Thanks Jenn! Since its partly inspired by your Huntress, i'm incredibly pleased that you like it.

I most certainly am JDaremo. I found some things after i posted them that i've fixed or tweaked. I've just been waiting for that next big shiny new piece of SV equipment like the jump drive to officially release a new version.
JDaremo Fireheart Sep 23, 2018 @ 4:52pm 
Now that you're back, I hope you'll update this and the rest.
Jenniphurr Sep 23, 2018 @ 2:08pm 
I agree with @JDaremo, this is some good looking interior work! Thumbs Up and Favorited!
macklberry  [author] Apr 23, 2018 @ 5:38pm 
Thanks JDaremo!
JDaremo Fireheart Apr 23, 2018 @ 5:12pm 
Great looking interior. Keep up the gret work